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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

What about batons, cs gas and water cannons?

As Boris pointed out, as yet they haven't used CS gas or water cannons - and in the light of the paint, demands that the police remove their masks are mind-numbingly stupid.

Ken Livingstone just said they don't even have water cannons.
Anyone who takes paint to a demo should be arrested before they get into the crowd.

so people shouldn't go prepared to protect themselves?

fuck that shit. People should bring more weapons, more shielding, and more ability to fight the cunts back.
sure, why not, it's not like i'm going to change the stance. if you're going to be up against a load of tooled up thugs, it's wise to be prepared.
sod the bit about masking, did you not see him say about rounding up the usual suspects before any demo?

And this was the Liberal Scum candidate for London mayor

It never ceases to amaze me that the cops really do believe that there is a 'hard core intent on violence' responsible for sparking aggro at demos. They cant understand that crowds react spontaniously to events on the ground. Some people might be more 'up for it' then others, others will become radicalised by their experienced. A few will come prepared for what might happen - helmets, paint bombs etc.

If you could somehow arrest everyone who'd ever lobbed a brick at the cops prior to a partiucalr demo, it would make absolutely no difference as to wether it was going to kick off or not. Thats down to the issue of the day, how it is policed and the nature of the demo - i.e a march or picket aimed at blocading a military base, occupying tory party hq,or stopping a place of work (like wapping) will inevetialby lead to confrontation.

At my very first demo ( against cuts in student grants in 1984) i was not exepecting any trouble. Yet after a few hours of the MET being their usual cuntish selves I was more then ready to tear up paving stones and let rip.

Would've been nice if this whore-cunt had fallen and broken her back.

I'd have laughed.
Anyone who takes paint to a demo should be arrested before they get into the crowd.

So you wouldn't mind being arrested for buying paint when there happened to be a demo you didn't know about around the corner?

A new offence of going equipped to cause violent disorder would suffice, 2 years in jail sound good for you?
Yes, but what does attacking the cenotaph have to do with Churchill?

And moreover, what does the cenotaph have to do with student funding?

It's a bloke is it? Hope the effeminate cunt gets cancer.

I bet all those dead soldiers would think you're a cunt.
Yes, but what does attacking the cenotaph have to do with Churchill?

And moreover, what does the cenotaph have to do with student funding?

It's a bloke is it? Hope the effeminate cunt gets cancer.


Anyway, he has apologised and he did seem a bit pissed, or otherwise out of it, on the TV clip taken a little while later.

Charlie Gilmour, the son of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour, has apologised for climbing the Cenotaph during the student protest against tuition fees, admitting that he was 'mortified' by his actions.

Would've been nice if this whore-cunt had fallen and broken her back.

I'd have laughed

Pretty fucking stupid thing to do though. If only because a shot like that is the Daily Mail's wet dream. A little bit of self discipline in choosing targets would be nice. Plenty of legitimate targets around to use your energy on (like Charles' car or top shop) without swinging from the Cenetaph To be fair to the guy however he has publicly apologised and said he is "ashamed of himself" so fair enough

In a statement, he expressed his “deepest apologies for the terrible insult to the thousands of people who died bravely for our country. He said: "I feel nothing but shame. My intention was not to attack or defile the Cenotaph. Running along with a crowd of people who had just been violently repelled by the police, I got caught up in the spirit of the moment.

Would've been nice if this whore-cunt had fallen and broken her back.

I'd have laughed.[/QUOTE)

Pretty fucking stupid thing to do though. If only because a shot like that is the Daily Mail's wet dream. A little bit of self discipline in choosing targets would be nice. Plenty of legitimate targets around to use your energy on (like Charles' car or top shop) without swinging from the Cenetaph To be fair to the guy however he has publicly apologised and said he is "ashamed of himself" so fair enough

One can only hope that every student who has acted in a violent or destructive manner is expelled from their university? Have the universities broken up for Christmas yet? If not, there is a strong case for expelling all of them. If they can take time out for rioting, they have obviously completed their education.

Those who desecrated the Cenotaph are prime candidates for a public birching as well as being expelled.
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