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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

If they do so gain financially, they should pay. Through their normal income tax, same as any other high earner.

Meanwhile the shelf stackers and burger cooks pay for their passage through university? The poorest subsidise the potentially richest?
I have read some shit on here, but that is perhaps the most ludicrous. Are you suggesting that Hitler should not have been opposed? What sort of world do you think it would be now if he had won?
The kind of world we're marching head long, straight into.
I have read some shit on here, but that is perhaps the most ludicrous. Are you suggesting that Hitler should not have been opposed? What sort of world do you think it would be now if he had won?

blimey, this thick cunt doesn't even know what the Cenotaph is!

Lutyens was a clever chap but even he couldn't have predicted Hitler twenty years before WW2 started. (and the tightarse British government couldn't even be bothered to pay for the thing to be finished. Who's 'dishonouring' the 'glorious dead' now, eh?)
No. They are not. They are tying to avoid paying for the privilege gained by a degree. They want people in ' McJobs ' to pay for their step up the ladder.

You don't understand what the protests are about at all then? You really have no idea? Oh dear. I'm not sure you should be on this thread.
I take it from the lack of capitals, you did not attend university yourself? If you did, then the complaints about dropping standards would seem to be justified.

You are aware that in many countries university education is paid for at the time of attending? I really fail to see why people who are going to benefit greatly in terms of employment and income should not contribute towards the cost of their privilege. I am astounded that socialists are railing against the fees, which are payable after graduation. Do socialists really believe that university education should be funded by the taxes of those who did ot have the academic ability to enable them to attend university? That the poorest in the land should pay for the privilege conferred on those who do attend university?

Actually, I'm surprised myself about the lack of capitalisation in my previous post, I'm not sure what happened there. I did attend uni btw, I've got an MA in political economy.

What does it matter that in many countries uni education is paid for at the time of attending? That doesn't make it right does it. Just because they pay upwards of $20k in the states doesn't mean we should do the same here, it doesn't make the fees any less wrong.

I can't speak for all socialists obviously.
A fees/loan system is inherently regressive - those who have rich enough parents will pay it upfront, and thus pay £27k + living expenses. Those who take out loans but get into high paid jobs will pay their loans off more quickly, thus paying less in interest. Those who get into average paid jobs will take more time to pay off their loans, thus accruing more in interest and paying more in total. It's only if you earn significantly below the median wage that you won't pay anything, and even then you have to earn below that for 30 years iirc.

Thus socialists are railing against a regressive system - the richer you are, the less you pay. Paid for by graduate tax or from general taxation it would be (more) progressive - the more you earn, the more you pay.

Is it that difficult to understand?
What does it matter that in many countries uni education is paid for at the time of attending? That doesn't make it right does it. Just because they pay upwards of $20k in the states doesn't mean we should do the same here, it doesn't make the fees any less wrong.
misery loves company
Quite. The usual malcontents.

The usual twats sneering at protestors - there would have been plenty of people like you and spymaster sneering at the chartists, the suffergetes, the american civil rights movement and the those who brought down the regimes in eatern europe.

Still - they'res always some cunts who are the wrong side of history.
Pretty fucking stupid thing to do though. If only because a shot like that is the Daily Mail's wet dream. A little bit of self discipline in choosing targets would be nice. Plenty of legitimate targets around to use your energy on (like Charles' car or top shop) without swinging from the Cenetaph To be fair to the guy however he has publicly apologised and said he is "ashamed of himself" so fair enough

there's something about war memorials that brings out the worst in posh lads ;)

That said it's bit of a red herring. That kind of spluttering moral outrage doesn't wash when you witness crying school students, people in wheelchairs, young women being systematically battered by coked-up riot cops just for the hell of it.

Churchill would indeed be proud.

ps the weirdo jingoists TA faux moral outrage, not dylans
I wasn't. I was discrediting the latest wave of polys and their re-naming as universities. We have a uni here and you wouldn't send a dog to it, let alone a student. It ends up with failed middle agers attempting to scrape a gcse

Hate to piss on your party, but the last wave of "new unis" were F.E. colleges. The polytechnics were all converted nearly 20 years ago. There's a big difference between the two.
The usual twats sneering at protestors - there would have been plenty of people like you and spymaster sneering at the chartists, the suffergetes, the american civil rights movement and the those who brought down the regimes in eatern europe.

Still - they'res always some cunts who are the wrong side of history.

You're a fucking dickhead.

I've sneered at nobody except the scum on and around the cenotaph, and have explicitly said that I support the students cause (if not some of the methods).

Twat at 9:10. One of 'ours' too I'm afraid, from one of the more salubrious parts of the Dublin judging by the accent, snobbery and unshakeable self confidence.

Not sturdy enough probably. Cycle helmets don't stand up to determined batterings, this sunday times hack's one didn't at Genoa anyway.

What a dick, sort of missed the point hasn't he? Spotted one of our posters a few minutes after that doing a lot better.
You're a fucking dickhead.

I've sneered at nobody except the scum on and around the cenotaph, and have explicitly said that I support the students cause (if not some of the methods).

i don't think 'the glorious dead' died for a country in which peaceful protesters were battered beyond endurance and then vilified when they fought back or for a country in which their name was invoked to maintain the status quo
Meanwhile the shelf stackers and burger cooks pay for their passage through university? The poorest subsidise the potentially richest?

They might have had a chance of being paid to go to university themselves, once, but now there isn't much hope of that.

Also, were all the people fighting WW2 doing it to see their living conditions being assaulted etc?
tbf his penchant was for getting OB to batter workers, not students.

No grants in his day, that's why. The hoi poloi were kept well away from the ivory towers.

WW2 was not just a defeat for Hitler. It was a defeat for the old order in Britain. As inequality returns to levels not seen since the 1920s, that old order seems to be reasserting itself. Those who died in WW2 really will have died for nothing if they succeed.
No grants in his day, that's why. The hoi poloi were kept well away from the ivory towers.

WW2 was not just a defeat for Hitler. It was a defeat for the old order in Britain. As inequality returns to levels not seen since the 1920s, that old order seems to be reasserting itself. Those who died in WW2 really will have died for nothing if they succeed.
For a start off, they've lost the chance of a council house for life, it seems. Then free education.
The WW2 lot fought for the welfare state, free education and the NHS. That's what the soldiers voted for in 45, not that fat drunk cunt Churchill.
Neither do I.

What's your point?

you'd like to see people who swing on the butcher's apron on the cenotaph as 'scum'. i think that monument represents all that is worst about the country, and most certainly not the memory of those slaughtered in the name of king and country. and of course there are some wars commemorated by the cenotaph which were considerably less than just.
you'd like to see people who swing on the butcher's apron on the cenotaph as 'scum'. i think that monument represents all that is worst about the country, and most certainly not the memory of those slaughtered in the name of king and country. and of course there are some wars commemorated by the cenotaph which were considerably less than just.

Ok. I disagree with you.
You're a fucking dickhead.

I've sneered at nobody except the scum on and around the cenotaph, and have explicitly said that I support the students cause (if not some of the methods).


All ive seen is you going purple faced about someone climbing on the cenotaph - and correct me i'm wrong - but sneering at people seems to be a lot of what you do on urban.
Obviously being disabled also doesn't prevent one being stupid.
I didn't know you were disabled, d-b!
There is a difference between "finding an excuse for" and being an "apologist" for something and pointing out inconsistencies in allegations made, gaps in what is known and potential explanations for some of what has been observed.

I DO the latter. I DON'T do the former.
I'm sure that you believe that.
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