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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

dylans said:
Plenty of legitimate targets around to use your energy on (like Charles' car or top shop) without swinging from the Cenetaph To be fair to the guy however he has publicly apologised and said he is "ashamed of himself" so fair enough

I couldn't give a fuck about Charlie's car, or Top Shop for that matter, but neither are particularly relevant or legitimate in the context of these protests. It's shit like this that loses public support.

Regarding the apology, fair enough, but if you watch the clip on the news you'll see a big crowd cheering him on. Fucking scum to a man/woman. I broadly support the demonstrators but would've had that cunt off there in seconds if I were nearby.
I couldn't give a fuck about Charlie's car, or Top Shop for that matter, but neither are particularly relevant or legitimate in the context of these protests. It's shit like this that loses public support.

thank christ the students have a better idea than you do about the context of the education cuts and the class system.
(not talking about cenotaph btw, but about charlie's car and top shop - these are connected)
Fuck the cenotaph. It is a symbol of past wars waged by ungrateful governments. Those hard-won freedoms are being eroded, and these cuts are a huge step along that path of erosion. What exactly are the young expected to be grateful for?

Fuck anyone who puts a slab of concrete with meaningless platitudes on it over and above the living here and now. Those same cunts in power lined up dutifully by the cenotaph just a few weeks ago. Fuck them and their faux fucking outrage.
Fuck the cenotaph. It is a symbol of past wars waged by ungrateful governments. Those hard-won freedoms are being eroded, and these cuts are a huge step along that path of erosion. What exactly are the young expected to be grateful for?

Fuck anyone who puts a slab of concrete with meaningless platitudes on it over and above the living here and now. Those same cunts in power lined up dutifully by the cenotaph just a few weeks ago. Fuck them and their faux fucking outrage.

Go and fuck yourself, arsehole.

Nobody is asking the young to be 'grateful'.

Whether or not those freedoms are being eroded, the cenotaph means different things to a great number of people. A little respect for those people isn't too much to ask.

People died in order to enable that wanker to piss on their memories like that without being shot.
I couldn't give a fuck about Charlie's car, or Top Shop for that matter, but neither are particularly relevant or legitimate in the context of these protests.

Linear thinking.

Yes, it was a misguided, stupid, and probably impulsive thing to do, however, he's apologised and will hopefully choose better targets next time. I'm assuming you've never done anything, impulsive, misguided or stupid in your youth?

Twat at 9:10. One of 'ours' too I'm afraid, from one of the more salubrious parts of the Dublin judging by the accent, snobbery and unshakeable self confidence.

I will definitely take my spare cycle helmet if I go on the TU march in the spring - just in case. Presumably the cops only aim for arms and legs.
Not sturdy enough probably. Cycle helmets don't stand up to determined batterings, this sunday times hack's one didn't at Genoa anyway.

Well I'd, I'd sort of moved back from the violence to take some photos as a water cannon truck came down the street and so protestors were being blown into doorways and then suddenly I got this massive whack round the back of my head and sort of whited out, and it's a policeman who'd whacked me with a truncheon and the cycle helmet I was wearing completely disintegrated. Then they kind of dragged me across these railway lines and beat me up for about five minutes and then arrested me and took me to a police station.
I couldn't give a fuck about Charlie's car, or Top Shop for that matter, but neither are particularly relevant or legitimate in the context of these protests. It's shit like this that loses public support.

Regarding the apology, fair enough, but if you watch the clip on the news you'll see a big crowd cheering him on. Fucking scum to a man/woman. I broadly support the demonstrators but would've had that cunt off there in seconds if I were nearby.

Do you think the people who fought in the war did it for a bit of cloth, or a bit of stone? It was an insensitive thing to do, but one thing I'm sure a soldier could tell you is that when in the middle of a conflict zone you're not always at your most sensitive.
It's a bloke is it? Hope the effeminate cunt gets cancer.
For swinging on a flag? Is that the kind of justice you think those soldiers died for?

They died bravely fighting for their children's future, and the people at the demo on Thursday were fighting a similar cause.
thank christ the students have a better idea than you do about the context of the education cuts and the class system.
(not talking about cenotaph btw, but about charlie's car and top shop - these are connected)

I take it from the lack of capitals, you did not attend university yourself? If you did, then the complaints about dropping standards would seem to be justified.

You are aware that in many countries university education is paid for at the time of attending? I really fail to see why people who are going to benefit greatly in terms of employment and income should not contribute towards the cost of their privilege. I am astounded that socialists are railing against the fees, which are payable after graduation. Do socialists really believe that university education should be funded by the taxes of those who did not have the academic ability to enable them to attend university? That the poorest in the land should pay for the privilege conferred on those who do attend university?
There is nothing glorious about being dead. There is nothing glorious about the way those men were killed. There was mostly absolutely nothing glorious about what they were fighting for. Britain needs to forget this nonsense about a glorious military past. It strangles the fucking life out of the place.
Not sturdy enough probably. Cycle helmets don't stand up to determined batterings, this sunday times hack's one didn't at Genoa anyway.
I'm definitely wearing a helmet for photographing the next one. The matt black skater-look one seemed in vogue amongst some of the pros.
For swinging on a flag? Is that the kind of justice you think those soldiers died for?

They died bravely fighting for their children's future, and the people at the demo on Thursday were fighting a similar cause.

No. They are not. They are tying to avoid paying for the privilege gained by a degree. They want people in ' McJobs ' to pay for their step up the ladder.
I really fail to see why people who are going to benefit greatly in terms of employment and income should not contribute towards the cost of their privilege.

If they do so gain financially, they should pay. Through their normal income tax, same as any other high earner.
There is nothing glorious about being dead. There is nothing glorious about the way those men were killed. There was mostly absolutely nothing glorious about what they were fighting for. Britain needs to forget this nonsense about a glorious military past. It strangles the fucking life out of the place.

I have read some shit on here, but that is perhaps the most ludicrous. Are you suggesting that Hitler should not have been opposed? What sort of world do you think it would be now if he had won?
Presumably the cops only aim for arms and legs.
Are you fucking serious? I take it you've never seen the police in fighting mood and out for revenge. 'Justice' becomes a little indiscriminate, and there certainly isn't much discriminating about which body part they hit - in fact the head becomes target number one, because if you bring a club down on top of a crowd without caring where it lands, it tends to hit heads first.
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