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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

I'm amazed they can't find an alternative to hitting people with truncheons in this day and age - inevitably the odd blow is going to hit some innocent on the head.
What's a berker ?

I will definitely take my spare cycle helmet if I go on the TU march in the spring - just in case. Presumably the cops only aim for arms and legs.

Perhaps with my name on it so I don't get asked to remove it.


Oh I see - one of those all over ethnic woman's things ..

There are rumours of water cannons for Monday - presumably because the temperature's above freezing.
When's the next demo? I might come our of my three year retirement and go along to it. The mainstream media coverage over the last few days has been disgrace - thank god for the internet so that we can bypass these tools
When's the next demo? I might come our of my three year retirement and go along to it. The mainstream media coverage over the last few days has been disgrace - thank god for the internet so that we can bypass these tools

Oh come on, what was intended to be a carnival was hijacked by cynical rentamobsters who threaten the continued right to protest.

There is no possible excuse for violence - this was not Tienanmen.
Please define the principle tenets of Toryism so that I can check myself against them.

Tian an Men seemed to be entirely peaceful on the side of the protestors.

That's the bollocks liberal western version - since the PLA was indeed largely the people's army, initially Beijing people persuaded the locally-stationed troops to leave the students alone, necessitating bringing in divisions from the far north-east who could be told lies about what went on to clear the square. Once these troops moved in, working class Beijingers formed 'dare-to-die' squads (shitty translation of the Chinese 敢死队) and fought them tooth and nail, most famously hanging one armoured car commander off a footbridge.
I'm amazed they can't find an alternative to hitting people with truncheons in this day and age - inevitably the odd blow is going to hit some innocent on the head.

you know the drill don't you? It's penning people in so there's no escape, provoking them and then hitting anybody and everyone indiscriminately with the backing of the full force of the law.

Hitting people with truncheons is prefered because that's precisely the purpose of the exercise - causing as much physical damage to as many people as possible.
Oh come on, what was intended to be a carnival was hijacked by cynical rentamobsters who threaten the continued right to protest.

You weren't there GG, don't swallow the media line. The students, both uni and schoolkids, are angry. I'm sure there were non-students there looking to smash some glass but talking to the person I know who was at the treasury door breach and other people who were in parl. sq. the people they met and talked to and got baton/horse charged next to were students.
You weren't there GG, don't swallow the media line. The students, both uni and schoolkids, are angry. I'm sure there were non-students there looking to smash some glass but talking to the person I know who was at the treasury door breach and other people who were in parl. sq. the people they met and talked to and got baton/horse charged next to were students.

Sounds like crass incompetence by the police that will eventually bite them on the ass in a world where everyone has a camcorder in their pocket.
Bit more complicated than most in the square being for a full-on return (though to best of my knowledge most wanted a reformed socialism rather than any kind of Western democracy); in the wider social movement that the square protests were one part of certainly lot of urban residents resented the impact of reform era on conditions and prices. Maoism did actually work OK-ish or better for most Chinese people. The persecuted were a tiny percentage of the very large population. Don't think many missed a lot of the bureaucratic interference that had declined a bit. Anyway, with heightened web censorship due to Nobel prize ceremony this thread is tripping the autoblocker so maybe I'd best stick to arguing about London :D
I'm genuinely curious.

Over the years I've mused on what I would be asked to do in the event of a revolution - being neither a fighter or an intellectual - I would be good at growing food.

Propaganda? You could repeat without question the ruling party's line that ultimately reinforces the legitimacy of their actions
Propaganda? You could repeat without question the ruling party's line that ultimately reinforces the legitimacy of their actions

I tend to show my workings - out.

I'm 50 years old, and my background is technological, not people-oriented - unlike the private school-educated history student who didn't recognise the Cenotaph ...

I'm mostly just cynical about rapid, radical change - though having found myself disenfranchised like everyone else, the current situation is forcing me to think about whether things are getting generally better - albeit slowly - or whether there really is some truth in the ravings of the conspiranoids.
Sounds like crass incompetence by the police that will eventually bite them on the ass in a world where everyone has a camcorder in their pocket.

eh? my point was that this was not the "cynical rentamobs" you talked about, it was uni and schoolkid students. The media wants to sell you a line, and you are buying it. I'm giving you another point of view, from people who were there on the ground. I hope that you'll take that on board - obviously my friends did not talk to anyone, and I know that there were workers, parents and grandparents out on the demo, and I'm sure that there were political activists of many different stripes, and naturally this kind of things attracts the smashy smashy people, such as the EDL who turned up to attack demonstrators according to a guardian piece linked to earlier in this thread, but these demos are not being hijacked by the people you are talking about.
Obviously being disabled also doesn't prevent one being stupid.

There is a difference between "finding an excuse for" and being an "apologist" for something and pointing out inconsistencies in allegations made, gaps in what is known and potential explanations for some of what has been observed.

I DO the latter. I DON'T do the former.

You're all heart, aren't you DB?
Oh come on, what was intended to be a carnival was hijacked by cynical rentamobsters who threaten the continued right to protest.

There is no possible excuse for violence - this was not Tienanmen.

What are you talking about. I never said it was like Tienanmen Square. "hijacked by cynical rentamobsters" - is this a reference to the police?
Even brian paddick got it wrong about wearing masks on channel 4 news.

And he was a fucking commander.

The clueless twat.

sod the bit about masking, did you not see him say about rounding up the usual suspects before any demo?

And this was the Liberal Scum candidate for London mayor
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