Aye, anarchy, rioting, civil disobedience, open warfare on the authorities...bring it on I say ! Let the country descend into madness & chaos, let the purple haired, jewellery faced, angst-ridden pseudo-goths have their days. Let them burn the trappings of modern society to ground, destroy organised government and the capitalist state. Then as they wander around in the post-euphoric ashes of their revolution ask one of the stupid cunts "What now ?"......
I'm all for picking up our "leaders" when they go wrong but it seems that at the moment all people want to do is smash shit up and then set fire to it. Great, get your frustrations out but for fucks sake at least have an alternative suggestion as to how things should be done. Otherwise you end up looking like a bunch of angry teenagers trying to look hard and get back at daddy for not buying you a pony.