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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

also did anyone see the channel four news tonight, the whitechapel anarchists had an incredibly named, very articulate and very photogenic spokesperson.
Lol at police getting kettled

Somone should have shouted at them that they were being detained so as to prevent a breach of the peace and would be released in due course

Arresting pigs is :D
Well done clegg and cable for producing and promoting a demonstrably fair, utterly pragmatic piece of legislation in the student funding fees and skilfully guiding it through the Commons against a background of ill-informed hysteria and for generating massive political capital as a result of appearing to pick a fight (and win) with a segment of society who, when all's said and done, are undertaking a lifestyle choice many will not empathise.
Well done clegg and cable for producing and promoting a demonstrably fair, utterly pragmatic piece of legislation in the student funding fees and skilfully guiding it through the Commons against a background of ill-informed hysteria and for generating massive political capital as a result of appearing to pick a fight (and win) with a segment of society who, when all's said and done, are undertaking a lifestyle choice many will not empathise.

fuck off you utter clown!
fuck off you utter clown!

May I commend the Right Honourable Member's comments to the House and in the spirit of this noble and historic establishment I warmly extend a raised middle finger to the opposition benches and an invitation to fuck off and come back when they have an idea that actually works and doesn't simply involve spunking money we don't have up the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
money who doesn't have? who is this 'we'? the sooner idiots like you realise that there is no 'we' the sooner we might start stopping the ruling class shafting us.
this is a massive step towards the total marketisation of university, only a fuckwit couldn't see this.
money who doesn't have? who is this 'we'? the sooner idiots like you realise that there is no 'we' the sooner we might start stopping the ruling class shafting us.
this is a massive step towards the total marketisation of university, only a fuckwit couldn't see this.

who gives a fuck; this country ruled half the World when we didn't have schools, shut the fucking lot and kill the poor:D
Barnsley girl's account of violence at fees protest.

We were right at the front. There was a huge crowd behind us so we were pushed forward. There was nothing we could do about it. They [the police] saw us coming towards them, these teenage girls who wanted to go home. They didn't show any mercy whatsoever. They threw around my friends who were just 17 year old slim girls. They were beating my friends with batons. They didn't show any sympathy in their voice and I didn't see anything in their eyes.

Seeing the video of the chant going up, "Whose streets? OUR streets!" makes me prouder than any statue that might have got pissed on. Actions, see. Good on the protesters. Will be interesting to see what happens in the coming months, that's for sure.
May I commend the Right Honourable Member's comments to the House and in the spirit of this noble and historic establishment I warmly extend a raised middle finger to the opposition benches and an invitation to fuck off and come back when they have an idea that actually works and doesn't simply involve spunking money we don't have up the wall and hoping some of it sticks.

What are you talking about? The same amount of money is spent. In fact, given that this is a complicated system of loans, more money is spent administering this than a simple grant system.

This is about who pays for higher education, not whether or not it is paid for.
Just got off the phone to my 82 year old great aunt.

Wasn't it dreadful she said, they put graffiti on the statue of Winston Churchill, it's those rent-a-mobs, the government should clamp down on them, they don't even have to pay anything back until they earn twenty-one thousand pounds!

Fucking Daily Mail, she only buys it for the woman bits. :rolleyes:
You're the one who 'got it all wrong' - my description fits the events better... I actually tried it to 30 people in a meeting last nite (our local Left Unity is doing well thankyou) and there was only support for the line I was taking. There were several students there too...

When you can get over the rejection of your narrative you will realise its not that important (your narrative that is, and my rejection of it).

which reminds be of a petty incident last night. went for a drink after getting out the kettle. having a fag outside the pub and some folk got cheesed off with the doorwoman who didn't want to let them in. i was sympathetic and saying don't be daft to the lass, appealing to her better judgement - these folk arn't exactly gonna riot they just want a drink. In a friendly way like. Then quentin and co started: who do you think we are - we are lecturers - this is an outrage - we demand your names (getting notebook out) - i'm reporting you - etc etc etc. At that point I said on second thoughts - fuck em to the lass at the door and went back to finish my pint.

no, fuck your narrative you idiot
Just got off the phone to my 82 year old great aunt.

Wasn't it dreadful she said, they put graffiti on the statue of Winston Churchill, it's those rent-a-mobs, the government should clamp down on them, they don't even have to pay anything back until they earn twenty-one thousand pounds!

Fucking Daily Mail, she only buys it for the woman bits. :rolleyes:

Daily Mail is owned by a tax dodger too apparently

the plural is not formed with the apostrophe - just think about it.

its only purpose is to indicate that the toys belong to the boys (both of them) - see no apostrophes required now that I have moved the words around. It is only there because the words are following each other.

ffs, where did this crispy sock merchant turn up from ?
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