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London Anarchist Bookfair 2022

For what it's worth, shared this image with a gen-z anarchist friend (yes, I definitely have friends, hundreds of PMs of support, etc), who comments "How are they hoping to call out “outdated politics” with that font? I feel like I’m back in the 2010s."
If they're meaning mid-2010s they're probably right, tbf. People who came of age just after the student riot generation so think they're the new wave, and reckon movement "gatekeepers" are from the 80s (ie. their parents' generation or a bit older).
If they're meaning mid-2010s they're probably right, tbf. People who came of age just after the student riot generation so think they're the new wave, and reckon movement "gatekeepers" are from the 80s (ie. their parents' generation or a bit older).
Yeah, and the peak of Impact as a font must've been early 2010s, it's a bit more trollface rage comics than it is wojak? Anyway, my guess would've been a bit younger, but then again the mention of friends lists suggests they prefer to waste time on facebook rather than insta or tiktok, which is pretty boomer of them?
Anyway, people who set up “generations” against each other are silly cunts.
I once again reminded of that bit from Floodgates of Anarchy:
Driven to admit that there is, perhaps, some tension in society, when perhaps overwhelming pressure brings industry to a standstill or barricades to the streets years after the liberals had dismissed the notion as “dated romanticism”, the journalist invents the theory that this constitutes a clash of generations. Youth, after all, is not a permanent condition, and a clash of generations is not so fundamentally dangerous to the art of government as would be a clash between rulers and ruled.
But then again, I suppose Christie and Meltzer would say that, the fucking boomers. :mad: (Not that that term's really accurate in Meltzer's case.)
The dusty pamphleteer doth protest too much, methinks
Oh, is The Dusty Pamphleteer where everyone's meeting for drinks after the bookfair?
Hmm, if they're planning on disrupting the meeting at LARC with Martin Wright and Lisa McKenzie they might be in for a rough ride. Martin may be getting older but he's still tough.
You're giving them a bit more credit than I would if you reckon they're actually going to do anything in real life. I could be wrong, but my prediction would be for them to do fuckall on the day, then put out a statement complaining how everyone else's failure to disrupt the meeting for them proves once again that they're the only real anarchists and everyone else is counterrevolutionary gatekeepers.
Interesting page. Three of my FB friends "like" it. None of those three I'd consider in any way political.

Anyway, going back to that original image, I think them signing it off with "working class unity" has been under-rated so far, that detail is a fantastic comic touch.
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