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London Anarchist bookfair 2020

this kind of splits and spats stuff is standard….

… Dealing badly with difference isn't unique to a "london anarchist scene" - seems pretty universal in politics.

Left wing or ‘progressive ‘ politics sadly. It’s why we always get fucked over even though there’s more of us…
I've not "gotten off on your rage", it's an awful thing to think about a fellow anarchist, but in the age of anonymous internet trolls it's the default when someone acts in a difficult manner, the presumption being that it's a deliberate attempt to insult and injure. Cheap thrills for some random neckbeard in his mams basement or something idk. I'm neither anonymous nor here to delight in people being miffed off. My tight lipped manner on certain subjects isn't just to pissed the random folk at U75 off, It's out of respect for myself, the collective and funny enough some of the people on this thread. You don't have to believe that but it is what it is. You don't have to accept that (and I mean it's clear thread doesn't) but it is what it is. You are simply responding to a lack of information with misinformed aggro, same shit as last year. I'm a genuine kind of guy and I'm just being honest with you, no one (other than the bigots etc... let's not go back to pages 1-50 of the thread) is banned from bookfair and I do genuinely hope some good faith and understanding can be maintained between the people who are actually involved, It's just a bookfair folk, and despite stoking the fires and being a little coy here I know for a fact I'll be seeing some of you at it, those of you I know, we'll probably share a gruff, ayup, a nod and maybe later a smoke, a brew and a frank chat to put some stuff to bed so everyone can move the fuck on, those who don't idk I'd hope for a little dawning realisation that perhaps Ol' Rhyddical wasn't just being a cunt for a laugh trickling down, tho I suppose slagging people off with fantastical ideas of little hitlers and thought police travels much easier as we saw last year. Ah well.

For what it's worth I didn't even see half the last 20 pages until yesterday (Pretty wild that people went to the effort of checking when I signed in lol) being quite intermitant due to some dramatic life stuff and given wider context I can totally understand it, hands up, my glib tone and random spotty replies did not help matters, so that's on me. Look, I'm not here to try and make you like me, nor do I get off on you having drama with me, I'm just here as a comrade, a fellow anarchist speaking for myself, to promote this cool event I'm part of organising which you should (if you are in London, are vaccinated etc*, and feel fit and well) should come along to and enjoy. I truly hope you do, there are some kick ass stalls (and yes some missing ones due to the whole end of the world, but hopefully back next year) and if you can't make that we've a packed day of workshops, which to be fair last year, even after all the dramatics last year, some of you actually enjoyed and found useful.

I've said this a bunch of times, but I'm really going to try and stop being baited now, I hope you take this in the spirit it's meant.
I'll continue to reply to the queries I can, please for the love of fuck, don't take the lack of an answer/reply as some deep personal insult.

* = Obviously some people are unable to be vaccinated and/or wear a mask and they can make their own choices about their health and that of their community. I'd personally at the least reccomend getting a test done prior.
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I've not "gotten off on your rage", it's an awful thing to think about a fellow anarchist, but in the age of anonymous internet trolls it's the default when someone acts in a difficult manner, the presumption being that it's a deliberate attempt to insult and injure. Cheap thrills for some random neckbeard in his mams basement or something idk. I'm neither anonymous nor here to delight in people being miffed off. My tight lipped manner on certain subjects isn't just to pissed the random folk at U75 off, It's out of respect for myself, the collective and funny enough some of the people on this thread. You don't have to believe that but it is what it is. You don't have to accept that (and I mean it's clear thread doesn't) but it is what it is. You are simply responding to a lack of information with misinformed aggro, same shit as last year. I'm a genuine kind of guy and I'm just being honest with you, no one (other than the bigots etc... let's not go back to pages 1-50 of the thread) is banned from bookfair and I do genuinely hope some good faith and understanding can be maintained between the people who are actually involved, It's just a bookfair folk, and despite stoking the fires and being a little coy here I know for a fact I'll be seeing some of you, those of you I know, we'll probably share a gruff, ayup, a nod and maybe later a brew and a frank chat to put some stuff to bed so everyone can move the fuck on, those who don't idk I'd hope for a little dawning realisation that perhaps Ol' Rhyddical wasn't just being a cunt for a laugh trickling down, tho I suppose not slagging people off with fantastical ideas of little hitlers and thought police travels much easier as we saw last year. Ah well.

For what it's worth I didn't even see half the last 20 pages until yesterday being quite intermitant due to some dramatic life stuff and given wider context I can totally understand it, hands up, my glib tone and random spotty replies did not help matters, so that's on me. Look, I'm not here to try and make you like me, nor do I get off on you having drama with me, I'm just here as a comrade, a fellow anarchist speaking for myself, to promote this cool event I'm part of organising which you should (if you are in London, are vaccinated etc*, and feel fit and well) should come along to and enjoy. I truly hope you do, there are some kick ass stalls (and yes some missing ones due to the whole end of the world, but hopefully back next year) and if you can't make that we've a packed day of workshops, which to be fair last year, even after all the dramatics last year, some of you actually enjoyed and found useful.

I've said this a bunch of times, but I'm really going to try and stop being baited now, I hope you take this in the spirit it's meant.
I'll continue to reply to the queries I can, please for the love of fuck, don't take the lack of an answer/reply as some deep personal insult.

* = Obviously some people are unable to be vaccinated and/or wear a mask and they can make their own choices about their health and that of their community. I'd personally at the least reccomend getting a test done prior.
Is that - finally - a long winded "I'm not going to say anything about the ACG" reply?
No obligation but I'd be missing out on all the lovely company and support for organising anarchist christmas. (tho to be fair, the rest of the crew really did all the legwork this year, massive respect to them)
I've not "gotten off on your rage", it's an awful thing to think about a fellow anarchist, but in the age of anonymous internet trolls it's the default when someone acts in a difficult manner, the presumption being that it's a deliberate attempt to insult and injure. Cheap thrills for some random neckbeard in his mams basement or something idk. I'm neither anonymous nor here to delight in people being miffed off. My tight lipped manner on certain subjects isn't just to pissed the random folk at U75 off, It's out of respect for myself, the collective and funny enough some of the people on this thread. You don't have to believe that but it is what it is. You don't have to accept that (and I mean it's clear thread doesn't) but it is what it is. You are simply responding to a lack of information with misinformed aggro, same shit as last year. I'm a genuine kind of guy and I'm just being honest with you, no one (other than the bigots etc... let's not go back to pages 1-50 of the thread) is banned from bookfair and I do genuinely hope some good faith and understanding can be maintained between the people who are actually involved, It's just a bookfair folk, and despite stoking the fires and being a little coy here I know for a fact I'll be seeing some of you at it, those of you I know, we'll probably share a gruff, ayup, a nod and maybe later a smoke, a brew and a frank chat to put some stuff to bed so everyone can move the fuck on, those who don't idk I'd hope for a little dawning realisation that perhaps Ol' Rhyddical wasn't just being a cunt for a laugh trickling down, tho I suppose slagging people off with fantastical ideas of little hitlers and thought police travels much easier as we saw last year. Ah well.

For what it's worth I didn't even see half the last 20 pages until yesterday (Pretty wild that people went to the effort of checking when I signed in lol) being quite intermitant due to some dramatic life stuff and given wider context I can totally understand it, hands up, my glib tone and random spotty replies did not help matters, so that's on me. Look, I'm not here to try and make you like me, nor do I get off on you having drama with me, I'm just here as a comrade, a fellow anarchist speaking for myself, to promote this cool event I'm part of organising which you should (if you are in London, are vaccinated etc*, and feel fit and well) should come along to and enjoy. I truly hope you do, there are some kick ass stalls (and yes some missing ones due to the whole end of the world, but hopefully back next year) and if you can't make that we've a packed day of workshops, which to be fair last year, even after all the dramatics last year, some of you actually enjoyed and found useful.

I've said this a bunch of times, but I'm really going to try and stop being baited now, I hope you take this in the spirit it's meant.
I'll continue to reply to the queries I can, please for the love of fuck, don't take the lack of an answer/reply as some deep personal insult.

* = Obviously some people are unable to be vaccinated and/or wear a mask and they can make their own choices about their health and that of their community. I'd personally at the least reccomend getting a test done prior.
OK, so you're not going to go into detail about why the ACG has been denied a stall, but perhaps you could confirm whether it's political differences, conduct issues, personal animosity, logistical constraints, or something else, please?
If people calling themselves anarchists in London want to organise a bookfair, then it seems to me there’s very little anyone can do (or should do) to stop them calling themselves a London anarchist book fair. But that doesn’t mean we have to get involved.

Again, I have no experience of the London anarchist milieu. I once went to the Freedom Bookshop in Angel Alley about 20 years ago, but that’s it.
I've never been particularly involved in the 'national' scene, apart from when we ran the Projectile Festival in Newcastle (in the sense it became part of the rolling programme of bookfairs, along with a network of people doing both national and local stuff). I do think that network and infrastructure was important and I'm not sure how much it operates at the moment. It could be a bit blokey, but I very much agree with Pickmans that there was established group of people who knew what they were doing. There were spats aplenty and but enough overlap and sense of who the enemy was for things to work.

Maybe it still feels like that on the inside of the 'new' scene, I honestly know. However the new lines in the sand that have appeared make things like the clusterfuck the last 10 pages have become so much more likely. :(
I do think that network and infrastructure was important and I'm not sure how much it operates at the moment. It could be a bit blokey, but I very much agree with Pickmans that there was established group of people who knew what they were doing. There were spats aplenty and but enough overlap and sense of who the enemy was for things to work.
I did used to have a pet theory that having a functioning infrastructure to take care of acted as a restraint on political disputes getting too nasty, based on the relative stability of things like the 1 in 12 or Cowley clubs, where there would actually be some level of real material consequences to the people running them not being able to settle their differences in a reasonable manner. Having said that, as noted above, the past five or six years of Labour Party stuff seems to completely fuck my theory out of the water.
I did used to have a pet theory that having a functioning infrastructure to take care of acted as a restraint on political disputes getting too nasty, based on the relative stability of things like the 1 in 12 or Cowley clubs, where there would actually be some level of real material consequences to the people running them not being able to settle their differences in a reasonable manner. Having said that, as noted above, the past five or six years of Labour Party stuff seems to completely fuck my theory out of the water.
From what I saw, meeting up at the bookfair generally worked well at the interpersonal level... well, friendships. Occasional spats, interpersonal beefs certainly, but enough commonality and enough movements rooted in class struggle anarchism for things to work out. Maybe that's there now, maybe I'm just getting old.
I did used to have a pet theory that having a functioning infrastructure to take care of acted as a restraint on political disputes getting too nasty, based on the relative stability of things like the 1 in 12 or Cowley clubs, where there would actually be some level of real material consequences to the people running them not being able to settle their differences in a reasonable manner. Having said that, as noted above, the past five or six years of Labour Party stuff seems to completely fuck my theory out of the water.

The Cowley Club is in the middle of a massive process of mediation from a huge split, and plenty of big shared housing projects implode, so not sure your theory holds much water.
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