I wouldn't worry about it too much ed, the only time they ever stood for election to Parliament they were beaten by the monster raving loony party candidate.
Anyone got a link for a bit more info on that? I'm having trouble googling...
Anyone come across this lot yet?
Seems mostly be a network of student RW Libertarians. And also seems to contain a suitable assortment of chinless wonders. Also mentions like to the Freedom Association and a load of RW think tanks.
Pace, all you Randians: I am one of you. I have a small picture of the lady on my desk in the European Parliament, next to a signed photograph of Margaret Thatcher, a bust of Thomas Jefferson, and a silver medal from the Ludwig von Mises Institute. The most pleasing compliment paid to me as a politician was when some conservative students started selling a T-shirt with the slogan “Who is Dan Han?”—a reference to the famous opening line of Rand’s magnum opus, “Who is John Galt?”
'recently'? I thought that she was the neo-lib pin-up along with Ann Coulter...
Neo-con, maybe, but a lot of the 3rd wayers wouldn't be caught admitting to admiring the old bint, until recently.
Interesting that this old thread is still sort of alive, as I've heard from very reliable sources today that the OP is still very much part of an ongoing General Medical Council investigation into his crackpot ideas and quack-like advice.
No wonder he hates the NHS so much.
This is a funny article about something sort-of related to privatisation type things:
Its a sneery article by a cunt from what I started to read before giving up
Quite, Blagsta believes you can separate out social freedom and economic freedom. So wouldn't see how freedoms are restricted when the tax man starts taking more and more of your spending power away at the petrol pump and deciding how it should be spent for you.You insist on Positive Rights. Negative Rights are - effectively - freedoms. Whilst Positive Rights are demands. Someone or something has to answer that demand - in the current status quo, it is the state. Presumably in the spooky collectivist anarchist land it will be the almighty, all knowing "collective".
If these demands must be met, then someone has to provide them.
This necessarily requires coercion, whether from the state, or the spooky "collective".
If you're working on the basis of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" you're going to be a bit fucked without coercion.
Total intellectual lightweights these "libertarians". I just tried to have a discussion on Twitter with bloke who runs Old Holborn blog. He kept going on about individual vs "the collective", so I tried to engage him in discussion on concept of individual, touching on attachment theory, and dialectics. He just couldn't handle it and kept ranting about being forced to work for "the collective". A total fruitcake, with zero intellect or debating skills.