Capitalists use private property to justify robbery certainly.
I've already stated why their is a distinction.
This expands further.
First I would like to say that just directing people towards large bodies of text is a poor way to discuss, which is why i prefer to summarise things.
First a quote:
To summarise, anarchists are in favour of the kind of property which "cannot be used to exploit another -- those kinds of personal possessions which we accumulate from childhood and which become part of our lives." We are opposed to the kind of property "which can be used only to exploit people -- land and buildings, instruments of production and distribution, raw materials and manufactured articles, money and capital."
I can recognise the exploitation which the passage refers to. But really it is childlike to go on about this being unfair. Being able to draw a distinct line between these forms of property is pretty much impossible - and spending time theorising about a world without such a situation would be a waste of time. Sure life might be great if we had all cooperatives, but people would still need to do what they were told by those in charge - there is not always the time to discuss things ad infinitum until we all agree...
It should be pointed out that the UK with its botched revolution and lack of written constitution means that the workers are more open to abuse than elsewhere.
The key problem is that many jobs are unskilled and the workers are worth less in these jobs than others. If you get yourself a skill which is valuable in the economy then people will treat you well. If you don't then you will be unskilled and no doubt you will be treated badly because you are easily replaced.
I might add that we all had the opportunity to work hard at school and to succeed. If we chose not to do this, then we might try and blame our parents etc but actually the only person who made this decision was you.
However all parties are working towards a fairer society and one has to ask what such a society might look like? I would suggest that aiming at private property is useless at best and might be seen as theft at worst. I have set out my ideas for land reform which cuts back the rights of the propertied, but to argue for its abolishment is just a waste of time.
If everyone who recognised the need for change would try and engage in the creation of a constitution which we could be proud of then that would be constructive. Sadly most of the people on these boards are more concerned with being rude to each other, and it is this inability to unite which keeps our unfair society as unfair as it is.