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Let's talk about China

Interesting the observation on pork prices- it is emerging that there was a mass cover up of the ASF problem in China - central command didnt enact proper infection controls - likely to avoid spooking people. The cull of pigs now is having a huge impact at home- EU pork importers are facing massive price hikes.
It's good to see issues like this making world headlines. Goodness knows how the video got out. Don't fancy Merdan's chances. :(
BBC News - China Uighurs: A model's video gives a rare glimpse inside internment
:( the footage of him in the prison cell with the booming voice spewing out propaganda in the background is possibly the most Orwellian thing I've ever seen.
Will Xi-bots will claim the video is fake or otherwise attempt to discredit it? Or is that kind of shit for lightweights like Putin's Russia? The CCP has got the world by its capitalist balls.

A member of Indian special forces of Tibetan background killed in the latest clashes between India and China.

China is still not reporting casualties, and this death was reported by the Tibetan government in exile, not by India. So there are possibly other casualties we don't know about.

Rather worrying how normalised this is becoming. Looks like it could easily escalate into a larger scale conflagration.
Thank you for nudge...I see there are billboards up around here with Free Tibet campaign stuff on them. Keep meaning to look at why now?
Thank you for nudge...I see there are billboards up around here with Free Tibet campaign stuff on them. Keep meaning to look at why now?

This could be related.

Also - I feel like there is more attention on Chinese treatment of minorities now because of Hong Kong and Xinjiang, so a revitalised Free Tibet movement may well be an organic reaction to events and the shifting discourse on China.

On a related note, it is kicking off in Inner Mongolia now too:

I think a lot of this is a reaction to Xi pushing a very Han-centric nationalism, which is making the CCP's original, Soviet influenced vision of a multi-ethnic state increasingly untenable. The solution to discontent from minorities isn't to address their complaints but rather to accelerate a forced march towards cultural homogenisation.


all empires up until modern, technologically superior ‘Western Civ’ have come to an end, is it too much to believe that ours won’t? Are we even technologically superior anymore? Don’t even need to mention the multitude of clampits we’ve had in charge, totally overlooking the fact that a fair, balanced, and educated society benefits all.
The ugly face of racism in China

he uses ’races’ as if we are but not one race, or is he on about The Derby? Plus I like people to inform me of sensitive issues wearing something a little more somber than a Hawaiian floral.
What China is doing to the Uighurs may amount to slow motion genocide. But the Uighurs have even been sold out by most of the the Muslim world. These are the countries who last year signed a letter to the President of the United Nations Human Rights Council praising China’s “contribution to the international human rights cause” writing “We note with appreciation that human rights are respected and protected in China in the process of counterterrorism and de-radicalization”: Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Gabon, Kuwait, Laos, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.

Note how many Muslim majority countries who are on the list. Some countries like Tunisia, Iran,Indonesia, Turkey and Malaysia are not on it but neither were they signatories to the letter which expressed concern about the “credible reports of arbitrary detention” in Xinjiang and “widespread surveillance and restrictions” there which the second letter responded to: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. Looking for Chinese investment and/or wanting to avoid setting precedences for interference in domestic affairs most of the world won’t risk censoring Beijing. The same motive is ironically why China won’t take Israel for task for its treatments of the Palestinians.

So like the latter and Rohingya in Myanmar the Uighurs are increasingly on their own.

In the jungle of international relations the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. Looks like the idea of Muslim solidarity across the global Ummah is as much a fiction as the socialist dream of the solidarity of the international working class.
You can't ban bad news even if you're the Chinese Communist Party. Reality will bite. The censorship just makes the Party leadership more vulnerable living in an out of touch bubble. Xi Jinping is surrounded by sycophants telling him what they think he wants to hear which in the long run will lead to his downfall.
You can't ban bad news even if you're the Chinese Communist Party. Reality will bite. The censorship just makes the Party leadership more vulnerable living in an out of touch bubble. Xi Jinping is surrounded by sycophants telling him what they think he wants to hear which in the long run will lead to his downfall.
In the long run we're all dead
With the clamp downs and changes in legislation I imagine the protests will be few and far between now.
I wonder if all those Hong Kong citizens who were promised UK citizenship by our government will be allowed to take it up if they wanted to?

Pretty mad really. Great fortunes have been made and a whole new class of super-rich Chinese has sprung up in the last 2-3 decades but all those fortunes are very expressly "granted" by the State, who giveth and taketh away from one day to the next. I wonder what has happened to Jack Ma. Surely they can't have killed him, nor do I expect them too, but I would imagine he has been receiving some rather severe re-education since he was last seen in October. Nobody is above the CCP.
Pretty mad really. Great fortunes have been made and a whole new class of super-rich Chinese has sprung up in the last 2-3 decades but all those fortunes are very expressly "granted" by the State, who giveth and taketh away from one day to the next. I wonder what has happened to Jack Ma. Surely they can't have killed him, nor do I expect them too, but I would imagine he has been receiving some rather severe re-education since he was last seen in October. Nobody is above the CCP.
Except xi jinping
The banking , finance and insurance sector in China is rickety beyond belief - held together by the sheer power of central command.it’s not surprise that the free market chatter of Ma could be considered a serious threat to its continuity.
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