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Left Tube and Anarchist Videos

New video series from sub.media:

A four part mini-series focusing on the various dimensions of intergenerational relationships amongst anarchists. Part One is a collection of anarchist origin stories from the late 60s through to the early 2000s. Listen to Ashanti Alston, Helen Hudson, Ann Hansen, Frank, Ian Bone and Cindy Milstein recount the pivotal and historical moments that led them to anarchism and why.

This one is hosted on the same site as the Christie archive, but actually seems to work when I try playing it?
Haven't watched it yet, but part 2 is up now:
A satirical look at international climate change policy, inspired by Pitch Meeting, a comedic series by Screen Rant and Ryan George. Pitch Meeting is satire of a screenwriter pitching a script to a movie studio. It ridicules movies, but I’m using the format to ridicule international climate change policy. Since the Paris Agreement is foundational for climate change policy, I thought it deserved a video exposing its inadequacies.

The Paris Agreement is an international treaty on climate change adopted in 2015 at COP21. COP stands for Conference of the Parties and it’s the United Nations Climate Change Conference. At the end of this month, representatives of the world’s nation-states will gather in Glasgow, Scotland for COP26 summit (October 31st to November 12th 2021) to update their goals for addressing climate change. The Paris Agreement treaty will serve as the framework for COP26, for the goals countries set to reduce global warming, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and adapt to the harmful effects of climate change.

Why Breadtube?

Conquest tube would sound a little bit more exciting.
Personally I think the politics of a lot of breadtube now is pretty shite. I think I'm right in saying that theres a fair bit of tankie and liberal, capitalist crap amongst the breadtubers.

It's a misleading name and much of it has very little, or nothing at all, to do with the politics and philosophy of Kropotkin or anarchism.

Maybe some of these people have actually read the 'breadbook' but that doesn't mean they necessarily understand it or subscribe to what's layed out in that book.

The name annoys me. I guess I should have called this thread anarchist and left tube videos, or simply - anarchist videos.
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A very good episode of History File from the BBC posted by Reddbrek (who has a great channel):

On the 23rd October 1956, a nationwide revolt in Hungary saw thousands of people organise themselves into workers’ councils and militias, demanding not a transition to capitalism but rather a socialism controlled by the working class itself.

Peter Fryer, a member of the British Communist Party and a journalist for the Party newspaper the Daily Worker wrote in his first dispatch: "After eleven years the incessant mistakes of the Communist leaders, the brutality of the State Security Police, the widespread bureaucracy and mismanagement, the bungling, the arbitrary methods and the lies have led to total collapse. This was no counter-revolution, organised by fascists and reactionaries. It was the upsurge of a whole people, in which rank-and-file Communists took part, against a police dictatorship dressed up as a Socialist society-a police dictatorship backed up by Soviet armed might. And I have no hesitation in placing the blame for these terrible events squarely on the shoulders of those who led the Hungarian Communist Party for eleven years. . . . They turned what could have been the outstanding example of people’s democracy in Europe into a grisly caricature of Socialism. They reared and trained a secret police which tortured all - Communists as well as non-Communists - who dared to open their mouths against injustices. It was a secret police which in these last few dreadful days turned its guns on the people whose defenders it was supposed to be."

Fryer’s article went unpublished, and the rebellion was soon crushed by Russian tanks, leaving around 20,000 Hungarians and 3,500 Russians dead.
This is a history of the uprising: libcom.org/history/articles/hungary-56 See less

Personally I think the politics of a lot of breadtube now is pretty shite. I think I'm right in saying that theres a fair bit of tankie and liberal, capitalist crap amongst the breadtubers.

It's a misleading name and much of it has very little, or nothing at all, to do with the politics and philosophy of Kropotkin or anarchism.

Maybe some of these people have actually read the 'breadbook' but that doesn't mean they necessarily understand it or subscribe to what's layed out in that book.

The name annoys me. I guess I should have called this thread anarchist and left tube videos, or simply - anarchist videos.
you could always ask the mods to change the thread title by the simple expedient of reporting the op
Another Zoe Baker upload. I find this a powerful and meaningful film and just a good thing to watch. The Free Voice of Labour is a great documentary about the Jewish anarchist movement in the USA:

Maybe not strictly anarchist, but of general class struggle interest:

Not watched it but apparently has a surprise Duke Ellington cameo?


In Greek but you should be able to get English subtitles:
As Ordered (2021) - A documentary about drug mafias in Exarchia, the murder of a drug dealer and the prosecution of Nikos Mataragkas and Giorgos Kalaitzidis.


88 Themistokleous street. It was here, on June 7th, 2016, where a drug dealer, known by the pseudonym “Habibi”, was killed by unidentified bullets. Despite the initial leaks from the Greek Police to the media about a settling of scores among gangs, four years later the investigations suddenly turn to the anti-authoritarian scene. Nikos Mataragkas and Giorgos Kalaitzidis, both members of the “Rouvikonas” collective, were targeted by the authorities.

“As Ordered” attempts to investigate, through a series of interviews, the phenomenon of drug trafficking in the centre of Athens and Exarchia from the 1980s onwards, the (actual) role of law enforcement authorities, and the vengeful persecution of people whose only “crime” was social conflict.
The latest from the Cringe Corner with Thought Slime and Sophie From Mars. There's a content warning for this video, but I don't think it's necessary.

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I watched this lastnight. Not a bad video, but personally I found it to be too long-winded and academic in places. And it seemed to kind of, maybe sit on the fence too much aswell. But I'm not really a big Philosophy Tube fan. For me she just seems to stick to the realm of philosophy and say - "this philosopher said this . . . meanwhile this philosopher said such and such . . . ".
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