You're right about the Tories not going anywhere,
glitch hiker. The Tory-lite Labour Party won't get a look in either - and anyway, the differences would be minimal if they did. But parliament and who's in government is not where the battle is. The fight is on the streets, in communities and workplaces... and the enemy is the boss, the landlord, the government and their front line of defence in the police.
Also, while it's sometimes overplayed, there's a reason for sneering at Stalinists, Trots and the Labour left. They are just alternative forms of the same old shite. Sure they've had their day but there's still life in the old Leninist dog yet and it's worth us all being wary of it.
So how do we build resistance? Currently there's the Kill The Bill campaign which is picking up. The policing Bill needs resisting, because if we don’t, the future will be a lot darker. We need to build that campaign, which encompasses into a broad range of issues - anti-authoritarian, anti-racism, anti-police.
Recently, there's been a rash of strikes and some of these have had success. And while it's not the level of 1978-79, we've got to start somewhere. That means building rank and file initiatives at work. And if you work in a non unionised workplace, then talking to co-workers about getting organised. Covid is one major battlefront at work, and there are already initiatives on this.
Starting up renters groups, building anti-landlord campaigns in you locality, anything that is a means of fighting back.
This puts the onus on us. It's we who have to build our own resistance. But it needs to be meaningful resistance. As the group Solidarity said many years ago:
I'd say this is about right. There's no big plan (yet) and the future isn't written; there's no revolutionary party to lead us all to the promised land (nor should there be); there's no point in hoping for a future Labour government to improve things, it won't. But if we want things to change, then we have to be part of whatever resistance there is, nourish it and help it grow.
I know it all seems like baby steps but that's where we are, and there's a reason the Tories are popular. We've had over 40 years of the working class being de-politicised, de-educated in things that matter and demobilised with the organisations we did have (however imperfect) disimpowered. The unions did not resist the anti-union laws and so we are where we are.
For the record, I'm also with this lot
Anarchist Communist Group and what I'm saying reflects the outlook of that organisation. But your politics may be a bit different, and that's fine. Either way, building grassroots resistance is key to any meaningful change we may want to see.
As Bertolt Brecht said: