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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council


They're out of fucking control, awarding themselves a secretive loan.

Lambeth Council Cabinet agreed on Monday evening to loan £300M to the newly formed Homes for Lambeth company – despite claims by residents that there is no business plan and no explanation about how the loan will be repaid.

The Labour Cabinet unanimously agreed at the Town Hall meeting to adopt the Homes for Lambeth Business Plan [pdf]. This will allow £300M of public money to be loaned out to the private company to kick start the estate regeneration programme.

The initial funding will be used across the first three estates that the Labour group wants to regenerate: Knight’s Walk, South Lambeth and Westbury.

Lambeth Council Cabinet agrees to loan £300M of public money to Homes for Lambeth – despite warnings from local residents
Council tax going up

Lambeth Council is proposing to increase Council Tax by 2.99% for 2018/19. This is in addition to the Government’s 3% Adult Social Care precept increase. A further increase of 1.99% is planned for the following financial year.

Cabinet will discuss the increase as part of the Revenue & Capital Budget agenda item when it next meets at the Town Hall on 5 February.

The report also states that Lambeth Council has made £32M in Housing Benefit overpayments. It claims that resources have been made available to try and recover this debt. The Council tax collection rate for the past financial year is given as 95.3%.

The report opens with the familiar message of how Lambeth Council is finding it hard to balance the Budget because of a reduction in central government funding. It adds that between 2010 to 2020, savings of £250M will have been made. A funding gap of £40.739M is forecast between 2018/21.
Lambeth Council putting up Council Tax by 2.99% as Budget attempts to address funding gap
It's a fucked up world when scumbag filthy Tories start to make more sense than your local Labour council. Not that I'd ever vote for them, mind. Lambeth Tories pledge to halt estate regeneration, save libraries and protect parks in alternative Budget
Having worked for 2 Tory Councils and seeing their priorities when it comes to cuts, and the way they treat their council tenants, and seeing the way wandsworth has introduced a poverty- apartheid for park users, i think that for all their faults Lambeth is far better off under a Labour administration than it ever would be under Tories or their LibDem bed partners. They can put what they want in their manifesto, as there will be one result in the May election, and that is a Labour victory with merely the size of the majority undecided. The most effective place to fight for a more responsive council is within the party, by helping to outnumber the progress members, and thus steer the council into a corbynite position
Having worked for 2 Tory Councils and seeing their priorities when it comes to cuts, and the way they treat their council tenants, and seeing the way wandsworth has introduced a poverty- apartheid for park users, i think that for all their faults Lambeth is far better off under a Labour administration than it ever would be under Tories or their LibDem bed partners. They can put what they want in their manifesto, as there will be one result in the May election, and that is a Labour victory with merely the size of the majority undecided. The most effective place to fight for a more responsive council is within the party, by helping to outnumber the progress members, and thus steer the council into a corbynite position
I'm a life long Labour voter and I actively hate this bunch of Blairite cunts in Lambeth Town Hall. I've no interest in joining Labour.
I'm a life long Labour voter and I actively hate this bunch of Blairite cunts in Lambeth Town Hall. I've no interest in joining Labour.
i understand why you wont join, but of course if lambeth labour had been able to pull in more corbyn supporting members it would be able to select different councillors, and thus change the direction of the council. As it is, the Constituency parties that make up Lambeth have grown massively since Corbyns election, but when it comes to votes the blairittes still outnumber the corbynites.
i understand why you wont join, but of course if lambeth labour had been able to pull in more corbyn supporting members it would be able to select different councillors, and thus change the direction of the council. As it is, the Constituency parties that make up Lambeth have grown massively since Corbyns election, but when it comes to votes the blairittes still outnumber the corbynites.
For at least 28 years I've heard versions of the we must recapture the Labour party tune. Being as Corbyn campaigns under an auld Blairite slogan - for the many not the few - I'll believe they're much different from before when I see it.
For at least 28 years I've heard versions of the we must recapture the Labour party tune. Being as Corbyn campaigns under an auld Blairite slogan - for the many not the few - I'll believe they're much different from before when I see it.
The option is a Labour-led Govt or a Tory-led Govt, and as a working class council tenant I would rather have corbyn deciding priorities than a Tory. Likewise, I’d rather live under a corbynite local council than a new Labour one. Simple as
For at least 28 years I've heard versions of the we must recapture the Labour party tune. Being as Corbyn campaigns under an auld Blairite slogan - for the many not the few - I'll believe they're much different from before when I see it.
I also think you’ll find the quote comes from a Shelley poem - and he was around a wee bit early to be a blairite.
I think you'll find it was stuck above Blair at at least one labour party conference
I don’t remember that but it’s a good line to sum up socialism. Corbyn is no Blair. New labour fought tooth and nail to stop the left taking the leadership as you know, and he has consistently been on the right side of history. I have no doubt a left wing Labour Party Government will be a better deal for me than a Tory one and that’s the choice. Him and Mcdonnell are good guys and a million miles from Blair. The party’s massive and therefore a coalition of ideas and even of ideologies, but the blarites are well and truely marginalised, and for once In my lifetime there is a fighting chance of getting a socialist Prime Minister into No10. Surely it’s worth a try even if you are cynical
I don’t remember that but it’s a good line to sum up socialism. Corbyn is no Blair. New labour fought tooth and nail to stop the left taking the leadership as you know, and he has consistently been on the right side of history. I have no doubt a left wing Labour Party Government will be a better deal for me than a Tory one and that’s the choice. Him and Mcdonnell are good guys and a million miles from Blair. The party’s massive and therefore a coalition of ideas and even of ideologies, but the blarites are well and truely marginalised, and for once In my lifetime there is a fighting chance of getting a socialist Prime Minister into No10. Surely it’s worth a try even if you are cynical
Yeh. Well you won't get a corbynite Lambeth just as you won't get a Tory Lambeth. And tbh it's labour councils that are ripping down council estates like the haggerston, colville, heygate and replacing them with yuppie flats. The same shits will be in power in Lambeth in June as are in power in Lambeth now and I hope being treated like shit by them feels more pleasant to you than being treated like shit by tories.
Another raft of Lambeth Council officer's have learnt their jobs have been deleted this morning....
On going "re-framing" exercise - I'm just hearing rumours - they have to cull due to financial constraints and it looks like the new building can't accommodate them all...
The new building is supposed to accommodate 10 staff to 6 Desks but they still haven't got rid of enough staff so those who remain will fit into it
Yeh. Well you won't get a corbynite Lambeth just as you won't get a Tory Lambeth. And tbh it's labour councils that are ripping down council estates like the haggerston, colville, heygate and replacing them with yuppie flats. The same shits will be in power in Lambeth in June as are in power in Lambeth now and I hope being treated like shit by them feels more pleasant to you than being treated like shit by tories.
You really are a sad old git
Yeh. Well you won't get a corbynite Lambeth just as you won't get a Tory Lambeth. And tbh it's labour councils that are ripping down council estates like the haggerston, colville, heygate and replacing them with yuppie flats. The same shits will be in power in Lambeth in June as are in power in Lambeth now and I hope being treated like shit by them feels more pleasant to you than being treated like shit by tories.
Yeh. Well you won't get a corbynite Lambeth just as you won't get a Tory Lambeth. And tbh it's labour councils that are ripping down council estates like the haggerston, colville, heygate and replacing them with yuppie flats. The same shits will be in power in Lambeth in June as are in power in Lambeth now and I hope being treated like shit by them feels more pleasant to you than being treated like shit by tories.
No doubt you were bashing your keyboard during the leadership election saying there’s no way we could get a left wing leader of the party?
Do you do anything other than whinge in forums?
The only Labour councillor I would vote for in Lambeth was Rachel Heywood, who had the audacity to go around wilfully representing the views of her constituency. Lambeth Labour quickly did their best to bully, cajole and pressure her into giving up, like the bunch of pathetic twats they are. So, no I won't be voting for Lambeth Labour because the same bunch of shitehawks are still in power. The notion of some sort of Corbyn-esque takeover from within seems pretty unlikely at present.

I will, however, be voting for Rachel if she stands as an independent.
You really are a sad old git
yeh. i haven't insulted you. that you feel the need to insult me is really rather telling.

you won't get a corbynite lambeth: but you can't even work out why not. did it not occur to you that it's now too late for new labour candidates to be selected for may's election?
No doubt you were bashing your keyboard during the leadership election saying there’s no way we could get a left wing leader of the party?
Do you do anything other than whinge in forums?
tbh i don't think i said anything of the sort during the leadership contest. and yes i do lots of other things: but what i've posted hasn't been whinging but pointing out the bleeding obvious. the only blinkered whinger here is you.
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