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King Charles III's time is up

Family rumour mill has it that Kate has another bag aside from the handbag these days but it’s all just gossip from a friend in the know really

If he dies then he dies and I’ll enjoy the day off otherwise eh, he can do whatever
The public's response to another ruinously expensive funeral and coronation would be interesting.
There is a touch of "we want a storyline" about this but given Charles' diagnosis, Kate vanishing for so long, and Williams' (alleged/rumoured) affairs, there's reason for people to be intrigued.
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A real mystery seems to be Where is Daphne?* Not seen or heard from since whisked to hospital on 28 Dec for that scheduled operation. (Nor seen for some time before then.) Xitter speculation is rife, and if you value your time and sanity I urge you not to look in the rabbit holes, especially not the timeline put together by effoff1988

See also Daniela Elser's gossip column from Oz, comparing and contrasting the public visibility of the two patients.

*Kate's not very sekrit code name is Daphne Clark
A real mystery seems to be Where is Daphne?* Not seen or heard from since whisked to hospital on 28 Dec for that scheduled operation. (Nor seen for some time before then.) Xitter speculation is rife, and if you value your time and sanity I urge you not to look in the rabbit holes, especially not the timeline put together by effoff1988

See also Daniela Elser's gossip column from Oz, comparing and contrasting the public visibility of the two patients.

*Kate's not very sekrit code name is Daphne Clark

Any chance of the other two tweets?
Nothing to see here. Some minor royal family member that only readers of hello would have heard of has died.
How is that even relevant? I thought at first you meant Kate Middleton :eek: but even I have heard of her.
Grubbing around, I discovered the unexpected death of the Duchess of Kent's son in law - is that who you meant? She of racist-brooch-wearing fame. Poor man, a sort of Hugh Grant lookalike, and only 45.
It's a tribute to urban that this is the first place to bring me the sad news.
How is that even relevant? I thought at first you meant Kate Middleton :eek: but even I have heard of her.
Grubbing around, I discovered the unexpected death of the Duchess of Kent's son in law - is that who you meant? She of racist-brooch-wearing fame. Poor man, a sort of Hugh Grant lookalike, and only 45.
It's a tribute to urban that this is the first place to bring me the sad news.
Wrong Kent. Duchess of Kent is the nice one who taught music at a primary school in Hull.

The one who died today is the son of Princess Michael of Kent; her father was a Nazi and her own views are pretty repugnant.
Wrong Kent. Duchess of Kent is the nice one who taught music at a primary school in Hull.

The one who died today is the son of Princess Michael of Kent; her father was a Nazi and her own views are pretty repugnant.
Just goes to show how closely I follow these reptiles. :(

Actually, wasn't he the son in law of the badge-wearer? I think it was her unfortunate daughter who married the recently deceased.

(details, details)

(edited - can't remember what when. :oops:)
Nothing to see here. Some minor royal family member that only readers of hello would have heard of has died.
And I'm thinking: That's relevant, how? And why are they telling us now?
Alternatively: The Palace is always telling us this sort of irrelevant stuff and people are only noticing it now because they are super-twitchy.
For some reason.

Pic of Kate issued today…
Why did they issue a mirror image?

Well, ‘mirror’ has six letters. The UK’s foreign intelligence service is MI6, the greatest fictional MI6 officer was James Bond. Michael Bond wrote the Paddington Bear stories. You can get a train from Paddington to Wales. Whales live in the sea. So she’s died and been buried at sea to stop a shrine developing ( like OBL). It’s obvious. Perhaps too obvious.

Wake up sheeple!!!!
Well, ‘mirror’ has six letters. The UK’s foreign intelligence service is MI6, the greatest fictional MI6 officer was James Bond. Michael Bond wrote the Paddington Bear stories. You can get a train from Paddington to Wales. Whales live in the sea. So she’s died and been buried at sea to stop a shrine developing ( like OBL). It’s obvious. Perhaps too obvious.

Wake up sheeple!!!!
Yeah ok.. I know..I know..
She does look different..facially.
Anyway..I had deleted the photos.😁
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