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King Charles III's time is up

I think people here are getting too hung up on the ‘rules of succession’ in an almost FOTL manner. After all the establishment just makes them up to suit the political circumstances of the day. Look at George the 1st. He was like 52 or 53 in line to the monarchy . Or William and Mary (TBF having a navy blockading key ports and a foreign army on British soil probably helped a bit with that one…)

I’d like to see all the contenders put in a large shipping container with a basket of claw hammers and the door padlocked

Winner takes all last man/woman standing
I hope you have all scanned this...

View attachment 411095

...this is the best way to keep up to date, what with the lack of coverage anywhere else.
Watched a mountain biking youtube in which a bunch of non royalists bumped into him alone. Can only assume he is actually quite personable from what went down. And cancer is never nice...wish him well.

The media though , they can do one!I I have no need or desire to be regularly updated about this....isn't there a war or something you could tell us about...fuck off and find some news
Not another fucking funeral and coronation.

Bladder is the most likely cancer to be identified in the course of prostate investigations , I think.
couldn't they have done a dual coronation when they did Charles, so William would have been King Ready for when his time came? Would have saved the odd billion.
I can't stand the Royals but I can't quite celebrate Charlie boy getting that diagnosis.
Yeah, I'm the same to be honest. The man's a fucking idiot and comes from a preposterous institution that represents all that is bad in Britain. Ditto the BBC's fawning. It's just that celebrating this treads on the toes of all those other people with cancer. Similarly, Thatcher was a monster who fucked this country 'royally', but I couldn't take pleasure in her dementia given the number of other people whose lives have been wrecked by it.

There's still plenty of other reasons to hate Thatcher and Fingers. *

* I'm still laughing at his Walls-Digits. Leave me some pleasure in life. :thumbs:
Having cancer is fucking shit, but having recently watched a family member go through it, I'd rather reserve my empathy for the people who have had to face it while terrified about how they're going to eat and keep a roof above their heads, about the people rationing their heating and forced into food banks while recovering from chemo, about people having their benefits sanctioned by a system unwilling to support them at their lowest ebb, rather than waste any of it on someone who has resolutely maintained and benefited from that very system his entire life.

If he were at my work / fallen over in the street etc and needed help I would go out of my way to do so because I am a health professional/reasonable human being, but I'm not going to give a shit about him from afar.
Having cancer is fucking shit, but having recently watched a family member go through it, I'd rather reserve my empathy for the people who have had to face it while terrified about how they're going to eat and keep a roof above their heads, about the people rationing their heating and forced into food banks while recovering from chemo, about people having their benefits sanctioned by a system unwilling to support them at their lowest ebb, rather than waste any of it on someone who has resolutely maintained and benefited from that very system his entire life.

If he were at my work / fallen over in the street etc and needed help I would go out of my way to do so because I am a health professional/reasonable human being, but I'm not going to give a shit about him from afar.
Yep, despite my wishy washy post 1485 - hmm, didn't we get a change of king in that year :hmm: - exactly that.
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