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Kim Jong il dead (ish)

They're not all making cunts out of themselves. When Kim Il-sung died, those who did not display enough grief were informed on and arrested. Nobody in NK can afford not to display grief at the moment.

I think a lot of them must be very scared, and not necessarily just of the security services.
I think a lot of them must be very scared, and not necessarily just of the security services.
Uncertain, yes. From reading testimony of escapees - not unbiased reports, but there are enough of them now to be able to tell what is likely to be true - many in NK went beyond fear a while ago. Beyond the well-fed chosen few of Pyong Yang, it is a country that gave up on all the trappings of an industrialised society years ago. The levels of desperation are hard for us to imagine, I think.
Sorry, I don't see the logic. Kim Jong-il dies (something North Korea has been preparing for for ages) and suddenly NK becomes belligerent and attacks the South? Why?
South Korea doesn't want it. More to the point, China would seriously object. I'd say no chance whatever of such a thing, even if GWB were still in the White House.

Yep, not only do the SK government not want to take on NK, the SK people would be furious, they don't really see North Koreans as quite the same as them I don't think, it's not really a country particularly pining for its other half. They know they've got a good thing going on.

So not as "communist" as is made out ... sounds fucking grim tbh :(

South Korean companies use North Korean labour just over the border in Kaesong, too. Companies like Hyundai. There's a big road going through the border just open to people involved in the industrial region.

I was with some Chinese university students today and they were very excited about the news. I do think this pretty much is in China's hands now, although I don't see them wanting to do anything particularly sinister, why would they want to get involved with a disaster like NK. I'm sure they want it to keep ticking over nicely and not cause any problems.
I don't think it's that clear cut. But you have to take into account that it could go either way.
I don't think so. I see no reason whatever why the North would attack the South. Such a thing was extremely unlikely before and remains extremely unlikely.

Jung-un is an unknown quantity, I'll grant you. But he's also Jong-il's chosen and groomed successor.
I don't think so. I see no reason whatever why the North would attack the South. Such a thing was extremely unlikely before and remains extremely unlikely.

They could become more militarily aggressive though, even if there is no all out attack. Slim possibility I know but I'd rather not second guess a repressive, personality cult state.
They could become more militarily aggressive though, even if there is no all out attack. Slim possibility I know but I'd rather not second guess a repressive, personality cult state.

They could become more belligerent and be more trigger happy when it comes to shooting ships and soldiers and stuff, but they do that kind of thing a lot anyway, and it hasn't ever really escalated. I don't really see what would be in it for NK to attack Seoul anyway, they wouldn't win.
to be honest, if britain was internationally isolated and despised by the outside world, which the majority of its people had had little to no contact with, i could imagine similar reactions taking place here, regardless of what we privately thought of our "great leaders".
The DPRK isnt expansionist, it does however have a very strong survival instinct. I cant see an invasion of the South either, but a bit of shouty sabre rattling could well nsure a bit more food aid for the rest of the winter.

todays missle launch seems to say that this is business as usual. Meet the new boss/ same as the old boss
I think that is called 'liberating people from tyranny'. Never mind that the water and electric is cut, your house is a shell and we are down to eating rats and grass- we've been liberated!
:D They could do something like the Axe Incident again, but I don't think they're going to full-on bomb Seoul any time soon.

tunnels into SK are the way forward



They seem to be, but that awful webiste says:

"On October 17, 1978 a third tunnel was discovered following th e 1975 testimony of defector Kim Bu-sung. Initial efforts to discover the tunnel failed until June 10, 1978, when an excavation hole was exploded, they started to dig a counter-tunnel which later reached the North's tunnel on October 17, 1978. It is about the same size as the 2nd Underground Tunnel, but would have been the most threatening tunnel if the North had used it to invade Seoul. According to Kim Bu-sung, North Korea planned to make five southern exits. Normally one or two were to be used, but in a decisive stage all were to be put into use. It was designed for both conventional warfare and guerrilla infiltration. The tunnel is 4 km south of Panmunjom and 44 km from Seoul. It is 73 meters underground and roughly 1,635 meters long. About 30,000 ranked, heavily-armed troops can pass per hour. "
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