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Kim Jong il dead (ish)

Can't you go cry your crocodile tears somewhere else?

Would you make jokes about starving pensioners and entire families in the UK; I think not. You'd be hounded off the boards. So spare me your forced whimsicals and be your usual useless, apathetic morose self elsewhere. The tragic situation in Nk has vexed me and fascinated me for years. No crocodile tears here. So fuck off, there's a good little non entity.
Would you make jokes about starving pensioners and entire families in the UK; I think not. You'd be hounded off the boards. So spare me your forced whimsicals and be your usual useless, apathetic morose self elsewhere. The tragic situation in Nk has vexed me and fascinated me for years. No crocodile tears here. So fuck off, there's a good little non entity.

It's vexed you so much that you sometimes post on here about it. Well done.
It's vexed you so much that you sometimes post on here about it. Well done.
What I do here or elsewhere, however minute or otherwise is more than you've done in an entire lifetime. Everything's a big old wheeze for you, no point in bothering, fly the flag for nihilism or nimbyinsm or whatever else you're trying to sell. You were downtrodden and defeated from the get go, weren't you?

Well try not to drag everyone else down to your level, eh? I know you've got form for it but tis so 2009.
What I do here or elsewhere, however minute or otherwise is more than you've done in an entire lifetime. Everything's a big old wheeze for you, no point in bothering, fly the flag for nihilism or nimbyinsm or whatever else you're trying to sell. You were downtrodden and defeated from the get go, weren't you?

Well try not to drag everyone else down to your level, eh? I know you've got form for it but tis so 2009.

Look, just carry on being vexed. Nobody's stopping you.

The people of NK must be full of hope because people like you are vexed on their behalf.
Look, just carry on being vexed. Nobody's stopping you.

Have you anything to contribute to the thread or are you going to continue with the usual derail? What next for the state? What will the army do? Was the Chinese response to his death re-inforcing the party regime?
Have you anything to contribute to the thread or are you going to continue with the usual derail? What next for the state? What will the army do? Was the Chinese response to his death re-inforcing the party regime?

It's never gone off-topic.
I wanted to share:




The music is piped out of the main railway station, which is located behind the hotel that movie was shot from. They play identical, haunting electronic music last thing at night, which is a bit disconcerting to hear on returning to your hotel room having spent a few hours in the microbrewery downstairs.

The (favoured) people in the cities aren't starving. They're not exactly overeating (like most Westerners these days) but they're not starving. The countryside is quite a different matter though. And then there's the camps...

PS The DPRK is truly a uniform fetishist's wet dream. The long, long travelator ride deep into the Great Leader's mausoleum and the Arirang Festival mass games in particular.
Died heroically defending North Korea from Godzilla attack - according to North Korea news Agency
I wonder what this means for the region in general, afterall they have nuke technology and I'd hate that region to go tits up with that in mind. I'd say next six months are going to be crucial to see how things go.
I wonder what this means for the region in general, afterall they have nuke technology and I'd hate that region to go tits up with that in mind. I'd say next six months are going to be crucial to see how things go.

The best thing would be for NK to become a de facto colony of China. The worst is that the neo-con lunatic fringe might try to persuade the Pentagon/White House to seize the moment for Korean reunification.
The best thing would be for NK to become a de-facto colony of China. The worst is that the neo-con lunatic fringe might try to persuade the Pentagon/White House to seize the moment for Korean reunification.

Do you think that's likely?
Do you think that's likely?
The neocon bit - not going to happen, not least because the South Koreans do not want that to happen. That NK could fall increasingly under China's control and slowly open out into some semblance of sanity is an interesting thought.
The neocon bit - not going to happen, not least because the South Koreans do not want that to happen. That NK could fall increasingly under China's control and slowly open out into some semblance of sanity is an interesting thought.

About the only sane voices in the world at the moment speak Chinese.
Just read the official CPC Central Committee telegram of condolences; high praise for the late Kim and big emphasis on the friendship of the two nations, including saying that China will always stand by the side of the DPRK. Take that as an expectation of a smooth transition to the grandson. Wonder if Jong-Un's rumoured education abroad will lead to further expansion of the "Special Economic Zones", where they flog off Korean labour at prices that make Chinese wages look generous.
Just read the official CPC Central Committee telegram of condolences; high praise for the late Kim and big emphasis on the friendship of the two nations, including saying that China will always stand by the side of the DPRK. Take that as an expectation of a smooth transition to the grandson. Wonder if Jong-Un's rumoured education abroad will lead to further expansion of the "Special Economic Zones", where they flog off Korean labour at prices that make Chinese wages look generous.

Yes, an Asian 'race to the bottom' is beginning...
Not sure china wants it complete basket case but not really keen on reunification.
Having a land border with us troops or us friendly country not really ideal.

Poor sods place is like 1984:(.
Bringing east germany up to spec was bad enough and East Germany was not a total basket case and not in a storage tic buffer zone:(
The neo-con stuff really. Does that sort of idealistic "interventionism" still have a toehold in the white house?
South Korea doesn't want it. More to the point, China would seriously object. I'd say no chance whatever of such a thing, even if GWB were still in the White House.
Silly, I know, but check this out. From a game released earlier this year.

Homefront said:
In 2012, just over one year after the death of Kim Jong-il,[8] North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reunites North and South Korea to form the Greater Korean Republic. The influence of China and the United States decline in the face of continued economic stagnation and a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia that disrupts Middle Eastern oil supplies, while oil and gas to Western Europe is cut off by a Russian-Ukrainian "mutual interest" deal. As the United States withdraws overseas troops to deal with domestic instability, including the Texas secession debate and an outbreak of bird flu known as the Knoxville Cough, the Greater Korean Republic annexes Japan and Southeast Asia. By 2022, the United States faces extreme economic turmoil and massive social unrest, culminating in complete economic collapse. On January 16, 2025, a satellite, launched under the cover of a program to replace the decaying Global Positioning System, detonates a high-altitude nuclear weapon over the continental United States. The destruction of above-ground electronics across the country by the massive resulting electromagnetic pulse is followed by the Greater Korean Republic seizing Hawaii, an invasion of San Francisco, paratrooper deployments across the Midwest, and the irradiation of the Mississippi River to divide the United States in half, leaving the American military isolated and scattered and U.S. residents to resist the invasion on their own.
re: grieving, not a patch on when Diana died...
A story from another board about a christian brother who taught at my school. Thankfully by the time I went in there, we had proper teachers and he'd been relegated.
1975. General Franco died. Were we ever sorry. Basil was really upset about the General (Spain's dictator). Made a few comments about him being 'a better friend to the church than the communists'. The inevitable was about to happen. He was in foul mood. He asked a load of brutal maths questions none of us could ever answer. And with that excuse, he bet the hell out of us with the leather. Cos General Franco had died.
That's grievin'.
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