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Kim Jong il dead (ish)

Probably America (again).

hmm... actually i did some work on some film recently about this guy...


General Butt Naked. So named as he and his men would always fight naked. i believe he's currently the front runner for the leadership in Liberia now the UN's upping sticks.

extra points as he's also a cannibal.
hmm... actually i did some work on some film recently about this guy...


General Butt Naked. So named as he and his men would always fight naked. i believe he's currently the front runner for the leadership in Liberia now the UN's upping sticks.

extra points as he's also a cannibal.

He is very much of a loon and found salvation through Christ right?

(I'm surprised he's not on Myspace or has his Facebook fan page!).
yeh.. he's put clothes on and become a christian preacher with eyes on being prime minister. which would be very er, interesting.
yeh.. he's put clothes on and become a christian preacher with eyes on being prime minister. which would be very er, interesting.

It's all political bullshit.
I hope he gets killed by refugee who's family he destroyed.
Christ, people can be so forgetful...
he did a grand beg-for-forgiveness tour around the relatives of people kille raped et or all three didn't he? His conversion doesn't wash with me.
he did a grand beg-for-forgiveness tour around the relatives of people kille raped et or all three didn't he? His conversion doesn't wash with me.


this is the film i did some shit for.. scary but fascinating. this is the first part anyway. the last part is where he converts.

Orders are orders. If it's a routine test and they dithered and arsed about, someone would get a bollocking.
No trendy middle classes trying to muscle in on everything, hogging all the best school places, no tuition fees, no Rupert Murdochs and phone hacking etc etc.

As for the rest, you have to take the rough with the smooth.
No food, don't forget that. No freedom of expression etc.
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