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Kim Jong il dead (ish)

The assault on Seoul is never happening be like the Iraqi republican guard going on the offensive in desert storm just with mountains of more corpses:(
South Korea doesn't want it. More to the point, China would seriously object. I'd say no chance whatever of such a thing, even if GWB were still in the White House.

The main regional players (DPRK, ROK, Japan, China, USA) are most likely interested in maintaining the status quo (sadly for the unfavoured masses in the DPRK). DPRK is already something of a cheap source of labour for China, who don't want US forces sitting on their border. ROK isn't interested in the instability and financial hit that reunification would bring (think FDR/DDR) and for all their chest thumping regarding reunification the DPRK leadership almost certainly aren't really interested in it (certainly haven't been) as it would just hasten the unravelling of the cult of personality of the Kims. The only questions are: how trigger happy will the Great Successor be, and will there be a power struggle within elements of the central leadership?

For all their (almost comical) hawkish propaganda, the general impression you get when wandering around the DPRK (admittedly a highly controlled and managed view) is that their position leans towards a defensive one (the odd ill-advised and poorly thought out skirmish acknowledged) and that by and large they just want to be left alone.
DPRK is already something of a cheap source of labour for China, who don't want US forces sitting on their border.

Do North Koreans go/get sent to China to work then? Or are a lot of their factories etc producing goods for China?
theres a lot working in Siberia IIRC - all organised & sent by the government. I think Dandong has a massive NK illegal population, many women coerced into in the sex industry. I have some stuff on both Dandong & the NK slave labour gangs that are rented out , from some research I was doing, will post up links if I can find them

also, a load were in Libya and have been declared non citizens & abandoned by the DPRK , as their return and subsequent tales of revolution would not be welcomed back home
also, a load were in Libya and have been declared non citizens & abandoned by the DPRK , as their return and subsequent tales of revolution would not be welcomed back home

Probably a good thing though. Grim as the situation sounds, at least they don't have to go back.
Yep, awful.

But looking at the paragraph I posted, it's spookily accurate

In 2012, just over one year after the death of Kim Jong-il,[8] North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reunites North and South Korea to form the Greater Korean Republic.

Seol still has regular air raid drills cow of the neighbours 50KM north - I can imagine the SK civil defence will be on red alert at the minute

still , theres 30K of tooled up US forces sitting around in the DMZ / pissing it up in Seouls "Special tourist Zone" ( i.e. bars and brothels for the GI's )....
Do North Koreans go/get sent to China to work then? Or are a lot of their factories etc producing goods for China?

There were DPRK workers on the flight I took to Pyongyang from China and others on the train we left on via Dandong (plus the DPRK women's weightlifting team on their way to a competition in Beijing). As others have mentioned there are sweatshops inside DPRK churning out material for Chinese and perhaps other markets. DPRK workers can pop up in some odd places.

You might be surprised to find out how many North Korean citizens get to travel outside the DPRK. Though usually, other than elite party members, it is only married males with family so they have an incentive to come back... (their passport gets taken off them on returning and I doubt they can pop down the post office to apply for a new one).
An odd little detail I've noticed in the coverage today: the expected new boss, the Great Successor, Kim Jong-on, was educated in Switzerland at an English-speaking 'international school'. I don't think Stalin or Mao would ever have sent their brats to a foreign boarding school.
An odd little detail I've noticed in the coverage today: the expected new boss, the Great Successor, Kim Jong-on, was educated in Switzerland at an English-speaking 'international school'. I don't think Stalin or Mao would ever have sent their brats to a foreign boarding school.
it's even worse than when diane abbott sent her kid to private school :(
Do North Koreans go/get sent to China to work then? Or are a lot of their factories etc producing goods for China?

Doubt they'd allow lowly workers across the border as China is the stepping stone towards defecting to the south.

Especially when the scales fell from their eyes as they see how shit things are for them compared to the Chinese.
The implications are staggering. Will Kim Jong-Un hold it together? Will the regime collapse? That whole country is held together with duct tape and chewing gum. A real humanitarian disaster complete with concentration camps. Who knows what will happen? I wouldn't want to be in Seoul right now.
Seoul is in South Korea...not the North.
re: grieving, not a patch on when Diana died...

Rubbish. I thought about that earlier. When Di croaked there were a handful of twats who blubbed and bawled and most normal folk took the piss out of them.

This is an entire nation making cunts of themselves.
Rubbish. I thought about that earlier. When Di croaked there were a handful of twats who blubbed and bawled and most normal folk took the piss out of them.

This is an entire nation making cunts of themselves.

Those foreigners are so funny, aren't they?
They're not all making cunts out of themselves. When Kim Il-sung died, those who did not display enough grief were informed on and arrested. Nobody in NK can afford not to display grief at the moment.

As I said above, though, some of the grief will be heartfelt. Not everybody loathes a dictator.
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