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Kim Jong il dead (ish)

He's got his dad's good looks I see needs to do more work on the hair to reach his old man's standard,now we know why there's food shortages in NK,fat boy's eaten it all.
He's rumoured to have diabetes and heart disease despite not yet being 30.
Jong Tae Se, "the people's Rooney", is a peculiar case. Born in Japan to SK parents but obtained NK citizenship. Currently banging them in for bundesliga 2 mid tablers Bochum.
Here is the final episode of Kim looking at stuff, in a new supermarket. With bonus idiotic BBC news commentary.


They seem to have missed the most obvious 'looking at stuff' photo from the visit though.

I was listening to the Today programme on the way to work and there have been stories on the state run news channel that "natural phenomenon" have occurred after his death. Apparently a huge glacier cracked with a "thunderous roar" and a "red glow" came from the sky to illuminate words of his carved into a mountain.

A bizarre place for sure.
I was listening to the Today programme on the way to work and there have been stories on the state run news channel that "natural phenomenon" have occurred after his death. Apparently a huge glacier cracked with a "thunderous roar" and a "red glow" came from the sky to illuminate words of his carved into a mountain.

A bizarre place for sure.

at the time of KJI's birth a double rainbow filled the skies on the sacred Mt Paektu ( the joy in the hearts of party members )*

* even though he was actually born in Siberia
I was listening to the Today programme on the way to work and there have been stories on the state run news channel that "natural phenomenon" have occurred after his death. Apparently a huge glacier cracked with a "thunderous roar" and a "red glow" came from the sky to illuminate words of his carved into a mountain.

A bizarre place for sure.
It's not so different from the kind of crap you often hear in Catholic countries, tbh.
It's exactly like Christianity, main difference being that the Christian propagandists don't bestow magical abilities on the living.
Very like what you get in Buddhist hagiography, though don't think anyone ever made any wild claims about Milarepa's golf handicap.
One of my favorite batshit 'magic phenomena' stories surrounding Kim Jon-Il is the story about when he was born, a mystical tree carving honoring his birth suddenly appeared. When he came to power, that tree became a pilgrimage point which people were encouraged to visit and pay respect to the Dear Leader and admire the magic carving in the tree which honored his birth.

Then one day on a guided tour of the country, the esteemed officials directed a Japanese botanist to this great site of pilgrimage and told them the story of the magic tree. The Japanese guy politely remarked that due to its age, the tree couldn't even have existed when Kim Jong-Il was born.

It was cut down the next day.

:facepalm: :D
Sneering? Not sure what you're getting at there.

And I'm also not quite sure how you are supposed to comment or speculate on the passing of power from one generation of a hereditary tyranny to the next.

In fact, "is he fit to lead", "who is he", "how will he lead" seem like the only valid questions to ask in light of how little is known about him and the degree of power he might wield.
I find the lazy bandying about of the term 'brainwashed' to be sneering, and ignorant. Particularly when it is being used to describe pictures of well-fed Pyongyang residents (by definition the favoured few) balling their eyes out dutifully. It shows a misunderstanding of what's happening, imo.

As an aside, Hillary Clinton's comment that her 'prayers were with the NK people in this difficult time' beggared fucking belief. Not sneering, just unfuckingbelievable.
they must be completely brainwashed, look at them, freaks. I bet there are soldiers behind them etc.

But look, the young heir, can he even carry this weight on his shoulders blah blah fucking blah.
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