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Keir Starmer's time is up

There are people on here who were insisting that the LP was the best option for political change, that it was at the very least a social democratic, perhaps even a socialist, party. People who defend LP councillors voting for cuts. There are people on U75 (hell on this thread) who have not only not written off the LP but have specifically opposed criticism of it.

Less than two years ago you specifically stated that parliamentary politics was the only recourse for action. Five years ago you specifically argued that people should become involved in the LP. IF you're now saying that you've written off the LP fine, but it was not that long ago that you were attacking people for their criticisms of the LP.
Heh. I could get into this (what you say about me is not true) but it's too hot. I'd just like to say that this post could have been written, "oh cool you finally agree with me", which to a large extent I do, but instead here you are trying to have a fight. On behalf of what?

The situation has changed in at least two major ways, but also I have learnt something from the last debacle.
You been taking goal post sifting lessons from Athos? You were saying it was the mention of ‘secret services’ that was the problem before. Everyone on here has said she was wrong about that specific and should say so, which she has. But that single mistake doesn’t make her a peddler of anti Semitic conspiracy theories.

Funny that you n butch have both adopted the same tactics as the conspiraloons you’re meant to be opposing. A single incorrect statement, twisted to mean something that 99% of people wouldn’t have thought...and using that to damn them as being ‘obviously’ anti Semitic. Utterly fucking absurd.

The 'secret services' bit was one part of what's wrong, since some people seemed unable to see the significance with claiming that specifically, but there are other issues with her sentence of course. Stupidity and inaccuracy being others.

FWIW I actually like Peake, and have met her briefly, and nowhere did I say she should be damned or written off, as I've said she might have made the statement out of stupidity or something else.

As you say some of this stuff is hard for many people to get why it's anti-Semitic, but that shouldn't mean so many of the (especially Labour) left just seem completely unable to say when it is a problem, and instead have a knee jerk reaction to justify it, go on about how bad Israel is, deny any problem, etc.

Again, here's her (now retracted) bit from the interview... "...she adds. “The tactics used by the police in America, kneeling on George Floyd’s neck, that was learnt from seminars with Israeli secret services.”

Anyway, enough of this for me. Said what I think, more important things to think on.
Epic fail by both RLB and KS, whatever truth might or might not exist within the retweeted article.

I’m not talking about what is morally right, just how to play the game:

RLB. Too dim to realise the extreme care needed before a Labour politician says anything about Israel.

KS. Overplayed and mistimed his move. Massive distraction from the blatant corruption in the Tory party when he could have (ab)used “due process” to pick his moment.
She didn’t ‘say’ anything about Israel. She further clarified the purpose of the retweet. Whatever her failings she’s done absolutely nothing that warrants her sacking.

It's surely every senior PLP member's responsibility to know all about antisemitism in it's various guises by now. Not only did she fail to do that when orginally reading the article, she has persisted in her denials that the article is problematic in that way.

She should have thought "ooh, a mention of Israeli secret services linked to racism, this feeds into the far-right conspiracy theories of Jews starting a race war and stoking anti-black racism."

You might think that is an unreasonable demand to put upon her, but in the position she is in and the recent history of antisemitism accusations against the Labour party, it really isn't.
I'm not 4 degrees from anything. I'm responding to the idea that focusing on training by the Israeli state - in the absence of knowledge of the whole gamut of training - is anything but stupid victory involving holding hands with horrible people. Peake sadly among them.

I agree with this ie. the problem is one of holding hands with horrible people not that Peake said something a bit daft because people say daft things all the time. There's the fact that there is a kernel of truth in what was said and it is not part of a larger pattern of behaviour from Peake (as far as I know). So I don't have reason to believe that this is evidence of Peake falling down some sort of loon rabbit hole or that she is promoting the idea that Israel is somehow behind police violence is the US (or elsewhere). I read her as saying in a slightly clumsy way that police from different countries learn from each other and that the problem is a global one. There's the problem and there's also the problem with overreaction to the problem.
Epic fail by both RLB and KS, whatever truth might or might not exist within the retweeted article.

I’m not talking about what is morally right, just how to play the game:

RLB. Too dim to realise the extreme care needed before a Labour politician says anything about Israel.

KS. Overplayed and mistimed his move. Massive distraction from the blatant corruption in the Tory party when he could have (ab)used “due process” to pick his moment.

KS didn’t overplay anything. This is win-win for him.

Purge his one token left winger from the cabinet. Check.

Sow despair and division amongst the labour left, leading to more resigning. Check.

Appease rightwing and centrist media. Check.

Appease supporters of Israeli apartheid. Check.

Where’s the downside for him and his project?
She should have thought "ooh, a mention of Israeli secret services linked to racism, this feeds into the far-right conspiracy theories of Jews starting a race war and stoking anti-black racism."
Is that the reason it trips the anti-semitism alarms? I've never understood why any criticism of Israel is labelled anti-semitic, but I'm not really familiar with the subtleties of which keywords carry additional meanings.
Is that the reason it trips the anti-semitism alarms? I've never understood why any criticism of Israel is labelled anti-semitic, but I'm not really familiar with the subtleties of which keywords carry additional meanings.
The implication is that the US police can't/wouldn't murder people without the assistance of Israel, which is a version of 'the Jews are running the world'.
Isn't it antisemitic to associate all Jewish people with the state of Israel, going on the IHRA defintion ?

Peake's interview didn't mention Jewish people. The bit that is being focused on was a criticism of the racist policing tactics of the IDF and the disturbing similarities in the use of those tactics are use against Palestinians and Black Americans. Yes, it can be argued that she is wrong to assume that the knee choke method was specifically learnt during the training US cops receive, but that assumption isn't antisemitic IMO. If people think the absolute worst of the IDF i'm pretty sure it's more to do with what they actually do do rather than the majority of Israeli citizens being Jewish.
That’s an absurd extrapolation.
In isolation maybe but I don't think it is, given the world it exists in. 'It woz Mossad' comes up all the time in absurd conspiracy theories and anything like it is tarred by association. It (e.g. Mossad) being the state of Israel is much less important than it being Jews in these contexts.

Fundamentally, why is it necessary to bring Israel/Palestine into the discussion of George Floyd? Even if the claim were literally and demonstrably true, why is it important or relevant?
Isn't it antisemitic to associate all Jewish people with the state of Israel, going on the IHRA defintion ?
Yes, and much more using AS as a political tool rather than giving a fuck about it. But the above is why it's a small hop away from not actually being about Israel.
I believe it's also true that the majority of Jews are Israeli. Something like 70%, iirc.

Edit: Never mind, apparently I wasn't remembering correctly - Wikipedia says 30%, with 50% in the US.

What's you point? I said 'majority' (happy to be corrected if wrong) & was making a clear distinction between the actions of the state and the religion of it's citizens. You can criticise one of those things without attacking the other.
Isn't it antisemitic to associate all Jewish people with the state of Israel, going on the IHRA defintion ?
I was looking at what the loons were saying and this is literally the pathetic gotcha line that they're taking. Who are the real anti-semites etc. There is only one reason that Israel, and only Israel, will get dragged into a discussion about systemic racism and police violence in the US.
I think Peake was just a bit careless in what she read/said, and her apology seems decent enough. RLB is a professional politician, should know how to talk about politics carefully and shouldn't have been such an idiot. But it illustrates what the fringes of leftist discourse so easily edge into. A friend went to her first labour party meeting and had to call someone out on referring to 'Israeli-controlled media' in the UK. I think most leftists in the UK would be well advised to SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT ISRAEL except when specifically talking about the Palestinian struggle, and even then think carefully about their language and emphasis. Israel is not the problem in the world. The Palestine conflict is one manifestation of a certain set of problems, but there are many other manifestations. There are even other militarised colonial projects supported by the Western powers. I'd also say that e.g. the war on drugs has caused as much suffering and degraded human rights much more globally than the Israel-Palestine conflict, yet somehow I hear more from leftists about Israel than I do about the war on drugs. I'm sick of it. Obviously there's nothing wrong with expressing solidarity with Palestinians, and people should do that in a thoughtful way where they actually try to work out how they can be helpful, but being anti-Israel has become this performative marker of leftism and engaging in that without thinking is bullshit.
What's you point? I said 'majority' (happy to be corrected if wrong) & was making a clear distinction between the actions of the state and the religion of it's citizens. You can criticise one of those things without attacking the other.
I agree with you - nobody is accused of being anti-Taoist for criticising China's actions against the Uighur Muslims. But, as rekil points out above, if it's only Israel that is getting mentioned in this context, perhaps you have to wonder why that is. Seems you can be right and wrong on this topic simultaneously. :(
You're missing my point. They do train with lots of other countries, Israel included. Not normal US beat cops with Mossad or other secret services though, and Israel isn't to blame for this killing in any way.

Making those links above and beyond other countries training with the US, and suggesting the secret services of Israel (with all the conspiraloon stuff about Mossad as context) are responsible for this as they trained US cops how to do this technique is bonkers.

Nobody has said anything about Israel being to blame or anything about Mossad. Israel does not just police its civilian population it also occupies the West Bank where it uses the military and military courts to police the Palestinian population. Amnesty International mentions training from Israel's national police, military and secret services. I'm guessing that's Shin Bet not Mossad. This is not a conspiraloon theory and it is the US police who are to blame for learning from a military occupation.
I was looking at what the loons were saying and this is literally the pathetic gotcha line that they're taking. Who are the real anti-semites etc.

You know that arguments can be used in bad faith by certain people while still being correct, yes? Loons are gonna loon, but that doesn't change the fact that criticism of the state of Israel is twisted into AS by some on the pro-Israel side.

There is only one reason that Israel, and only Israel, will get dragged into a discussion about systemic racism and police violence in the US.

Bullshit. The US is a (if not the) big player in the global military/"security"-industrial complex, and Israel is a junior partner in that venture. Systemic racism and police violence doesn't just exist in the US, it's a global problem. I think it's disingenuous to pretend that these two facts are entirely disconnected.
I was looking at what the loons were saying and this is literally the pathetic gotcha line that they're taking. Who are the real anti-semites etc. There is only one reason that Israel, and only Israel, will get dragged into a discussion about systemic racism and police violence in the US.

Oh really? So nothing to do with the widespread use of Israeli/IDF training orgs/exchanges by the US police service? Nothing to do with them being touted as 'the best in the world' , nothing to do with these being sponsored by US & Israeli orgs? Just 'loons' making it up. Right-O.
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