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July 2005 London bomb blasts: UPDATES AND NEWS ONLY - NO DISCUSSION

Radio 5: interview with somebody at the scene who claims a policeman told him '30 people have died'. :(

*Absolutely unconfirmed, though.*
Doesn’t seem like a terrorist attack to me TBH, or at least not of anyone who might spring to mind – it’s not exactly like the places would be maximum casualty targets.

I may yet be wrong on this but I’m just firmly of the belief that the moment you start thinking anything bad must be ‘the terrorists’ then you’re letting terrorists win. Note the word ‘terror’ in their name. I don’t doubt the threat but frankly they can fuck off if they think I’m going to live in fear of them.
Stobart Stopper said:
I just can't believe it's just a power surge. Power suges do not cause explosions

Transformers can explode though & when that happens, it is pretty nasty!
Just been down to Edgeware Rd which is completely cordoned off. Loads of police and fire engines. Looks pretty serious. Rumours flying around but most people are saying it's a power surge that's caused the explosions. Fuck, hope it's not too bad. :(
This is our 9/11.
My husband is here as he's off with a bad back. As soon as the news came through he said "bombs", 20 years of policing he's done, don't believe this shit about power surges. If you are in central London now get the fuck out, walk.
it’s not exactly like the places would be maximum casualty targets.

Firstly, they are exactly places like that, and secondly, they would aim for maximum disruption. Assuming it is an attack, this is exactly what would could have expected.
energy release said:
I would doubt that a massive power surge would cause problems at "selected" stations like this all across the city. It would require far too much power and wouldn't just affect the underground. Whole swathes of the city would be blacked out as well.

afaik the tubes on a different power source of its own incase shit like this happens :confused:
A bus has exploded in Russell Square (Sky News).

Shit this is scary. All the people who have been evacuated from the trains are now in the streets, and now a bus has exploded. People are saying it was a bomb. :( :( I really hope this report is wrong
Stobart Stopper said:
This is our 9/11.
If you are in central London now get the fuck out, walk.

Jesus, SS, stop being so hysterical FFS. We DO NOT KNOW what is going on yet.
CNN now quoting

'Casualties following major incident believed to be a series of explosions on Londons' Underground'

'Metronet who maintain affected lines say linked power surges' are 'most likely' the cause'
Im listing to it on 5live, it sounds pretty serious at the moment. BBC site doesn't seem to be working. They are saying 'Power Surges' now, somthing to do with LU being on national grid.

mrs21 was in liverpool street this morning, she was getting a train at 8.30 out to peterborough...she hasn't got a mobile, but she's off to see her dad and mum...she should have left by 8.30 and i'm sure she missed it all
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