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YearZero Magazine: Bombing the truth

Im not sure where to start.
Darin - you seem to be criticising a different piece. Where does it say that those who helped commit the acts of Sept 11th shouldnt be brought to justice? Where does it show support for OBL?
I think you are confusing a desire to do the best thing with a desire to do what our leaders say, which may not be the same thing.
No one is going to destroy the USA. Every nation state on the planet is terrified of the US and what they can do militarily and economically. That's why they are so powerful.
The US spend (according to the Pentagon) $365bn a year on defence which is 60% more than the next six biggest nations combined. The next biggest being Russia. No one is going destroy you.
The UK has had a serious conflict situation of its own for the past 30 years. We have also had many bombs of a middle eastern origin. The way to solve the situation is not to return the bombs, although I admit negotiating with people who have killed is pretty unsavoury, do you want peace or victory, the two are often different.
Also the humanitarian effort is propoganda, which is what the piece is about and the way the private corporate media are so obedient. Also please note that when we talk of `America` we talk about your establishment state, your government, not the people, not you.
But just take the states that have joined the `coalition`. The majority are highly murderous, especially of their own citizens. Once again we talk of governments not civillians. The genocidal Indonesians, backed and supported in mass murder of between 2 and 5 million by the UK and the US for 35 years, the Algerians currently the most murderous government on the planet, Russia who's former KGB man has held two campaigns in Chechnya that has killed 200,000 civillians according to the UN, Prince Abdullah of Saudi a US/UK protectorate created and dominated by the west who muder opposition, Jiang Zemin the butcher of Tibet, Ariel Saron who commanded the killing of thousands of Palestininas at Sabra & Chatilla but also killed hundreds of British troops after WW2, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & Turkmenistan mafia states run by the opium industry and Pakistan a nuclaer military dicatorship.
No one is doubting the need to bring maniacs like OBL to justice, the left have been going on about OBL for years, like we did about Kosovo and Bosnia and as we are doing now about Colombia, Sudan, Western Sahara, Aceh, Burma, Irin Jaya, Kashmir, central america, the collapse of the Congo, the power of the global drug trade and money laundering.
But we need to do this through a democratic UN with an International Court of Justice as proposed and voted for by all but three countries time and time again (with abstentions too) stopping its implementation. They are the US, the UK and Isreal (also El Salvador have voted against before). US directly state that the reason they do not want an international court is because they refuse to be tried under it.
If you read magazines like Foreign Affairs or Foreign Policy Review you will see time and time again that the general outlook of the US's foreign policy elite is that they are threatened (as they thought before Sept 11th) more by China and the UN than Islam. I would have thought those views are being realigned right now.
The reason that China threatens the US is that it will become economically strong enough to dominate the whole asian region through such moves as entry to the WTO but the reason the UN threatens the US is that it threatens democratising international relations which cannot happen in their eyes and the other members of the `Security Council` the UK, China, Russia and France.
With an international court that has everyones interests at heart, not the interests of one or more of the most powerful nation states, then murderers like OBL can be brought to justice in the same way domestic criminals are brought to justice after often very long and exhaustive searching.
Simply to throw all this away and just say well, a bit of collateral damage is fine, do what our leaders say, take it out of all previous context, ignore important evidence does us all a disservice especially for the future.
Phew...my fingers...

Just getting back to the original points by Adam...

We all know how politician's are all so well versed in question dodging, there should be a public forum of some kind where all public figures are accountable and must answer all questions...

Pie in the sky? Probably, it's reasonable to think they would make strong moves to block such a thing.

But hey, they work for us! Good article Adam, nice mag too!

[ 10 October 2001: Message edited by: oosav ]
Darin - I asked you why it is that you feel that my dead American friend is more important than my Afghan friends. You answered:

"One death is no more important than any other ... The difference between the attacks is obvious. One was a provaction, the other an act of defense. One is a crime, the other an attempt at self-preservation. The first is a madman picking thousands of "enemies" who are innocent; the second is a nation striking back against someone who has declared war on it"

But the problem with this Darin is that you are not bombing OBL, you are bombing the Taliban, who may be scum but have not declared war on America and are not responsible for the WTC attacks. The bombing of Taliban buildings, airports, communications centres, cannot possibly - in any way - be regarded as an act of self-preservation. OBL is not the Taliban, but unfortunately the USA doesn't know how to deal with him so they have gone back to what they know best - bombing the shit out of 3rd world countries. And then, right at the bottom of the pile of bodies, are the Afghans themselves who don't even support the Taliban either. So you are bombing children who aren't your enemy, to get at the Taliban who have not atacked your country, to get at Binman who might have (but no-one is entirely sure). Please don't try to pretend that you value the lives of Afghani people as much as you value the lives of Americans. Its quite plain that although you're prepared to chuck at least 50 million dollars worth of cruise missiles at them on the first night alone, that the lives of ordinary Afghans are cheap, a price you're prepared to pay to get at someone else. At least you could have the bottle to come out and say it rather than hiding behind a thinly veiled excuse.
nice post adam –

medecins sans frontiers says the aid drops are a ‘propaganda tool, of little real value to the Afghan people’

just about every aid agency has backed them up on this also.

the article darin has ripped off word for fucking word is Thomas L Friedman in the New York Times:

darin you mindless twat – as you’re incapable of holding your own opinions, next time you post could you just supply links of articles you agree most with and save us the tedium.
Nice one Ali, I knew I'd read it somewhere before. What a wankstain - he couldn't even own up to it when he was rumbled! :rolleyes:
darin, "but how do we RESPOND to an act of war? How do we RESPOND to an attack on our soil?
I think Bin Laden has asked himself that question to.

You ask if anyone thinks america deserves the attacks?
Well if there is such a thing as a generic america, rather than lots of americans, then yes the generic america does deserve it. they've had their fingers in other people pies for too long and are now crying because they got them burned.

You dare anyone to find the US response in violation of your precepts. Stating "The difference betweeen the US and its attackers is one of provocation vs. self-defense. "
Well I think it's really questionable who has been attacked and who is acting in self defense. I think pooring arms into a country in order to gain political ground could legitimately be considered an attack.
Maybe you should be asking,
How should Afganistan "RESPOND" to 'x' years of destabalisation and infighting funded by American foreign policy?
How should we the world RESPOND to these two dickheads (BL & GB) using the whole planet for their playground politics?
How the fuck am I going to RESPOND to being rumbled by Well Reds post (number1162) without making making myself look even more of a twat than I already am?
First of all, respect Adam - all your posts are both well written and insightful.
Darin and others (not all as virulently pro-US as yourself) - it is becoming rather tedious to read the same pasted text over and over again.
Obviously I have no truck with those who commit murder or terrorise others for whatever reason. However it is clear throughout history that such acts have perhaps resulted in some alleviation of the general suffering of peoples and thus good have been said to be done for the “common good” to quote a standard utilitarian argument. The obvious (rather boringly) quoted argument is WW2 saving us from Nazism.
However this is where the problem of truth and perception lies. We are told that US/Western Government actions are for the “common good” when in fact this is rarely the case. What is actually the case, of course, is their “common good” is what will benefit themselves whilst the driving force behind such actions be they humanitarian or militarily is the extension of such Government’s power which is more often than not reflected in their wealth.
I don’t believe that the US Government is “The Great Satan” as some people claim, or inherently evil or the root of all of the world’s problems. In fact I don’t really believe that it is any worse than any other comparable state – indeed it is often better - in terms of the way it acts around the world with respect to inflicting it’s views upon others, bullying, terrorising other etc. However the fact is that there is not and never really has been in history a state to compare the current US with. The US is so large and powerful that it can do anything it more or less wants.
And it does so. It acts in it’s own interests – primarily for the interests of its corporations and has no truck with anyone or anything which stands in the way of its corporations’ wishes. Kissinger (who must rank as the biggest mass murderer still alive) described this I believe as his Realpolitik – the doctrine of only interfere if you are able to benefit yourself by doing so. Most countries couldn’t interfere everywhere to obey this doctrine but in the case of the US, due to its size and wealth, it can. The US Government has butchered its way round the world for the benefit of the bottom line of its corporations. This, and I must stress this, is not myself being anti-American. When other countries throughout history have dominated parts of the world and ran client states – most Western European powers, Japan, Mongolia etc., they have done so by terrorising the less powerful as the US does now. And often, they have claimed that their actions are for the “common good” of the peoples they are terrorising. The reality is, of course, is that it’s for their own gain.
This is where the perception issue arises - people seem to buy into the idea that they are acting for any other reason. They’re not. Hardly any Government in history has - why should anyone think that the US does?
I don’t castigate the US for this worse than I castigate others who act similarly - which is most countries/groupings/states at some point or other if not on the US current scale. I just find the dishonesty distasteful. Why bother to spin some yarn about promoting freedom and democracy, human rights etc in other countries... when all you are truly interested in is your own gain? Why bother trying to convince us that you care about the starving Afghans by dropping food parcels when you know that it does no even scratch the surface of the increased hunger caused by your war efforts this time and many times before. I just for once wish that someone would admit the truth:
“We don’t give a toss about you unless we can make money out of you”.
Oh and back to Kissinger.. I suppose at least he was honest. He implied that the US was butchering its way round the world for its own gain on many occasions… it’s just the world wasn’t listening.
However it is clear throughout history that such acts have perhaps resulted in some alleviation of the general suffering of peoples and thus good have been said to be done for the “common good” to quote a standard utilitarian argument. The obvious (rather boringly) quoted argument is WW2 saving us from Nazism.
What utter rubbish
World war two resulted in the mass slaughter of 55 million people and did not rid the world of tyranny at all. As the world still has dozens of brutal dictatorships that are just as bad a Nazi Germany was. One brutal dictatorship in Europe was simply replaced by another that of soviet Russia. The job of fighting Nazism was the job of the German working class who were killed in their millions once the war started. Not some imperialist foreign army. For the reall reasons and causes of World War II click here.

[ 10 October 2001: Message edited by: steelgate. ]
So, what drives US foreign policy?

* DH Levy: The police protect the banks, and everything else is secondary.

* Or: Orson Welles' speech on the ferris wheel in the Third Man.

Yes. And part of the "everything else is secondary" includes managing public opinion to softly quell internal disagreement (Darien's "lies"). Something that power does very well in the US, as it does (and sometimes better) around the rest of the world.

But don't think that there is a smoke filled room where evil-doers are counting their coins while plotting how to steal more from the less powerful around the world. Yes, this may be the outcome, but it's more an ant-hill outcome of busy, partly-conscious worker ants (including manager ants and senator ants) blindly fulfilling their individual scope and objectives.

In America, there are 2 votes: The $ vote, and the democratic vote. In general, nothing gets heard nor debated nor put on the agenda unless it first passes the $ vote. The problem is, of course, that those with more $ get to vote more than those with less. Hardly democratic.

And so those with many $ end up with candidates on ballots that, lucky them, represent their interests very well, which includes advance action against whatever may threaten the status quo. So they create and destroy a Saddam in Iraq and an Usama in Afganistan.

So here we are. I got to watch events live from my office in the Chrysler building in Manhattan, less than a mile away. Don't have $ to influence my cab driver, never mind a politician. So, like the fathers and mothers and daughters and sons in Afganistan, I sit and wait to be made a "symbol" in someone else's political dialogue. And, like them, I resent it.

So in the back of my otherwise moral mind I find some comfort in Bush's attempt to, yes, terrorize other nations into considering withdrawal of their support for terrorist organizations. Maybe this will help.

I would rather we rewind to September 10. But I don't know how.

Yes, I find it immensely curious that -- even after promising to do so -- Bush has not publicly presented evidence for bin Laden's involvement. And I've noted how CNN has simply gone quiet on the matter. But the symbology is their anyway, a kind of line in the sand that Bush hopes will be forever after respected.

I've heard crazy AM radio commentary here that, actually, Russia and China, as the base beneath various terrorist states, are behind the acts of September 11 and hope to use these extremist organizations to destabilize US economy and society and further their own ferris wheel objectives. The murmer and discussion here in the states is, mostly, 'Thank God we're striking back'. Fear based, not fact based.

But I recall, when I managed to escape NYC just before they shut down the bridges and tunnels, how keenly my mind focused on the beauty around me. On the deep blue sky and deep greens of the late summer trees. I was driven to get home to my family. I couldn't help but think of my 2 adopted daughters, one autistic and the other bipolar, that without me to stand up for them in the world would have seriously diminished life chances. I looked down to find myself driving nearly 100 mph on Meritt Parkway, a winding, hilly highway.

Someone in another thread raised the image of an Afgani boy with his leg blown off. Surely today, as the bombs continue to drop, there is an Afgani father racing home to be at his child's side. I feel for him. And I reach out to him with my heart across the irreality of ideas that bring so much evil in the world. I wish he can forgive me as I forgive him. What for? For allowing these ideas to live amongst us. Yes, he and I haven't a clue about what we could've done. But whatever we've done, we wish we hadn't; whatever we hadn't done, we now wish we had. Nothing warrants that legless boy's pain, nor my girls fear. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

...OK. Now what? What do I do? Where do I sign up? Who do I speak to? Tell me what we must do to end this insanity...?
dam DARIN is gone!!!bit like Darus from the "popstars" shite telly thing..and just went it was getting interesting...oh well i`m off to fuel the stealth up.
Steelgate – you misunderstand me. I was not saying that I agree (or disagree) with the argument that WW2 for fought for the “common good”. I was merely saying that the example of the Allies ridding the world of Nazism in WW2 is most often (mis?)-used as an illustration of violence for the “common good”.
Pixiebrown has already said what I wanted to say - all states act their own selfish interests, but the USA is unique in that there no other nation that comes close to its power and global influence. In this context, september 11th was part of growing resistance to American dominance.

Unfortuneatly this puts the anti-capitalist movement and growing working class movements through out the developing world in the same camp as the religious fascists of the Taliban - I haven't got an answer to that one - Any takers from the more erudite philosophers in these parts?

speaking of which - Well Red and Ali303, your exposure of nob boys shameless plagarism was genius! Funniest thing I've seen on U75 since the Queen Mums teeth.
It was like the suprise evidence in 'Crown Court'
"M'lud, I would like to present to the Jury this internet link to a certain newspaper article ..."

[ 15 October 2001: Message edited by: Kaka Tim ]
just because you're against US mid-east foreign policy doesn't mean you have to join al-qaida just yet.

bin Laden is a perfect illustration of why US policy is so fucked up - he's a direct (and probably inevitable) product of US policy.

there is an excellent tradition of islamic dissent that is not remotely fundamentalist. but this has been more or less stamped out of existence by US backed regimes. in the absence of alternatives, fundamentalism provides the only polemic against Arab regimes, which explains its appeal.
The American military and Al-Quack organizations have one thing in common:

they are expensive regimes paying millions upon trillions of dollars to BLOW THINGS UP and KILL PEOPLE.

You can deduce this idea, find blame, and digress onto related controversies in any manner, but this basic property remains.
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