Nemo, you are answering my question for me...
a)The Un/rest of the world is at a loss as what to do at this stage of the game...which gives great ammo to the "we should have finished him off whilst we had a chance crowd" (and there are many, not just in the US)
b)As I previously stated (above), Saddam Hussein IS responsible for the misery his people are suffering, not just because they are not seeing any of the Billions in oil revenue that he uses to (yet again) rebuild his military power, but because he persists in thumbing his nose at the very same people who could end the sanctions, ie the UN. They have made it clear that the sanctions could be lifted (and in fact have not been so far)if his weapons program was checked by international observers. This is something that he has refused to do time and time again. Most of the international community is painfully aware of the fact that he has resumed his pursuit of Nuclear and Biological weapons, and this is something that you should be worried about too...
Jwh: you are right, the Egyptians know a thing about invasion, they discovered that in 73, when they attacked Israel, got spanked (again), and lost more land as a result...although it could be argued that the Sinai desert is hardly prime real estate
Or maybe the former owners of the Golan Heights (used to shell Israel until they got tired of that) who lost that little piece of property are the ones that you are referring to...
Palestinians, Beirut, same old song, let's make a peace deal and let the Guerillas move right back in (hang on, I think they are called "freedom fighters" or something
Finally, had to laugh about the post (might not be in this thread) about the Rabbis saying what a mistake it was to attach the Jewish religion to a piece of real estate...didn't even take 25 years for them to look stupid on that one....
Kissthecat, the only people (it seems to me )complaining about the neo-liberal ideologues is the (i'm guessing here) 1.0056% of the British population that might agree with you (or many others on this message board)
The rest of the population is way too busy eating mc Donalds burgers, wearing Levi jeans, and watching (fairly terrible I'll agree) American tv programs...
Wow, did you notice, we probably just ahd our first agreement on something (US tv), there's a groundbreaking moment..
...although all these references to my "masters" have got me a little freaked out LOL