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Julie Burchill's attack on transsexuals...

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A reaction to the republished Julie Burchill article:

Dear sirs,

I am a long time reader of your foul publication; indeed every fortnight sees a new low. However, I believe today's column is the last straw.

The disgusting reference by the author to their "foofoo" - which I understand to be a reference to the vaginal orifice - would be bad enough on it's own; however you then further corrupted any innocent young minds that would peruse this column by introducing a filthy lesbian innuendo.

I, and many other decent, respectable, UKIP-voting citizens, are sick and tired of the sexualisation of our Great British Culture, and the attempts by the Radical Feminist Homo-fascists to impose their way of life on us. To this end, I am setting an example by cancelling my subscription. I have also written to my MP, demanding an explanation of how I am forced to read this FILTHY TRASH on a fortnightly basis.

Yours faithfully,

Colonel Reginald Blimp (ret)
Late of the Third Disgusting Fusiliers.
She's the Guardian version of Liz Jones (albeit she's been doing it a lot longer) and equally not worth paying the slightest bit of attention to.

This is from page one, and apols for not catching up with all of this thread just yet, but in the interests of boring old media accuracy :

1. Julie Burchill (who I loathe btw, and always have) stopped contributing her drivel to the Saturday Guardian at least 3 years ago. Possibly 4.
2. This mea mea mea article ( ;) ) was in today's Observer -- she's occasionally in that, but not every week.
Just caught up. Fair dos to those making similar point earlier though.

Had not time for that Burchill article, pile of trolling shite as is her usual metier.

Agree with most people's comments here.
I'm not reading the article, since Julie Burchill makes me physically sick, as does transphobia (and me a "natural-born woman" myself - am I doing it wrong?). I hope she gets as many complaints as Jan Moir did for her Stephen Gately shitpile in the Mail. Not that that made much difference to Jan Moir's career, but nevertheless.

As for Suzanne Moore, if she had said "I'm sorry, I didn't realise that would be offensive" and then just stayed quiet for a day or so, people would probably have found something else to occupy themselves and it would have blown over. But she had to go all "I have freedom of speech, you can't tell me what to do, I have my rights!" which may well be the fashionable way for journalists to respond to any criticism, but it doesn't really help.
'Julie Burchill in calculated act of attention-seeking vileness' Shocker.

'Thousands shrug their shoulders and tune her out almost as soon as they realise it's just the usual schtick of a third-rate hack who lost little time in becoming the sort of 'celeb' hack that no self-respecting punk journo would have ever wanted to be and never possessed any great amount of talent to start off with.
Their argument is that transsexual women (sorry, i dont know the correct term) aren't really women but are merely imposters and probably perverts who just want to pretend to be women to get access to "women only spaces", they are not really oppressed (which is complete and utter bullshit, plenty of transphobic attacks have resulted in death, plenty of people are disowned by their families for wishing to become a different sex) and transsexual men are self-hating women who have been indoctrinated by a sexist culture so that they have become "traitors" to their sex. It is mental.
Their argument is that transsexual women (sorry, i dont know the correct term) aren't really women but are merely imposters and probably perverts who just want to pretend to be women to get access to "women only spaces", they are not really oppressed (which is complete and utter bullshit, plenty of transphobic attacks have resulted in death, plenty of people are disowned by their families for wishing to become a different sex) and transsexual men are self-hating women who have been indoctrinated by a sexist culture so that they have become "traitors" to their sex. It is mental.
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