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Joe Biden's time is up

Really sad seeing someone with Parkinson's and/or dementia and/or whatever unravelling, though equally he's a man happy to see Gaza carpet bombed. Most of all, he's a selfish fuck to let it get to this point, ditto some of his family and key advisers. There's no doubt that this stuff will have been showing up on whatever cognitive tests he will have officially or unofficially undertaken (regardless of what his doctors claimed the other day).
What's worse is the way the presidency is being fought over by two old men. Back in the day the western media made much of eg brezhnev being succeeded by andropov and chernenko, being rather rude about the gerontocracy of the ussr. Yet look at Biden, trump, Pelosi, mitch McConnell. What a shower
Really sad seeing someone with Parkinson's and/or dementia and/or whatever unravelling, though equally he's a man happy to see Gaza carpet bombed. Most of all, he's a selfish fuck to let it get to this point, ditto some of his family and key advisers. There's no doubt that this stuff will have been showing up on whatever cognitive tests he will have officially or unofficially undertaken (regardless of what his doctors claimed the other day).
He dosesn't have either of those, he's just old, which leaves him low on energy and prone to lapses of memory, especially under great stress during an election cycle. I've said before I don't think he's capable of the role, but that's not the same thing as being totally incapable, which he clearly isn't - he's perfectly able to give reasoned answers to questions, moves around under his own steam and seems about as healthy as any guy in their 80s. If he was my dad doing his own thing as a retiree I'd not be in the slightest bit worried about him. Discussion around his suitability doesn't have to be either he's fine or he's a vegetable in a suit - leave the hype to the media eh?
Okay, he's now speaking up for unions!

I've changed my mind, the man is on top form. Go Joe!

He spoke up for unions, he twice attacked corporate greed and price gouging during the cost of living crisis, he effectively put the boot into trickle down economics and I even liked that weird thing he does when he starts whispering.

He might be old and losing it but compared to the smug, empty, technocratic barf Starmer (who did the presser before him) at least he once had a clue.
Betfair odds give Biden a 10% chance of being the next president, compared to about 60% for Trump. Kamala Harris is on about 18%. Biden needs to step aside with dignity now so Harris has time to show she is a safe pair of hands compared to the orange peril.
Betfair odds give Biden a 10% chance of being the next president, compared to about 60% for Trump. Kamala Harris is on about 1%. Biden needs to step aside with dignity now so Harris has time to show she is a safe pair of hands compared to the orange peril.
Yeh it's always a really good idea to base your political demands on the back of bookies' odds
Apparently they’re looking closely at what it means if Kamala runs…which if true means Biden will be going in a matter of weeks if not days…
It's always wise to acknowledge that the betting markets are one of the better predictors. Certainly better than most pundits.
unfortunately, i think this is true. people bet large quantities of real money on these sorts of things every day
Apparently they’re looking closely at what it means if Kamala runs…which if true means Biden will be going in a matter of weeks if not days…
Apparently one issue they have is that if anyone other than Biden or Harris stands all the funds they have raised so far become unusable. So I expect they really want to stick with one of them.
unfortunately, i think this is true. people bet large quantities of real money on these sorts of things every day
That's true with Betfair. It's political markets are usually spot on with prices set by gamblers not bookies. Before the debate Biden was only slightly behind Trump but now he's a long shot. It's sad that his career ends this way but I'm far more concerned about the damage a second Trump term will cause, and Biden should be too.
Biden. Old but heart in the right place and surrounded by realtively normal people. Or Trump, a man who has vowed to end democracy and believes America literally has invisible planes, stares directly at an eclipse and believes that the noise from wind turbines, which he calls windmills, gives you cancer.

I'll take four (probably fewer) years of Biden than Trump any time. You get Biden, you plod on for a bit, you get Trump and the world is fucked for a very very long fucking time.
Thing is you dont chose, and Trump is ahead in the polls. So....?
Apparently one issue they have is that if anyone other than Biden or Harris stands all the funds they have raised so far become unusable. So I expect they really want to stick with one of them.
Yep this is a very real risk. Underlined by Clooney’s article (he’s one of the biggest fundraisers for the slate)…
That's true with Betfair. It's political markets are usually spot on with prices set by gamblers not bookies. Before the debate Biden was only slightly behind Trump but now he's a long shot. It's sad that his career ends this way but I'm far more concerned about the damage a second Trump term will cause, and Biden should be too.
On the good side, the bookies setting their odds based on bets already placed has two effects:
1 - It's a good aggregate of what people who think they know what they're betting on think
2 - It lets them hedge themselves (which is the real reason they do it)

The downside is that people who think they know what they're betting on are often wrong. It's really no different to taking a poll whereby you restricted your polling group to "people willing to make a bet on politics".
I'm old enough to remember the USSR's ageing general secretaries, all of whom were younger than Biden when they died. I think Chernenko was 68 or 69 when he died. He was the youngest of the trio. The 'west' used to mock the USSR relentlessly for the advanced ages of its leaders.
Chernenko was dead on the Soviet Union's male life expectancy at the time. Biden (and Trump, for that matter) is well past the USA's.

Edit: No, Andropov was dead on, memory confusing the two. Chernenko was 73 and well past the 69.5 average. Breszhnev was 75 when he died, so about as far past average as Biden is now. So we can expect Joe to drop dead any day now. :p
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I'm old enough to remember the USSR's ageing general secretaries, all of whom were younger than Biden when they died. I think Chernenko was 68 or 69 when he died. He was the youngest of the trio. The 'west' used to mock the USSR relentlessly for the advanced ages of its leaders.
This is what feels so strange about this whole affair. The aged, decrepit soviet leaders were such a visible representation of a failing, sclerotic system. It was so obviously bizarre that a world power was being run in this way.

The fact that this has now happened to the US and a pretty large number of people think it acceptable and are defending the idea of an 85 year old doddering president has really surprised me. It's just a terrible look / practice regardless of who it is or who the opponent is.
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he's proper fucked now and i think we can expect an announcement that he's withdrawing from the race by the end of next week, if not Monday
He dosesn't have either of those, he's just old, which leaves him low on energy and prone to lapses of memory, especially under great stress during an election cycle. I've said before I don't think he's capable of the role, but that's not the same thing as being totally incapable, which he clearly isn't - he's perfectly able to give reasoned answers to questions, moves around under his own steam and seems about as healthy as any guy in their 80s. If he was my dad doing his own thing as a retiree I'd not be in the slightest bit worried about him. Discussion around his suitability doesn't have to be either he's fine or he's a vegetable in a suit - leave the hype to the media eh?
In terms of Parkinson's I have a slight suspicion, particularly seeing his walk (having seen it in my Dad). But yeah, ultimately, I don't really give a shit if he's stumbling over words or getting forgetful. Equally, when in office there will be plenty of 'workarounds' if he ceases to function. As you say, an old bloke prone to gaffes and fumbling over his words and that's about it. The only time it's important is over the next few weeks and months against Trump. It's hard to see this doing anything other than help the orange fascist rapist get back into power. And that starts to ramp up as the calls for him to go from his own side increase. He's close to dead in the water now.
If Biden is replaced, I don't see how it could possibly be by anyone other than Harris

I mean, they won't, but they could use the Convention to allow delegates to select a candidate who is inspiring, popular and possesses the type of ideas and politics nhecessary to defeat the politics of despair offered by Trump. They can do better than the flaccid elite liberalism of Harris. They won't and that's why they will lose.
Chernenko was dead on the Soviet Union's male life expectancy at the time. Biden (and Trump, for that matter) is well past the USA's.

Edit: No, Andropov was dead on, memory confusing the two. Chernenko was 73 and well past the 69.5 average. Breszhnev was 75 when he died, so about as far past average as Biden is now. So we can expect Joe to drop dead any day now. :p
Of course, Andropov was 68/69.
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