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Joe Biden's time is up

Really sad seeing someone with Parkinson's and/or dementia and/or whatever unravelling, though equally he's a man happy to see Gaza carpet bombed. Most of all, he's a selfish fuck to let it get to this point, ditto some of his family and key advisers. There's no doubt that this stuff will have been showing up on whatever cognitive tests he will have officially or unofficially undertaken (regardless of what his doctors claimed the other day).
In case there was any doubt, President makes no bones and is unabashed

Even if we exclude the most obvious gaffes with the wrong names, there were a number of times in that press conference where his train of thought or rhetoric trailed off and he just said 'anyway' and moved on.
Even if we exclude the most obvious gaffes with the wrong names, there were a number of times in that press conference where his train of thought or rhetoric trailed off and he just said 'anyway' and moved on.
Thing is though (I recognise what you are saying) he seemed quite relaxed and down to earth. Thoughtful, competent, on his brief.

If you think some very slick, younger more forceful speaker would be more likely to win, unfortunately I would definitely agree.

Whether he or she would be a 'better' president I don't know. I suspect not.
Thing is though (I recognise what you are saying) he seemed quite relaxed and down to earth. Thoughtful, competent, on his brief.

If you think some very slick, younger more forceful speaker would be more likely to win, unfortunately I would definitely agree.

Whether he or she would be a 'better' president I don't know. I suspect not.
Thing is that its reached the stage where perception is more important than the underlying reality, especially given that the press are now circling like vultures.

I dont actually have a prediction about what the democrats will do, especially as I dont exactly rate them, but now things are even more of a circus than they usually are.
Thing is that its reached the stage where perception is more important than the underlying reality, especially given that the press are now circling like vultures.

I dont actually have a prediction about what the democrats will do, especially as I dont exactly rate them, but now things are even more of a circus than they usually are.
He's saying the polls aren't accurate or aren't reliable, though I don't know what the polls are saying. I assume then it doesn't look good.

I might have agreed until he started rambling about gun control.
It's a Trump move. Can't remember your retoric? Switch to something you can remember your rethoric for... even if that wasn't what you were asked and keep going in the hope they forget the question too.

The press were too kind. The question should have been ask "How many reassurance press conferences is too many reassurance press conferences?"

As a person totally in control of their faculties tends to need none.
A few minor stumbles apart, he actually did pretty well, I thought. He answered all the questions with detail, was barely repetitive, was pretty darned staunch in defending his record and his workload. The only problem was...

That's a pretty low bar

He only sounded good when you thought "well, compared to how Trump would be answering"

You were still waiting with bated breath breadth every time he paused to see if he would pick up where he left off
A few minor stumbles apart, he actually did pretty well, I thought. He answered all the questions with detail, was barely repetitive, was pretty darned staunch in defending his record and his workload. The only problem was...

That's a pretty low bar

He only sounded good when you thought "well, compared to how Trump would be answering"

You were still waiting with bated breath breadth every time he paused to see if he would pick up where he left off

I honestly put a lot of it down to the speech impediment.

It won't sway any voters but notwithstanding the red-hot fulcrum of Urban 75 debate he did well there.
Biden. Old but heart in the right place and surrounded by realtively normal people. Or Trump, a man who has vowed to end democracy and believes America literally has invisible planes, stares directly at an eclipse and believes that the noise from wind turbines, which he calls windmills, gives you cancer.

I'll take four (probably fewer) years of Biden than Trump any time. You get Biden, you plod on for a bit, you get Trump and the world is fucked for a very very long fucking time.
I think Harris could do it with Gavin Newsom on the ticket as her VP. A young, white, handsome male who can level things up in the minds of the idiots who constitute the American electorate who can't stomach the prospect of a black woman getting the job.

Biden just has to do the decent thing, and fast. This Nato summit is three gruelling days of him trying to be appear to be the most powerful person in the world. And he's clearly, clearly not up to it.
Half the muttering of Biden not being up to it has to be Harris as VP would take over... hence the calls for an open primary
Biden. Old but heart in the right place and surrounded by realtively normal people. Or Trump, a man who has vowed to end democracy and believes America literally has invisible planes, stares directly at an eclipse and believes that the noise from wind turbines, which he calls windmills, gives you cancer.

I'll take four (probably fewer) years of Biden than Trump any time. You get Biden, you plod on for a bit, you get Trump and the world is fucked for a very very long fucking time.
This is the problem though: clearly Biden is the better choice, as it stands. But Biden cannot function. Gaffe after gaffe. His performence after the debate at a rally was touted as a comeback, but it's just as bad. He sounds old and tired and people will see that. It's a gamble and can we risk running him given that, in the next debate, he could be as bad or worse
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