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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Was always going to come to a head at some point, just surprised at the shitness of the majority of the PLP and how they went about it. There is nothing they can do as far I can see. In fact he is in a good position despite the careerist drone/establishment press attempts. Hope he uses it as a platform to make the 3 quidders etc. the real force in the party. The likes of Eagle have never stood up for anything.
John Mcdonnell's posted that Labour have added 60,000 new members this week, mostly joining to support Corbyn.

That's more than the membership of the lib dems or greens in total added in a week, the unpopular bastard.

How many for the "right" reasons ?
Perhaps the wrong thread but was impressed with the way Thornberry batted for Jezza just now on QT.Until Dimbleby cut her off anyway.
I saw her on Daily Politics this week and she did a good job on there too., They are old mates, fellow Islington MPs IIRC (Corbyn Islington North, Thornberry Islington South?). She still seems a bit of a snob to me, but hey.
Only Tories understand golf ;)

Yoiks! Time to dash, old boy. I've been kippered.

Expect the plp/Eagleists/traitors will be quoting this yougov tomorrow, which shows Corbyn's approval rating falling amongst Labour members:


Most of the fieldwork looks to have been done in the immediate aftermath of the referendum, so it probably reflects remain voting Labour members who are pissed off and noticed Corbo wasn't exactly full throttle for the cause. Not easy to guess what his figures will be in a few days when Labour members start to react to all the shenanigans - probably better for him. At one level it's all tosh looking at such figures, but it will be significant if Corbyn's enemies are able to tell a story about him losing the support of members. If they can get to that point he probably is fucked.
Does anyone know if Angela Eagle loses her seat on the NEC because she isn't now on the front bench?
Does anyone know if Angela Eagle loses her seat on the NEC because she isn't now on the front bench?
Still listed as a member.

Labour's National Executive Committee

She would have been elected or nominated from the full shadow cabinet I presume. Not sure if they treat this as a 'casual vacancy' and replace her or whether they just do the process once a year. The other 2 are still in the shadow cabinet afaik
Expect the plp/Eagleists/traitors will be quoting this yougov tomorrow, which shows Corbyn's approval rating falling amongst Labour members:


Most of the fieldwork looks to have been done in the immediate aftermath of the referendum, so it probably reflects remain voting Labour members who are pissed off and noticed Corbo wasn't exactly full throttle for the cause. Not easy to guess what his figures will be in a few days when Labour members start to react to all the shenanigans - probably better for him. At one level it's all tosh looking at such figures, but it will be significant if Corbyn's enemies are able to tell a story about him losing the support of members. If they can get to that point he probably is fucked.
For those who only glance at headlines, or maybe worse still read the pieces (hah) this looks terrible for corbyn... It must do damage.
For those who only glance at headlines, or maybe worse still read the pieces (hah) this looks terrible for corbyn... It must do damage.
Mirror are running this as the top story on their site, along with recycling the anti-Semitism nonsense.
Expect the plp/Eagleists/traitors will be quoting this yougov tomorrow, which shows Corbyn's approval rating falling amongst Labour members:


Most of the fieldwork looks to have been done in the immediate aftermath of the referendum, so it probably reflects remain voting Labour members who are pissed off and noticed Corbo wasn't exactly full throttle for the cause. Not easy to guess what his figures will be in a few days when Labour members start to react to all the shenanigans - probably better for him. At one level it's all tosh looking at such figures, but it will be significant if Corbyn's enemies are able to tell a story about him losing the support of members. If they can get to that point he probably is fucked.
a significant drop in the percentage that think they're likely to win the next election under corbyn, but only 3% more think they'd be likely to win the next election under anyone else.

51% in favour of him continuing as leader, but 10% of those only want him to continue temporarily.

Looks like Corbyn needs as much additional support from new members and supporters as he can get.
Such voting numbers are short term and he can bounce back from them. But with every single paper against him can he ever stand a chance
For those who only glance at headlines, or maybe worse still read the pieces (hah) this looks terrible for corbyn... It must do damage.

This is why things need to move fast, the drip feeding of negative news will have an effect as time passes. Makes the triumphalism worrying.

That said the party is picking up a lot of Corbyn supporting new members - a lot of whom don't trust a thing that's said against him at the moment.

Supply and excitement can't last forever though and nor can Eagle's cowardice. Someone has to crack and make a move.

Also the matter of what happens of we do lose, it'd be a desolate landscape with the sort of disillusionment that'll do huge damage to British politics. Which may not be a terrible thing if an alternative outlet somehow appears, hard to see though.

That said, still optimistic. Never seen so many people so involved and so disgusted.
60,000 new people have apparently joined this week, maj apparently citing they are joining for Corbyn vote.
Yeah, buy they would've voted for him anyway....corbyn will be haemorrhaging votes left right and centre from those not committed to him.
Yeah, buy they would've voted for him anyway....corbyn will be haemorrhaging votes left right and centre from those not committed to him.

They wouldn't have voted for him as leader because they weren't in the party. 60k is a hell of a bump given the turnout last time was 420k and a lot of his support from last time is still there and still loyal. Members wise, unless the traitors can drag this out for months, he's still strong.
are you asking me if i am fretting about corbyns voting figures?
im not invested humberto, im just commenting on what i see.
They wouldn't have voted for him as leader because they weren't in the party. 60k is a hell of a bump given the turnout last time was 420k and a lot of his support from last time is still there and still loyal. Members wise, unless the traitors can drag this out for months, he's still strong.
im talking about votes in a general election...sorry if we are talking at cross purposes...my mistake if so
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