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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Last time, Labour's registration bods had a good go at stopping anybody who might have been left wing from joining/3 quidding ("Are you now or have you ever been an opponent of capitalism"). Who controls the process this time? Doubt it will make any difference, if Corbyn is on the ballot he will win, but it does again raise the issue of whether the Corbynites have done anything to take control of the party machinery.

Yeah I do wonder whether the 3 quid option will be available again, it certainly isn't at the moment. They can't be that good at checking though as I seem to remember Mark Thomas saying he managed to register last time.
Last time, Labour's registration bods had a good go at stopping anybody who might have been left wing from joining/3 quidding ("Are you now or have you ever been an opponent of capitalism"). Who controls the process this time? Doubt it will make any difference, if Corbyn is on the ballot he will win, but it does again raise the issue of whether the Corbynites have done anything to take control of the party machinery.
he'd have to be on the ballot with this rate of sign-ups, they surely couldn't front that out.
Yeah I do wonder whether the 3 quid option will be available again, it certainly isn't at the moment. They can't be that good at checking though as I seem to remember Mark Thomas saying he managed to register last time.
Wasn't it supposedly a response to the 'union dominated election of the wild eyed left winger Ed Miliband' - it was adopted as official procedure rather than a one off? If so it should be available again.
Wasn't it supposedly a response to the 'union dominated election of the wild eyed left winger Ed Miliband' - it was adopted as official procedure rather than a one off? If so it should be available again.

That is correct. It is part of the leadership election process itself now.
They spent 10 months arguing amongst themselves over who was worse, Brown or Blair, and instead of reaching the conclusion that both were cunts, decided to kick the cat
"The far left waits, with a fist full of coins".
Fistful of dollars probably a wiser investment choice at this point. Less effective as a projectile though. Maybe the BluRay collectors' edition would do a bit of damage.
wow - they have really fucked this up haven't they? Eagle has surely got to stand now - and will be humiliated in the process. What the fuck did they think was going to happen?
And to do this now - when the tory government is in utter disarray and proving itself to be incompetent country wreckers of the first order, when any opposition with the barerest level of coherence could wipe the floor with them - they choose this time to sink their own ship - what cunts, what a betrayal of the people they supposedly represent.
First they believed that Corbyn couldn't win and had to be replaced - now with the tories imploding they seem to be even more worried that Corbyn could actually end up as prime minister.
John Mcdonnell's posted that Labour have added 60,000 new members this week, mostly joining to support Corbyn.

That's more than the membership of the lib dems or greens in total added in a week, the unpopular bastard.
If that figure's correct, it's also a fuckload of money for the party. Unless of course there's 20,000 Queen Victorias and 30,000 J Chilcotts.
If that figure's correct, it's also a fuckload of money for the party. Unless of course there's 20,000 Queen Victorias and 30,000 J Chilcotts.
yep. And if they keep Corbyn as leader then they should get to keep receiving that extra money every year. And if they can mobilise them into leafletting, door knocking etc then that's a lot of new potential activists too.

Best bit about all of this is remembering that the blairites did this to themselves by forcing the rules to be rewritten to stop the Unions from picking another ed milliband over the heads of the members / PLP.
Best bit about all of this is remembering that the blairites did this to themselves by forcing the rules to be rewritten to stop the Unions from picking another ed milliband over the heads of the members / PLP.

This is DEFINITELY my favourite part of this. They made it happen, under the arrogant Toryish born-to-rule assumption that once they'd made sure Ed Miliband couldn't win and was gone, that the membership would return to the arrangement of Labour-in-Government, the patrician PLP knows best attitude.

That the membership looked at the three 'sensible' candidates in Kendall, Cooper and Burnham and told them to get fucked is one of the more delightful events in recent politics, because the PLP did not see it coming in any way. The fucking bastards :D
Too much celebrating, still waiting on that leadership challenge and the death blow.
I'm looking forward to Angela Eagle's early morning announcement;

'Erm, has he gone yet?'
'No. Are you standing?'
'Erm, err, well, in the interests of the Labour Party - sob - erm, can I get back to you on that?'
Still not sure how we get out of this impasse. They obviously know they can't win a ballot. They've obviously been told there is no way to keep him off the ballot. They can only be hoping he can't cope any more and resigns. They just put their hands up in the air and suggest getting round the table to negotiate who gets the Labour brand? Not them. Deselection is a process - Corbyn can't just sign 'Jeremy's Deselection List' on Monday and it be done. So he'd have to suffer their bullying for a long time before that happened, maybe too long. He's only human.

Did I ask before about if CLPs could arrange for votes of no confidence in their MPs? I presume this would mean as little constitutionally as the vote earlier this week but it might get the message through to them.
now with the tories imploding they seem to be even more worried that Corbyn could actually end up as prime minister.
I dont see them imploding at all, I see them focusing in on the job ahead in that ruthless way that the tory party does.
Getting BJ out of the way was done so deftly it hasnt even been reported properly.

i joined. kinda ugh but kinda fuckit.
I think you're going to enjoy your time in the Labour Party :)
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