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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Those things may/may not be true, but I doubt she went into that interview prepared (perhaps naively) to be asked to justify allegations regarding something JC did thirty years ago.
She was very obviously well prepared for it, as she knew exactly what the quote was and where it was from. Her answer was her considered answer. And a rather poorly phrased one. When John McDonnell had to do likewise, he answered plainly and directly, not obfuscating or talking nonsense about hairstyles.
She was very obviously well prepared for it, as she knew exactly what the quote was and where it was from. Her answer was her considered answer. And a rather poorly phrased one. When John McDonnell had to do likewise, he answered plainly and directly, not obfuscating or talking nonsense about hairstyles.
Yes it wasn't the best answer, but I'm not terribly bothered by it. The whole thing is just typical BBC attack dog bollocks.
Black or not
Female or not
Fat or not
all irrelevant.
She's a shit politician who makes up for competence by being arrogant and overly pompous. Can't fucking stand her.
Black or not
Female or not
Fat or not
all irrelevant.
She's a shit politician who makes up for competence by being arrogant and overly pompous. Can't fucking stand her.

It's probably fair to say that while she is not a good politician, she would not get quite as negative a reaction as she does from many if she were white or a Tory or both.
Maybe, but I can think of a few politicians of all genders, parties and races that would fit the same criteria imo. Shit politicians should be exposed as such . Plus she's a complete fucking hypocrite as far as education goes. :facepalm:
She was very obviously well prepared for it, as she knew exactly what the quote was and where it was from. Her answer was her considered answer. And a rather poorly phrased one. When John McDonnell had to do likewise, he answered plainly and directly, not obfuscating or talking nonsense about hairstyles.

I agree with this, it was obviously a rehearsed question but it did not come across that way. Isn't the Labour Party paying someone to come up with better responses than that?
Compare her to the actual Home Secretary and she seems remarkably competent and well informed.

Well exactly. That interview this morning was a masterclass in making anyone who watched it think there is some form of massive conspiracy afoot.
She was very obviously well prepared for it, as she knew exactly what the quote was and where it was from. Her answer was her considered answer. And a rather poorly phrased one. When John McDonnell had to do likewise, he answered plainly and directly, not obfuscating or talking nonsense about hairstyles.

bearing in mind the Tories will barely let May near the public / or anything else other than high profile, pre prepared set pieces, why aren't Lab just rotating Corbo / McDonnell / Gardiner for the big ones ? ( On the other hand, pushing three white middle aged males in front of camera each time not practical either maybe, dunno. )
I talked to two ( older) Labour voters I know. They both think Corbyn is not the leader that the party needs. It comes down to them fearing a Tory government emboldened to further destroy the welfare state. They would put up with a new Blairite type it that's what if that what it takes to get rid of Tories. Not that they like New Labour.

The manifesto is costed. Except for nationalising water. It's taxing the rich and increasing corporation tax. I was listening to a political programme on radio 4 ( not known as radical) commentator said that the manifesto was not that radical. Not to be compared to the 83 "suicide note". It appears radical as it's opposing the neo liberal consensus. Reading the Evening Standard the line is that neo liberalism is a given with voters being asked to vote for the best economic managers.

There is a "centre" ground view that the electorate should come to it's senses and vote for socially liberal who are also economically neo liberal parties. That we should go back to a Cameronite Tory party with a loyal opposition Blairite party. This is view of ES. Alternating governments between the two. Somehow to soften the "extremes" in both parties. A "liberal" centre.

It's failed. Brexit showed that. As well as the recent crisis of capitalism that seems to be forgotten now.

Corbyn isn't imo a poor leader. Membership has increased. And these are not just the "usual subjects". My brother's 17 year old daughter joined the Labour Party because of Corbyn. His politics have given hope to the young generation. Whose future is bleak without radical change.

It's not just about Corbyn. It's about a section of the people in this country feeling they have an alternative.

Well I genuinely hope that you’re right, I’m wrong and that we’ll have a Labour government on June 9th. Nothing would restore my faith in my fellow Brits more than that!

I’m not sure you’re right about the manifesto being fully costed though, not only because the IFS have pointed out that it isn't regarding essential services, but because Corbyn himself said he didn’t know the full cost of his renationalisation programme. And... relying on increasing revenue through corporation tax and taxing the rich will also rely on the continued growth of the capitalist economy and that is by no means certain once we’ve left the EU.

Imo it would have made more sense to have committed solely to the desperately needed extra funding for the NHS, social services, education and housing at this election and then look at renationalisation in five years’ time.
I think that was me. In our exchanges we established clearly, explicitly, unambiguously that you have done 'fuck all yourself' to save public services. Or.. have I got that wrong? Here's another chance - tell us...

I can't claim a heroic track record, but when you directly asked what I had done I said:

So, you've done zip, nada, nothing to defend these institutions you believe in - but you feel you've got the right to pretend I've 'done fuck all'. You're a bullshitter and a hypocrite.

Jesus Christ! :facepalm::rolleyes: If you really think that taking part in what you call “local solidarity movements” and “anarcho politics” (whatever the fuck that is) are worth more than adopting a child then you can just fuck right off.

To continue this pointless diversion of yours, you’ll need to describe what you've actually done; like for example how your actions have actually helped people or have actually contributed towards creating a fairer society.

Or better still forget about it, it’s irrelevant. The only way to save public services is through the election of a Labour government. Faffing around on the fringes of the left isn't going to save them, nor does it make your opinion more valuable than mine or anyone else’s.
Pls quote me saying "undemocratic revolution" or apologise. Sick of you making up things and attributing them to me.

…I also said there are ways to change government without democracy. And there are, military coups and revolution.

Now we’ve sorted that out, do you actually have anything to say about Corbyn’s leadership?

Will you be voting Labour on June 8th??

Now we’ve sorted that out, do you actually have anything to say about Corbyn’s leadership?

Will you be voting Labour on June 8th??
So you're conceding I never used the phrase you claimed

And I also never said, suggested, intimated or implied I was talking about revolution or military coups in the UK: more of your lies.

I think we're done here with this latest proof of your dishonesty.
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