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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

according to the attack dog in that interview he has 10,000 unanswered emails and a diary in chaos which might explain why they got lost.

It's not as important as the policy itself, but he just needs a simple briefing sheet or simply take an advisor in with him to pass him the info.

He could topple May by demonstrating he is better in a head to head, better in a negotiation.
The script has undoubtedly changed hadn't it. Three month/ two months ago rumours of a potential split or some Labour MPs joining progressive alliance . Corbin totally unelectable , talk of Unite ending their backing for him and the end of Labour prophesied. Now we are in a situation where Labours performance is likely to be better than Miliband's and if there is to be any challenge to Corbyn it's more likely to be a stalking horse than any real threat
The script has undoubtedly changed hadn't it. Three month/ two months ago rumours of a potential split or some Labour MPs joining progressive alliance . Corbin totally unelectable , talk of Unite ending their backing for him and the end of Labour prophesied. Now we are in a situation where Labours performance is likely to be better than Miliband's and if there is to be any challenge to Corbyn it's more likely to be a stalking horse than any real threat

He's starting to dangerously look like the smartest guy in the room.
I think perhaps the more interesting question is how did they ever think they could get away with it? Both in terms of this election and - although it certainly gets muddier - putting her personality type/behaviours into actual leadership. Is it just that they thought it was a dead cert?

I do think it's a sizeable opportunity; not to win people over to Labour per se, but to discourage the casual Tory vote from the ballot - all those people who value what they think is clear leadership, democratic accountability, basic competency etc and who can see that they're literally not getting it from May.
I think perhaps the more interesting question is how did they ever think they could get away with it? Both in terms of this election and - although it certainly gets muddier - putting her personality type/behaviours into actual leadership. Is it just that they thought it was a dead cert?

I guess because her personal ratings were polling incredibly highly. Based on that it kind of makes sense.

Why that was is a bit baffling tbh.
Wonder if they have bottled it knowing how bad/difficult Brexit will be?

Main difference for me is the more people see of Corbyn the more they warm to him, the more they see of Dead Eyes the less they like of her. His deacades of experience in protests and meetings is now bearing fruit as he seems to be able to relate to people in a way she never will. Obviously far more comfortable at taking questions on the hoof and responding (childcare gaff aside) she looks terrified and wooden. Can't believe how bad she is at this stuff.
Though that means he won't be in Stroud. If our Tory twat gets back in by two hundred voters not enthused at his stadium rally I hope Corbyn can sleep at night. Saved me a bus fare mind.

For the many not the few !
Perhaps he has been spurred on by the very favourable reviews he has had for the Paxo interview.

BTW has anyone bothered to watch the election wrap thing on BBC News?
Blind date. Last night/the other night; Rachel Johnson goes to dinner with Nigel Farage :facepalm:
Angela Rudd is pretty stiff and wooden as well so hardly a star showing second up - going to be a good night for the telly. And with all the other 6 turning on the absent cunt-face.

Look at her face....running scared.

I guess because her personal ratings were polling incredibly highly. Based on that it kind of makes sense.

Why that was is a bit baffling tbh.

Safe pair of hands and she came across as tough and uncompromising. By sticking the country on a sort of war footing over Brexit they could paint her as the perfect leader to go into battle and stand-up for plucky Britain. Make it all about Brexit and play on people's fears. Its going to work just perhaps not as well as they anticipated.
Perhaps he has been spurred on by the very favourable reviews he has had for the Paxo interview.
it's a planned ambush I reckon - although i think it wouldn't have happened had Labour not had such a remarkable campaign so far.

As it is, this is a sweet piece of judo: using one of the Tories' current main campaigning points - who do you want negotiating brexit, May or Corbyn - against them.
Just heard a lifelong Tory cabbie on Lbc saying he's voting Labour as the Tories no longer stand up for the working man (re Uber obvioulsy) - it took a long time for him to realise the bleeding obvious but better late than never. Who knows could be a Trump / Brexit upset in the offing. I do hope so.
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