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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Or when the Labour party membership resoundingly back the stuffed corpse of Jeremy Corbyn for leader over whoever the Owen Smith of the day is.
This last year would be particularly ironic if he goes on to be the kind of champion for Labour that history looks back on as being a charmed winner of elections -- the most electable leader Labour ever produced.
this is what I had through the door this morning :D:D:D:D:D:D


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Really? After how ever many months of you slagging him off - arguing that he was a terrible leader, insisting that he needed to be removed for the Labour party to go left - you're now going to have a go at people who won't vote Labour. FFS.
There's certainly a few posters who were very vocal about a Corbyn being unelectable early in this thread who have now gone very quiet.
I really don't know how much these polls are helping.

Maybe there's an argument to be made that it's generating momentum, but I just can't allow myself to pin any hopes to them. The most I'm willing to hope is that the Tories' gains are restrained and the idea that a properly left-wing platform is election poison is proven wrong.

Anything beyond that I'll just wait until Friday.
  • The defence secretary, Sir Michael Fallon, said in an interview published today that high earners will not face income tax rises if Theresa May is returned to No 10. “You’ve seen our record. We’re not in the business of punishing people for getting on,” he said. “On the contrary, we want people to keep more of their earnings. The only way they can be sure their taxes won’t rise is to vote Conservative.”
  • But during a campaign presser in West Yorkshire this morning, May refused to echo Fallon’s claims. “Our plans on tax have been set up in the manifesto, we are a party that believe in low taxes … when people come to vote they know they have a choice between a party that has always believed in lower taxes and a Labour party whose manifesto we know will cost ordinary working people,” she said.

It's Maybot's Cabinet of Chaos!
Hallelujah. The Guardian has surrendered and is backing Corbyn!

The Guardian view on the election: it’s Labour

Now all we need is for the revolutionaries to hold their noses and vote.

I think it's The Guardian holding down its nose and voting Labour. When a Corbynista confesses in one of its pages to have been made to feel ashamed of professing her political allegiance out loud, and words it in such a way as to force them to look inward... the editorial team has to bow to decency. But I wouldn't be so sure they are anything but reluctant in doing so. They show their reluctance in that very article.
I'm more inclined to a Stanley tweet that paraphrased Gramsci in Corbyn appreciation. I'll see if I can find it again.
I think it's The Guardian holding down its nose and voting Labour. When a Corbynista confesses in one of its pages to have been made to feel ashamed of professing her political allegiance out loud, and words it in such a way as to force them to look inward... the editorial team has to bow to decency. But I wouldn't be so sure they are anything but reluctant in doing so. They show their reluctance in that very article.
I'm more inclined to a Stanley tweet that paraphrased Gramsci in Corbyn appreciation. I'll see if I can find it again.
I think there is truth in what you say. The Guardian has likely taken this new position from necessity rather than having a Damascene conversion. But... let's take the victory and welcome it, however, whatever.
Found it!

Compared to this piece of pithy power, The Guardian's endorsement looks, frankly, pitiful. I'm sure those who, like me, have felt dismayed at words to the effect "For the sake of the poorest, anything but Corbyn" as per Toynbee, look at that endorsement and think "Too little too late!". I even begrudge them my feeling of gratefulness for it.
Rather let's have the satisfaction of seeing the troublemaker fall back into line. And let's not say 'too late'. This election is far from settled.
Really? After how ever many months of you slagging him off - arguing that he was a terrible leader, insisting that he needed to be removed for the Labour party to go left - you're now going to have a go at people who won't vote Labour. FFS.

I'll be voting Labour, will you? Or are Labour and Corbyn the kind of people you "want to destroy"?
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