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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I like the lettrists...

Today, Easter day of the Holy Year,
Here, under the emblem of Notre-Dame of Paris,
I accuse the universal Catholic Church of the lethal diversion of our living strength toward an empty heaven,
I accuse the Catholic Church of swindling,
I accuse the Catholic Church of infecting the world with its funereal morality,
Of being the running sore on the decomposed body of the West.
Verily I say unto you: God is dead,
We vomit the agonizing insipidity of your prayers,
For your prayers have been the greasy smoke over the battlefields of our Europe.
Go forth then into the tragic and exalting desert of a world where God is dead,
And till this earth anew with your bare hands,
With your PROUD hands,
With your unpraying hands.
Today Easter day of the Holy Year,
Here under the emblem of Notre-Dame of Paris,
We proclaim the death of the Christ-god, so that Man may live at last.
You are right about one thing, mikey mikey. You really do deserve to go on ignore. I find that my urban experience is much enriched by putting people on ignore when their posts are consistently excessively boring.

I was really hoping at some point you might say something interesting, but all you do is argue against people who aren't even here.
Be my guest kabbes. It seems to me (and a couple of other folks I have had chats with on here) that there is a little group of "forum police" that engage in pile-ons when somebody posts stuff they don't agree with. It's not as if I am doing a Pickman and bugging you by quoting your posts. I'm just making a comment that you are free to read or not read. So have at it and leave me the fuck alone.
You are right about one thing, mikey mikey. You really do deserve to go on ignore. I find that my urban experience is much enriched by putting people on ignore when their posts are consistently excessively boring.

I was really hoping at some point you might say something interesting, but all you do is argue against people who aren't even here.

Yeah. I think that's it for me.

Not gonna get my hopes up too much, but I do think getting policies known about will boost Corbyn's vote quite a lot.

Polling average is up by around 6-7% over this last month, and I think he will he will get a boost of a few more points over the next week. He won't win but it may not be a total disaster.

Labours odds of winning halved in the last 24 hrs ( 25/1 to 12/1) .

Though Tory odds remain at a mad 1/40 approx
Be my guest kabbes. It seems to me (and a couple of other folks I have had chats with on here) that there is a little group of "forum police" that engage in pile-ons when somebody posts stuff they don't agree with. It's not as if I am doing a Pickman and bugging you by quoting your posts. I'm just making a comment that you are free to read or not read. So have at it and leave me the fuck alone.

Oh noes, it's the monothought clique!!! :eek:

Or, and I know this is a far out there suggestion, you really ARE as dull, insipid and boring as nasal hair.
Nice rant, except it’s just a personal attack which says nothing about how to stop the tories and their ongoing unrelenting demolition of public services.

You say "it’s not about who can piss the highest" but that is precisely what you’re doing by demanding to know my political activities so you can compare them to your own. Are you trying to imply that my opinion on Corbyn is less valuable because I don’t have a chest full of activist campaign medals like you?

For what it’s worth, I too used to be involved with the Labour Party and I was active member of Friends of the Earth and CND, but that has no relevance whatsoever to this discussion. Taking just one child out of the perpetual circle of abuse is in my opinion worth more than any amount of picketing, meetings, arguing, shouting or marching.


How many urgent operations has ‘anarcho politics’ prevented being cancelled? How many at risk children has it given the care they need?
Not sure why you call it a rant. Mine might have been a shit post, who is to say, but it wasn't remotely ranty. We certainly ain't going to agree on anything, but still, a couple of points:

Above you say I'm making a 'personal attack' on you. That's not it at all. To be honest, if you are committed to public services you might expect someone to be involved in some kind of campaigning, but that wasn't it. The key to what I was asking is below, in a discussion about whether the Labour Party was the only way forward Vs forms of extra parliamentary action I was asking about the political logic of what you had done:

WILF - this is getting like pulling teeth: okay, you seem to be saying you've been involved in some kind of politics, some kind of campaign (is it secret?). What was it? What was the political logic?

In terms of what I might have done, I haven't had a lifetime of campaigning and commitment (though my 20s probably were a bit like that). It's been bits and pieces. No campaign medals, I do a lot less than many others, inc. people on these boards. Why I got into anything I've done was because YOU FECKIN' ASKED ME! (see below):

AH - OK. I don't see what relevance it has to the subject of stopping tory cuts, but my partner and I adopted a child who was in care 15 years ago who is still with us. We've probably saved our local authority's Children's Social Care, Child Mental Health Services and probably Police Services a huge amount of time and funding which has hopefully been used to benefit children elsewhere.

That's me, so what have you done?

Again, adopting a child is great - and if anyone wants to see it in those terms it does save the public sector a large amount of money. But that's not what we are discussing here - it's whether the Labour Party is the only vehicle for establishing decency, services and the rest; whether there's some version of the party that's going to spring into existence to do all that after Corbyn or whether there are other ways to oppose capital. I think your politics are shit and that simply 'saying get rid of Corbyn' shows a poor understanding of neo-liberalism, class, interests and power. But that's not a personal attack.
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