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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

He had no choice at all.

If the government says 'we're shit and it's election time' the opposition that doesn't say 'go on then fuck off' is admitting it's no opposition at all.

well I'm not convinced it is election time only 2 years after the previous one & why not act as an opposition by opposing an opportunistic cut & run effort based on a false narrative which is basically saying the Opposition is shit & a danger to the national interest so we want to bury them under some crushing electoral landslide ?
well I'm not convinced it is election time only 2 years after the previous one & why not act as an opposition by opposing an opportunistic cut & run effort based on a false narrative which is basically saying the Opposition is shit & a danger to the national interest so we want to bury them under some crushing electoral landslide ?

The whole point of an opposition is for them to say "we can do better" saying no to an election on the basis the government can crush us under a mound of evidence to the contrary just shows that your shit and you can't do better.

It is a classic case of fucked if they do, fucked if they don't.
they're fucked if they do & they might be fucked if they don't - ofcourse the other argument they could have martialled is May self-serving & hypocritical dismissal of a second "Brexit" Scottish referendum as premature whilst wanting a "Brexit" election

ETA : if he actually wins then I'll be happy to publically recant
Labour made the decision to vote for the election in the knowledge that they will lose it (and lose heavily). Voting against it probably wasn't a good look, but was the best option. One scenario is that brexit negotiations go badly and Labour do a bit better in 2020. The other and probably more likely scenario is that negotiations go badly but people back the Tories as some kind of crisis/wartime/nationalistic logic. That means there's a good chance Labour do even worse in 2020. Same time, set against knowing they will do very badly in 2017, leaving the election till 2020 was probably the best way to go.

I'll admit, it was an almost impossible choice for Corbyn - and I may even have said something different myself at the time of the vote. But ultimately 2017 is a turkeys/Christmas thing.
Labour made the decision to vote for the election in the knowledge that they will lose it (and lose heavily). Voting against it probably wasn't a good look, but was the best option. One scenario is that brexit negotiations go badly and Labour do a bit better in 2020. The other and probably more likely scenario is that negotiations go badly but people back the Tories as some kind of crisis/wartime/nationalistic logic. That means there's a good chance Labour do even worse in 2020. Same time, set against knowing they will do very badly in 2017, leaving the election till 2020 was probably the best way to go.

I'll admit, it was an almost impossible choice for Corbyn - and I may even have said something different myself at the time of the vote. But ultimately 2017 is a turkeys/Christmas thing.

The other side of it is what refusing an election would have done to the Tories. There would have been a slim chance, IMO, of them getting though the Brexit negotiations without the PCP descending into open warfare, because the Brexiteers would have been carrying big weapons - they would have been able to defeat government legislation pretty much at will (regardless of whether this would have applied to the actual exit bill) and vote against the government in a confidence motion if it came to that. It may be that the facade will fracture anyway, but this election helps May to make the risk more manageable.

I think there's a bottom line that the government wouldn't have wanted this election if it wasn't going to significantly benefit them, and anything the significantly benefits the government is likely to harm the main opposition party as a result.
they're fucked if they do & they might be fucked if they don't - ofcourse the other argument they could have martialled is May self-serving & hypocritical dismissal of a second "Brexit" Scottish referendum as premature whilst wanting a "Brexit" election

ETA : if he actually wins then I'll be happy to publically recant
I have a soapbox you can borrow
Labour made the decision to vote for the election in the knowledge that they will lose it (and lose heavily). Voting against it probably wasn't a good look, but was the best option. One scenario is that brexit negotiations go badly and Labour do a bit better in 2020. The other and probably more likely scenario is that negotiations go badly but people back the Tories as some kind of crisis/wartime/nationalistic logic. That means there's a good chance Labour do even worse in 2020. Same time, set against knowing they will do very badly in 2017, leaving the election till 2020 was probably the best way to go.

I'll admit, it was an almost impossible choice for Corbyn - and I may even have said something different myself at the time of the vote. But ultimately 2017 is a turkeys/Christmas thing.
As long as there's christmas
No. Wittering on about moderates.

By all means defend Corbyn from attack here. But at least know from which direction the attacks are coming.

Else you'll be blindsided every time.

Ironic that you may be defending him, but not voting for him whereas I don't think he has what it takes, but I'll be voting for him.
Labour made the decision to vote for the election in the knowledge that they will lose it (and lose heavily). Voting against it probably wasn't a good look, but was the best option. One scenario is that brexit negotiations go badly and Labour do a bit better in 2020. The other and probably more likely scenario is that negotiations go badly but people back the Tories as some kind of crisis/wartime/nationalistic logic. That means there's a good chance Labour do even worse in 2020. Same time, set against knowing they will do very badly in 2017, leaving the election till 2020 was probably the best way to go.

I'll admit, it was an almost impossible choice for Corbyn - and I may even have said something different myself at the time of the vote. But ultimately 2017 is a turkeys/Christmas thing.

Once it was called, I don't see that he had a choice.
If you're playing a football match you want to win, doesn't mean you attack for 90 minutes. Sometimes you have to wait for the time to be right for you to have a better chance to score.

:D :D

Yes, I'm sure Corbyn and Abbott are waiting like coiled pythons just waiting for their moment to snatch a 25 point lead back. In the meantime they're busying themselves claiming they're going to pay 250,000 new cops £30 a year and leaking their manifesto a week early. It's all part of the plan.
Jeremy Corbyn is denying Britain a decent opposition
Observer: Labour is not a functioning opposition,

And yet


They'll have to work hard to keep that up when the Tories have a massive majority. Likely TM will be well 'fuck you'.
God, you're boring.

Didn't the P & P forum have a fairly long thread on the various perfidies of the soi-disant "moderates", including their abstaining activities? I'm fairly sure I said some unpleasant things about my own MP on it, for his own oscillations.
:D :D

Yes, I'm sure Corbyn and Abbott are waiting like coiled pythons just waiting for their moment to snatch a 25 point lead back. In the meantime they're busying themselves claiming they're going to pay 250,000 new cops £30 a year and leaking their manifesto a week early. It's all part of the plan.

To be fair though, you support the Lib-Dems, so I'm not sure your political musings are worth dick, even taking into account Abbott's execrable arithmetic.

And "coiled pythons"? Bit Freudian, that.
And "coiled pythons"? Bit Freudian, that.

Wow. This has to be the most depressing election in living memory. You're about to be completely and utterly wiped off the political map because of the bonkers, self deluded hubris of one man and the weird little group of mates he's scraped off the very bottom of the barrel - but at least you've still got your sense of humour... :thumbs:
Wow. This has to be the most depressing election in living memory. You're about to be completely and utterly wiped off the political map because of the bonkers, self deluded hubris of one man and the weird little group of mates he's scraped off the very bottom of the barrel - but at least you've still got your sense of humour... :thumbs:
You're giving mikey mikey too much credit
Wow. This has to be the most depressing election in living memory. You're about to be completely and utterly wiped off the political map because of the bonkers, self deluded hubris of one man and the weird little group of mates he's scraped off the very bottom of the barrel - but at least you've still got your sense of humour... :thumbs:
So says the supporter of the party on 10% that will be lucky to get ten seats.
Wow. This has to be the most depressing election in living memory. You're about to be completely and utterly wiped off the political map because of the bonkers, self deluded hubris of one man and the weird little group of mates he's scraped off the very bottom of the barrel - but at least you've still got your sense of humour... :thumbs:

You appear to be under the mistaken impression that I'm a Corbynite - I'm not.

What I know is that all there are, are poor choices, and I'd rather a leap-of-faith after Corbyn, than to vote in a Tory or Tory/Lib-Dem coalition govt. The Lib-Dems are a cancer on democracy, oscillating politically in any direction that allows them to grasp at the reins of power. You support enabling cunts who voted for a lot of very bad legislation.

"How does that make you feel?" as Sigmund Freud might ask.
You appear to be under the mistaken impression that I'm a Corbynite - I'm not.

What I know is that all there are, are poor choices, and I'd rather a leap-of-faith after Corbyn, than to vote in a Tory or Tory/Lib-Dem coalition govt. The Lib-Dems are a cancer on democracy, oscillating politically in any direction that allows them to grasp at the reins of power. You support enabling cunts who voted for a lot of very bad legislation.

I apologise - you do come across as someone who might support Jez. Who do you support then?
Wow. This has to be the most depressing election in living memory. You're about to be completely and utterly wiped off the political map because of the bonkers, self deluded hubris of one man and the weird little group of mates he's scraped off the very bottom of the barrel - but at least you've still got your sense of humour... :thumbs:

sorry , can you remind me how the lib dems got on last time?
sorry , can you remind me how the lib dems got on last time?

They're likely to pick up some seats, especially those in the West Country that voted Tory last time but usually voted L-D.

That said, I don't reckon they'll gain more than 10 seats, personally, but this election is a bit madder than any previous one I can think of in the last 30 years, so I reckon it's all up in the air.
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