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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Yes I do see that, But do your Labour councillors want to get rid of your local playground and not replace it because they don't like public services? Or is it because they are short of funds?

Can of worms. One of the Councillors of that ward is on record stating "there's too much social housing round here". Most of the users of that APG live in the social housing he dislikes. Draw your own conclusion.
Get involved how exactly? Public services are at risk now and within a decade they may have been eroded to a bare minimum at best. That will happen while the tories are still in power no matter what you or I do to defend them.

As for what I've done to help essential services, your assumption is completely wrong.

Here in Lambeth, welfare advice services are about 35% of what they were 10 years ago, over which period actual need for such services has doubled (in an area where need was already high). What people in this borough have done is form an unofficial supplementary service to help people with form-filling etc, in order to allow the retained advice workers room to use their time for the most desperate cases. This started under Labour, the coalition and the Tories merely carried on what started with the onset of the Credit Crunch. It's not about who is in power. It's about what ideology informs their choices, and how economic and social realities constrain those choices.
Of course its not because they are evil and hate playgrounds. But in a safe labour seat what can I do to change the austerity policy?
There was a local councillor who was well liked, but she was disciplined and eventually left the party last year. If she stood as an independent and had a bit of publicity locally i think she could have done well.

Sadly, it looks like she may stand down next year, as the pressure of working in an environment of Labour hacks hating on her, is getting to her. :(
Bimble is asking what he or she can do to help end austerity and I don't know to be honest. Austerity can only end once we've got rid of the tory government.

No, austerity can only end once the idea that it's a necessary precondition of any economic policy is ended. That goes as much for the Labour "moderates" who still sing the austerity song - people like Starmer, Cooper and Jarvis - as for the no-neck Tories.
not only this behaviour at local level- the PLP has essentially been on a hostile strike since JC got in, twice. These people are literally willing to give us 5 more years of tory bootheel because 'where else are you plebs going to go'. They'll get their wages regardless.

And those PLP members are heartened - fucking heartened! - by the fact that local branches are shedding members in areas with Tory-ite Labour councils, because it means that the CLPs are more amenable to manipulation by them.
Sadly, it looks like she may stand down next year, as the pressure of working in an environment of Labour hacks hating on her, is getting to her. :(
I thought she'd already gone (after being suspended for 6 months and whipped as hard as possible) but you're right she does still appear as a councillor for Colhardbour ward on the Lambeth website.
What does it mean that she's listed there as a member of the party 'Independent Labour' (the other two just say Labour)?
I'm not going to vote Labour and watched John McDonnell on Marr. I've got a soft spot for John and he seemed to be pretty pragmatic about Marx - although to be fair I've never read it. He wasn't going full Marxist.

If anyone has a recommended single numpty level book about Marx's thinking I'd like to read it.
Anyone who's read sven hassel will recall stalin the cat. I would expect any auld tankie to consider lenin or stalin as cat names. Rather than the unimaginative 'cat' in russian

It goes back to Lenin's cat whose name history does not recall and so is often referred to as 'cat'.
Can of worms. One of the Councillors of that ward is on record stating "there's too much social housing round here". Most of the users of that APG live in the social housing he dislikes. Draw your own conclusion.
I really want to know who this was, have an idea but wouldn't be surprised if it was the other one. Please tell (PM if preferred)
I thought she'd already gone (after being suspended for 6 months and whipped as hard as possible) but you're right she does still appear as a councillor for Colhardbour ward on the Lambeth website.
What does it mean that she's listed there as a member of the party 'Independent Labour' (the other two just say Labour)?

She lost the Labour whip, so has to emphasise that she stands outside of the local party machine, but still follows Labour values.
this probably belongs here. Seymour!:
Back to the 1930s With Theresa May

There are many parallels there with today’s situation. In particular, it is social democracy (in its neoliberal format) which has been thrown into crisis by the credit crunch and ensuing austerity politics. No systematic alternative to austerity was supported by the major political parties. New Labour’s growth-predicated governing agenda all but collapsed. So it is the Conservative Party which has been able to organize a governing coalition and shape the popular narrative as to the cause and cure of crisis.

With austerity measures carefully targeted at selected groups of demonized welfare recipients and public-sector workers, the Conservative government also protected homeowners and paid for middle-class tax cuts with reduced social spending. This capitalist crisis was also managed by employers in such a way as to avoid mass layoffs — the better to keep on trained staff in anticipation of renewed growth — with the preferred tactic being wage cuts and underemployment.
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