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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

This is embarrassing.

Who, you think you're being clever and catching butchers out with your irony, but he's operating at a whole ironic plane above you.

Take your supposed put down about caps lock. In truth, butchers' political understanding and insight is amongst the most respected on this board. When he says "at least seven (respect me) you LIAR" he's mocking your approach to the discussion. So when you come back showing you've missed this mockery, you just play straight into it and 100 people reading the thread laugh as a consequence. Or, in my case, cringe.
I'm beginning to see a pattern here...

I'm not surprised, I shouldn't have to ask an adult to stop behaving like a child and stick to the topic. But apparently if I want to try and have a conversation with you, that seems necessary and repeatedly so. All you're doing is trolling.
This is embarrassing.

Who, you think you're being clever and catching butchers out with your irony, but he's operating at a whole ironic plane above you.

Take your supposed put down about caps lock. In truth, butchers' political understanding and insight is amongst the most respected on this board. When he says "at least seven (respect me) you LIAR" he's mocking your approach to the discussion. So when you come back showing you've missed this mockery, you just play straight into it and 100 people reading the thread laugh as a consequence. Or, in my case, cringe.
Is that why he can't answer a straight question?

I'm not trying to be anything, I'm just having a conversation. It's sad and telling that you think otherwise, moreso that one should be proud they can mock others.
I'm not surprised, I shouldn't have to ask an adult to stop behaving like a child and stick to the topic. But apparently if I want to try and have a conversation with you, that seems necessary and repeatedly so. All you're doing is trolling.
No, the pattern is that when you desire to belittle someone you demand they stop behaving like a child: ageist.
Is that why he can't answer a straight question?
I have found that if your mind is open to the possibility that your unspoken and unconsidered assumptions might be wrong, butchers gives very straight answers. Furthermore, the questions themselves are rarely as straight as the asker thinks.

I have further observed that people who are not open to this possibility tend to have a bad time.
I'm not trying to be anything, I'm just having a conversation.
That's not true though, is it? You're not trying to have a conversation on this issue. You're trying to lecture others and tell them why they're wrong. But the people you are telling this to have given the issue a lot deeper thought than you have and as a result, your simple and direct statements are falling on rocky ground.

Start again and ask your questions in the spirit that the person you are asking might actually be right in their approach and is worth learning from. You might get a difference kind of response.

It's sad and telling that you think otherwise, moreso that one should be proud they can mock others.
It's a mockery of the approach you are using, not the individual using the approach. And that is a reasonable rhetoric.
In other news... Corbyn has said he won't resign after losing on June 8th.
Jeremy Corbyn Says He Won't Quit Even If He Loses The General Election
I suspect he believes he won't resign, but won't have much choice.
From that piece:
Corbyn told BuzzFeed News he felt he didn't get treated fairly by the media: "I’m not going to spend my whole life complaining about it. I know what I believe in, I know what I do. I never respond to personal abuse of me, because I’d rather get my policies across. By not responding it forces the other side to engage with the policy debate."

As a result, he said, he urges supporters to try reading nontraditional sources of information.

"I think it’s good that people go to all the alternative sites and check out what they want," he said. "I’ve read The Canary quite a bit, I’ve read yours, I do read a lot of them."
(my bold)
The media do indeed give him a hard time but he doesn't help himself.
I have found that if your mind is open to the possibility that your unspoken and unconsidered assumptions might be wrong, butchers gives very straight answers.

That is implicit in the very question "give me an alternative", so really you're just not paying attention while busy defending someone who's behaviour is piss poor. Good luck with that, Butchersapron is blocked. I've given him ample opportunity to behave respectfully and engage in discussion.

That's not true though, is it? You're not trying to have a conversation on this issue.

And comments like this, blind assertions, are the problem. If you can't see that, then there's nothing more to say. I think I've comported myself reasonably and shown respect to others. If that respect can't be reciprocated, then have a nice day :D
That is implicit in the very question "give me an alternative", so really you're just not paying attention while busy defending someone who's behaviour is piss poor. Good luck with that, Butchersapron is blocked. I've given him ample opportunity to behave respectfully and engage in discussion.

And comments like this, blind assertions, are the problem. If you can't see that, then there's nothing more to say. I think I've comported myself reasonably and shown respect to others. If that respect can't be reciprocated, then have a nice day :D
I will batter down your chinese walls.
Corbo will be ten minutes away at the salubrious Salford Precinct shopping centre in a couple of hours. Perhaps he'll take part in the local tradition of ram-raiding the jewellers, or engage in a ceremonial overdose.
Corbo will be ten minutes away at the salubrious Salford Precinct shopping centre in a couple of hours. Perhaps he'll take part in the local tradition of ram-raiding the jewellers, or engage in a ceremonial overdose.

A few years ago you would have been slaughtered for that.
well there would have to be another leadership challenge to oust him if he refused to go right? wether he'd win a third after the GE loss I don't know but I don't think he'd be nailed on certain to lose it. Heels have been dug in .

Good. Then the moderates can have their fucking Jarvis or whoever and abstain on all the cuts. Long articles in the Graund about "hard choices" in between the section on where to get the best organic kale and the article on why Tuscany is no longer the ideal for the sequel to Eat, Pray Love.

Thank fuck I am not in the UK. What a pit of vipers.
Good. Then the moderates can have their fucking Jarvis or whoever and abstain on all the cuts. Long articles in the Graund about "hard choices" in between the section on where to get the best organic kale and the article on why Tuscany is no longer the ideal for the sequel to Eat, Pray Love.

Thank fuck I am not in the UK. What a pit of vipers.
the guardian lost the plot over corbyn ages ago. I don't think they've ever got over their beloved lib dems getting mugged off by the tories and then sunk by the electorate.
the guardian lost the plot over corbyn ages ago. I don't think they've ever got over their beloved lib dems getting mugged off by the tories and then sunk by the electorate.
By mugged off I presume you mean willing partners in a let'sfuckthepoor gangbang.
well there would have to be another leadership challenge to oust him if he refused to go right? wether he'd win a third after the GE loss I don't know but I don't think he'd be nailed on certain to lose it. Heels have been dug in .
Yeah, there's a possibility he might try and stay on and, like you say, the remaining MPs would have to actually trigger a contest. He really is resilient and will no doubt be planning the succession, trying to get the odd rule change and all that. But I can't see him surviving the derision that's going to follow the defeat. There will be ex MPs ripping up their membership cards, defections to the piss yellows and the like. The membership will also carry on falling. I'd have thought he would be gone at least by the next conference.
Surely Labour will split if he doesn't leave after the GE. The PLP will feel galvanised for a leadership battle but Corbyn would still have the huge mandate from the membership. The PLP will feel they've given him a chance to prove himself at a GE and Corbyn will still want to control the path of the party going forward -

I sense an immovable object being hit by an irresistible force, time to buy popcorn.
Yeah! Cooper will save us! Her husband can dance! Jess Philips will swear and Hilary Benn can whip up support for the bombing of Syria/Yemen/Iraq/Iran!
Tom Watson can use his half a million Nazi money to go to Glastonbury every year!
Best of all, Tony will be smiling from above with auntie Mandy and Baron Sainsbury.
Yeah! Cooper will save us! Her husband can dance! Jess Philips will swear and Hilary Benn can whip up support for the bombing of Syria/Yemen/Iraq/Iran!
Tom Watson can use his half a million Nazi money to go to Glastonbury every year!
Best of all, Tony will be smiling from above with auntie Mandy and Baron Sainsbury.
Why don't you go on a board where people are saying this stuff? Go back to the guardian boards and you can do this all day.

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