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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I know, it was a long shot at the very start of the election, but it's the only tactic that should have worked. Unite everyone in a Grand 'anyone
but the tories" And it's not Corbyn's fault, Farron doomed it by talking about going into coalition with the Tories. But even the Lib dems know a good idea when they hear them

I cannot see Labour trying to defeat the tories in a one and one contest, and thats the only thing stopping potentially the most disastrous Tory government since the last one.
tbf, if we get a hung parliament this is still a possibility. Certainly the libdems are likely to appease the Tories, but I doubt they've ruled Labour coalition out entirely. It all depends on the result.

Libdems have abetter chance of winning here than Labour, even though I despise them for their treachery, so it makes more sense, in an 'oust the tories' mindset for me to choose them. Not really sure what to do.
Even ignoring the stupidity of allying yourself with the LibDem scum, it would be extremely stupid for Labour to argue for some anti-Tory coalition.
For a start the members wouldn't have it but it also undermines one of Labours main planks, that they've run on for ages, that they are the only real alternative to the Tories.
Sadly I think the problem with Labour is that since Blair they seem to have lost the ability to put great communicators in charge. Whatever you think of Blair at the moment it would be hard to argue he wouldn't be making May look silly week in week out.
Have you seen Tony Blair recently?


He looks like a man who's constantly trying to explain away inconsistencies on his tax returns.
skeletor in a skinsuit these days. That's the nice lighting flattering photo the groan are running with because they love Tony lots. Other photos have him a lot more haggard. Sublimated guilt maybe
It's also not 2015 when we faced the dire choice between Milliband and Cameroon.

I could really do with 4 more years of centrist, vaguely right wing Labour government right now.
The point is he does not appear desperately fond of it.
Corbyn all over. I think he got the shortest straw. I'd heard, from TUSC sources, that he didn't want the job and it would have been McDonnell, but John's health precluded that. COuld be completely wrong, though.
tbf, if we get a hung parliament this is still a possibility. Certainly the libdems are likely to appease the Tories, but I doubt they've ruled Labour coalition out entirely. It all depends on the result.

Libdems have abetter chance of winning here than Labour, even though I despise them for their treachery, so it makes more sense, in an 'oust the tories' mindset for me to choose them. Not really sure what to do.

I think someone pointed out that if there was a really serious electoral alliance and say Labour didn't stand in Maidenhead, the Lib Dems could unseat May. Thats the level of tactical voting that I think is needed, but between Labour's disray, and Farran's willingness to go into government with the Conservatives, theres not enough time or trust to develop that kind of sold electoral pact.
I think the only winner in a leaders debate without May would be Nicola Sturgeon - she'd wipe the floor with Farron and Corbyn.
In 2015 Sturgeon needed the large number of seats held by Scottish Labour, this time she is defending them and will largely be holding off Tory challenges. Completely different dynamic. Tories think there are 10 Scottish seats in play but Labour are only likely to challenge in a few, 3 to 6 and that is optimistic.
Farron will be after two Labour seats as his top hit list, Cambridge and Burnley, but Lewes Majority: 1083 , Thornbury and Yate Majority: 1459 Kingston and Surbiton Majority: 2834 YeovilMajority: 5293 , St Ives Majority: 2469 Torbay Majority: 3286, Sutton and Cheam Majority: 3921 Bath
Majority: 3833, Colchester Majority: 5575 should be realistic targets from the Tories.

If your popularity is in the shitter what possible reason do you have for not taking the risk that you come across well on a debate. Look what it did for Clegg, what is the worst that could happen, Corbyn looks like an old confused granddad, the best, he hits the right notes and shores up some wavering Labour voters that he can take the fight tot he tories. How many seats can he save with a good performance that turns around some of the publics view of him.

You want to be up front and center of a political party you have to fucking fight for votes. Show your supporters you are up for a battle. Give the public something to fucking believe in. Jesus titty fucking Christ man grow a spine.
Corbyn all over. I think he got the shortest straw. I'd heard, from TUSC sources, that he didn't want the job and it would have been McDonnell, but John's health precluded that. COuld be completely wrong, though.
McDonnell didn't stand because he'd done it before and had had enough of losing badly.
Corbyn and Dugdale should go in two-footed on the SNP - especially on their pisspoor management of public services.

Am not sure the Scots give a flying feck what Dugdale has to say about anything, and can't blame them tbh.

And Corbo's best leaving it all well alone imo, his predecessors destroyed Lab in Scot over decades, will take a long time to repair
Am not sure the Scots give a flying feck what Dugdale has to say about anything, and can't blame them tbh.

Neither can I. Just today, she posted a tweet with this picture. The red circle was added later by another person who noticed just what Kezia was re-tweeting. Since then Dugdale has taken the image down, but FFS what a liability!

Am not sure the Scots give a flying feck what Dugdale has to say about anything, and can't blame them tbh.

And Corbo's best leaving it all well alone imo, his predecessors destroyed Lab in Scot over decades, will take a long time to repair

Not sure about this tbh. Sturgeon gets far too easy a time for the yawning chasm between her amd her governments rhetoric and reality. Plenty feel the same, would be a tragedy if the repulsive ruth davidson were to be the beneficiary. Agreed that Dugdale hardly the best messenger, but Corbyn could be.
FFS. This piece of shit thinks nothing of trotting out the most appalling assertions, without evidence or even the merest call for it from whoever is filiming this. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised but what a cunt.

Exactly. We have had nearly two years of talk from the likes of him about Momentum deselecting MPs, and now its the election time the only person in Labour openly trying to get rid of a serving Labour MP is Peter Mandelson.
Sturgeon gets far too easy a time for the yawning chasm between her amd her governments rhetoric and reality. Plenty feel the same, would be a tragedy if the repulsive ruth davidson were to be the beneficiary.

Sturgeon vs Davidson is the best double act in British politics at the moment, they have some great scraps.
Am not sure the Scots give a flying feck what Dugdale has to say about anything, and can't blame them tbh.

And Corbo's best leaving it all well alone imo, his predecessors destroyed Lab in Scot over decades, will take a long time to repair
Yes, the sensible strategy would be for Labour to pretty much forget Scotland this election. As you say it will take years to re-build (if such is possible at all), far better to pour resources into English/Welsh marginals.
Exactly. We have had nearly two years of talk from the likes of him about Momentum deselecting MPs, and now its the election time the only person in Labour openly trying to get rid of a serving Labour MP is Peter Mandelson.

Cohen says: '...before he became leader the LP was a relatively civil place..'. Bollocks. I recently read 'The End Of The Party' by his fellow journo Andrew Rawnsley which showed this as being far from the case, with a personality war going on between Blair and Brown. Maybe he should have a read & remind himself that a LP with the right/'centrist' faction in the ascendant was not all the current right 'centrist' faction are cracking it up to be...
Looks like the main unions and watson have stitched the selections up in so called safe seats (tbc on june 8) .As yet no sign of Jeremy fans getting selected apart from maybe NW Durham.Karie Murphy,Sam Tarry,Dave Prescott not mentioned or selected.Committee under strong pressure from Burnham not to slect Katy Clark ,jezzas political secretary ,in Leigh.

The torch will only pass from JC to JM with a rule change methinketh.

Updated: The winners, runners and riders for the vacancies in 13 Labour seats | LabourList
Cohen says: '...before he became leader the LP was a relatively civil place..'. Bollocks. I recently read 'The End Of The Party' by his fellow journo Andrew Rawnsley which showed this as being far from the case, with a personality war going on between Blair and Brown. Maybe he should have a read & remind himself that a LP with the right/'centrist' faction in the ascendant was not all the current right 'centrist' faction are cracking it up to be...

Cohen wrote a book himself which documented the nastiness and dirty dealings during the Blair years.
So Jeremy shit himself at the prospect of being in a debate with Tim Farron. Giving up a chance to get in front of a large TV audience and to get stuck into May with no comeback. Spineless cunt needs to fuck off back to the back benches where he belongs. His referendum performance was so bad people thought it was deliberate. Seem they were wrong, he is that slow of thought and devoid of energy.

I remember when I used to think the left was where all the brightest and most energetic people were. There is more life in a fresh corpse than this shitfest we have been served up so far. Still at least Urban 75 can look forward with glee to all the seats Labour will loose. :thumbs:

Nah, Milliband was faced with the same situation - a "debate" where Cameron didn't turn up - and it turned into all the other parties vs him. It would be the same with Corbyn or indeed any other Labour leader. He made the right decision even though it doesn't look like it at first glance.
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