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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

The only good thing that can come of this election is Labour to lose catastrophically and Corbyn remains leader, either without a leadership contest or by winning another leadership contest. That would be good and presumably is plausible. I can't believe that people who voted for Corbyn as leader really believed that he'd win an election in the short term, or even the medium term.
The only good thing that can come of this election is Labour to lose catastrophically and Corbyn remains leader, either without a leadership contest or by winning another leadership contest. That would be good and presumably is plausible. I can't believe that people who voted for Corbyn as leader really believed that he'd win an election in the short term, or even the medium term.
Or the long term. Very hard to see a road back for Labour.
Why would that be good? To illustrate that Labour need to move "back to the centre-ground"? So the LibDems can make a comeback?
What's that supposed to mean?
As it, get it all out in the open, Conservatives are Conservatives, Labour are Labour, none of this New Labour, third way stuff. If Corbyn goes he won't be replaced by another proper good candidate, it'll be back to the centre. So don't be defeated by one election loss and change all your policies back to "third way", stick at what you're doing and believe in what you're actually doing. If you're learning to ride a bike you don't give up when you fall off, you stick at it.

I dunno. I just don't really see any other option at the moment.
Well, the long term is that the entire political discourse changes in this country. I'd assumed that's the game that he and his supporters are playing.
I think the Labour Party are pretty much the last people to realise that the entire political discourse , especially between them and the working class had changed .
Three other Labour selections tonight -Ellie Reeves selected in Lewisham west(she is sister of rachel reeves and married to john cryer chair of plp.

Emma Hardy in Hull beating Sam Tarry and David Prescott -she is prob the least corbynista on the shortlist.

And Steph Peacock ,Watsons ex ,in Dughers rock solid Barnsley seat.

Doesnt sound like very good news for Jezza.
What a shame young people can't be bothered to vote. Lazy kids + old gits = tory vermin government.

Labour is solidly ahead of the Conservatives with voters under 40 years old, despite being more than 20 points behind in the polls overall, according to a significant new poll.

The mega-poll of nearly 13,000 voters by YouGov conducted over a two and a half week period found Jeremy Corbyn would be heading to Downing Street were the election decided by 18-40 year olds...

But Labour is well behind in the polls overall – by about 20 points – because of a significantly lower expected turnout among young voters and a huge generational divide.

Jeremy Corbyn would win the election if only people under-40 voted
So Jeremy shit himself at the prospect of being in a debate with Tim Farron. Giving up a chance to get in front of a large TV audience and to get stuck into May with no comeback. Spineless cunt needs to fuck off back to the back benches where he belongs. His referendum performance was so bad people thought it was deliberate. Seem they were wrong, he is that slow of thought and devoid of energy.

I remember when I used to think the left was where all the brightest and most energetic people were. There is more life in a fresh corpse than this shitfest we have been served up so far. Still at least Urban 75 can look forward with glee to all the seats Labour will loose. :thumbs:
Corbyn is ruling out a SNP/Lib dem coalition. A true voting deal could see The Lib Dems defeat May in madienhead, for example.

Jeremy Corbyn just ruled out any coalition with the SNP after the election

I sympathise even if the party under Corbyn wasn't in disarray, would be a big ask. And Farron announcing he'd go into coalition with the Tories (FFS( nearly killed the idea of such a coalition before it could be considered.

But Corbyn turning down the SNP is bollocks. Labour v Tories in a straight up fight? They'll get killed. Labour/SNP/Lib dem coalition is the only workable alternatives?
As it, get it all out in the open, Conservatives are Conservatives, Labour are Labour, none of this New Labour, third way stuff. If Corbyn goes he won't be replaced by another proper good candidate, it'll be back to the centre. So don't be defeated by one election loss and change all your policies back to "third way", stick at what you're doing and believe in what you're actually doing. If you're learning to ride a bike you don't give up when you fall off, you stick at it.
OK, I think I can see your argument now. But if you believe that a total collapse of the Labour vote will bring about what you want I think you're very much mistaken. If Labour only get 25% then either Corbyn will resign or someone will challenge him, and this time they'll probably win.

Three other Labour selections tonight -Ellie Reeves selected in Lewisham west(she is sister of rachel reeves and married to john cryer chair of plp.

Emma Hardy in Hull beating Sam Tarry and David Prescott -she is prob the least corbynista on the shortlist.

And Steph Peacock ,Watsons ex ,in Dughers rock solid Barnsley seat.
Great to see new talent, not linked to the old guard, coming through. Perfect example of why I won't vote Labour.
Plus I think any chance for him to get in front if the camera and talk would be good for Labour.

I think the only winner in a leaders debate without May would be Nicola Sturgeon - she'd wipe the floor with Farron and Corbyn.

Sadly I think the problem with Labour is that since Blair they seem to have lost the ability to put great communicators in charge. Whatever you think of Blair at the moment it would be hard to argue he wouldn't be making May look silly week in week out.

The Tories have the same issue but it isn't a problem for them at the moment.
Corbyn is ruling out a SNP/Lib dem coalition. A true voting deal could see The Lib Dems defeat May in madienhead, for example.

Jeremy Corbyn just ruled out any coalition with the SNP after the election

I sympathise even if the party under Corbyn wasn't in disarray, would be a big ask. And Farron announcing he'd go into coalition with the Tories (FFS( nearly killed the idea of such a coalition before it could be considered.

But Corbyn turning down the SNP is bollocks. Labour v Tories in a straight up fight? They'll get killed. Labour/SNP/Lib dem coalition is the only workable alternatives?

Hard to see what else he could do at this stage; we all saw what the Tories did with the idea in 2015 and to sign up for that before the election would destroy the party in Scotland and guarantee nothing in return - signing up with the Lib Dems would make sense, and that is a stupid idea as well.
Corbyn is ruling out a SNP/Lib dem coalition. A true voting deal could see The Lib Dems defeat May in madienhead, for example.

Jeremy Corbyn just ruled out any coalition with the SNP after the election

I sympathise even if the party under Corbyn wasn't in disarray, would be a big ask. And Farron announcing he'd go into coalition with the Tories (FFS( nearly killed the idea of such a coalition before it could be considered.

But Corbyn turning down the SNP is bollocks. Labour v Tories in a straight up fight? They'll get killed. Labour/SNP/Lib dem coalition is the only workable alternatives?

Firstly, the lib dems themselves have ruled out a coalition with Labour. It would look pretty weird/weak for Labour now to say they're in favour of it.

As for saying right now that an SNP coalition would be a good idea, that would just tell people that it's 'safe' to vote SNP if you want to keep the tories out. I know we all want JC to be Mr Honest, but this is one area where it would kind of be stupid to be honest.

All these statements on potential coalitions are pre-election positioning to try and get the most votes. I think it would be naïve to think they mean much. The one thing we know about is the lib-dem's record - they'll have no trouble going into coalition with the Tories. Anything else is hot air and speculation.
Firstly, the lib dems themselves have ruled out a coalition with Labour. It would look pretty weird/weak for Labour now to say they're in favour of it.

As for saying right now that an SNP coalition would be a good idea, that would just tell people that it's 'safe' to vote SNP if you want to keep the tories out. I know we all want JC to be Mr Honest, but this is one area where it would kind of be stupid to be honest.

All these statements on potential coalitions are pre-election positioning to try and get the most votes. I think it would be naïve to think they mean much. The one thing we know about is the lib-dem's record - they'll have no trouble going into coalition with the Tories. Anything else is hot air and speculation.

With the tories not really a factor in Scotland there's no reason for Labour not to run against the SNP. To do that Corbyn has to say 'no coalition' like Miliband did, but in reality if shaking hands with Sturgeon was gonna make him PM then he'd obviously do that. The SNP are probably closer to Corbyn's politics than Labour tbh.
With the tories not really a factor in Scotland there's no reason for Labour not to run against the SNP. To do that Corbyn has to say 'no coalition' like Miliband did, but in reality if shaking hands with Sturgeon was gonna make him PM then he'd obviously do that. The SNP are probably closer to Corbyn's politics than Labour tbh.
That's one of the may ironies for Corbyn, the only Parliamentary block in Britain close to his own project is a party that are bitter enemies with his own party - and don't even want to be in Britain. Admittedly though, it's not his only problem.
That's one of the may ironies for Corbyn, the only Parliamentary block in Britain close to his own project is a party that are bitter enemies with his own party - and don't even want to be in Britain. Admittedly though, it's not his only problem.

Ironies upon ironies for Corbs. He wants to be in charge of the state and its military apparatus. Get your head round that one.
Firstly, the lib dems themselves have ruled out a coalition with Labour. It would look pretty weird/weak for Labour now to say they're in favour of it.

As for saying right now that an SNP coalition would be a good idea, that would just tell people that it's 'safe' to vote SNP if you want to keep the tories out. I know we all want JC to be Mr Honest, but this is one area where it would kind of be stupid to be honest.

All these statements on potential coalitions are pre-election positioning to try and get the most votes. I think it would be naïve to think they mean much. The one thing we know about is the lib-dem's record - they'll have no trouble going into coalition with the Tories. Anything else is hot air and speculation.

I know, it was a long shot at the very start of the election, but it's the only tactic that should have worked. Unite everyone in a Grand 'anyone
but the tories" And it's not Corbyn's fault, Farron doomed it by talking about going into coalition with the Tories. But even the Lib dems know a good idea when they hear them

I cannot see Labour defeating the tories in a one and one contest, and thats the only thing stopping potentially the most disastrous Tory government since the last one.
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