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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Kebaking. Apart from the generously permitted "left" like Lewis or Rayner, who would YOU like to see join them as candidates?

Anyone who can manage shoelaces?

Did you read the polling results that butchersapron posted?

Corbyn is less trusted on the NHS than Theresa May - this is a spectacular achievement, akin only to being less trusted on equality issues than Heydrich's and less trusted on women's safety than Peter Sutcliffe.

There are Tory MP's looking at those polling results and asking if ComRes asked a load of Crystal Meth addicts their views - this isn't a policy issue, where time and time again the policy is popular well outside both the Corbynites and Labour, but it's the fatal problem that as soon as you attach the word 'Corbyn' to any policy, idea or principle, the electorate reject it out of hand, even if previously they'd liked it.
First principles suggest that Labour will betray the working class core voters whoever is leader, that's been the history. Corbyn is never going to match the charisma of a Tony Benn as a Left leader, that spark just aint there. He will know that, and he will certainly realise that the absence of that ingredient is quite undermining (Butchers' stats prove it). Its therefore essential for the political issues to become central, pushing the class perspective can surely work if its done consistently. If you are on the Left within Labour, there is nothing else, unless your hobby is promoting permanent internecine bloodspilling.
I feel the same about dickheads on the internet.

That's nice for you, dear.

Having had direct experience of the poor quality of the British army's officers, and of the "mad dog on a leash" posturing of members of the Parachute Regt (so big, so tough, when there's a dozen of them and four of you, not so tough when the odds are evens), I feel qualified to comment. :) Warrior Dan will be steeped in the mythology of his regt, and it will and does inform his politics.

I think his 'populist' style and ideas will begin to get through, but only to a point, his ideas maybe, perhaps not him as a leader: his big stumbling block is his inconsistency on how he comes across on the media(sometime he can be pretty sharp and incisive, then well, last week), but also his attitude to the military and crucially his procrastination on freedom of movement, etc, which he is a true believer in.
I think his 'populist' style and ideas will begin to get through, but only to a point, his ideas mau, perhaps not him as a leader:his big stumbling block is his inconsistency on how he comes across on the media(sometime he can be pretty sharp and incisive, then well, last week), but also his attitude to the military and crucially his procrastination on freedom of movement, etc, which he is a true believer in.
he doesn't have a populist style :facepalm:
his ideas are not populist :facepalm:
as you outline he has a number of stumbling blocks. but you seem to see them all as one :confused:
not sure that being a true believer in procrastination on freedom of movement etc is a good thing.

apart from that one of the better posts you've contributed.
Jeremy Corbyn has put income inequality on the agenda. But as I found out, reducing it is hard and is not a priority
A pay cap is not only unworkable, it also detracts from the goal of a fairer society | Will Hutton

Will Hutton there, telling folks that income inequality is not important.
I think his 'populist' style and ideas will begin to get through, but only to a point, his ideas maybe, perhaps not him as a leader: his big stumbling block is his inconsistency on how he comes across on the media(sometime he can be pretty sharp and incisive, then well, last week), but also his attitude to the military and crucially his procrastination on freedom of movement, etc, which he is a true believer in.
Each time I watch him I feel like I am a parent at a school nativity play hoping that my child doesn't fluff his lines
the number of Europeans living without enough money to heat their homes or cope with unforeseen expenses, known as “severe material deprivation”, rose by 7.5 million to 50 million people. These are among the 123 million people(1) - almost a quarter of the EU’s population – at risk of living in poverty, while the continent is home to 342 billionaires.

Maybe Oxfam hadn't "found out" that it is not a priority.
Increasing inequality plunging millions more Europeans into poverty | Oxfam International
It's a pity that whiz Owen Smith was robbed of his rightful position as Mandleson's puppet!

Who can forget "austerity is right"? Well let's just remind ourselves!
He says nothing of interest

He seems to think that becase he REALLY wants to achieve stuff - like ending poverty - it makes him both authentic and appealing to the working classes. His fanclub seem to also think this.

When asked if he has a programme or a plan to achieve his vision it seems to annoy him that such trifling details are even mentioned.

For a pensioner he is quite sulky/pissy imho.
Who would you like to see as his replacement, Smokeandmirrors?

I am sad to say that kebabking, when asked if he has a programme or a plan to achieve his vision (i.e. a new leader) it seems to annoy him that such trifling details are even mentioned.

You might not get so evasive and annoyed, however.:)
Who would you like to see as his replacement, Smokeandmirrors?

i know thay you're a complete cretin who can't read, but i'll give you another opportunity...

there are 231 Labour MP's. 230 of them could do a better job of being Leader of the Opposition than Corbyn, and 229 of them could present a more (to whatever degree) electable, potentially competant face to the electorate as a potential PM.

hope this helps.
See what I mean? Ask kebabking whom, from out of those 230 other Labout MPs, he would like to see replace Corbyn and he gets all abusive and angry.

And he still won't answer the question. Rather, he starts listing the possible candidates, and not his own preferred ones.

He won't even provide a shortlist of nominees that he would like to see.
it does seem like a lot of the trolling commentators from the independents comments sections have started coming here, some even have the same user ID
it does seem like a lot of the trolling commentators from the independents comments sections have started coming here, some even have the same user ID
Oddly enough, i did type out and delete that if i wanted to see that mikey mikey level of post i'd go to the guardian or independent comments sections.
I sometimes comment on the Guardian CiF, but very rarely, and I have even once or twice on the Indie.

Does that activity make one a troll?

Anyway, ruffneck23, who of the 230 other Labour MPs would you like to see replace Corbyn.
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