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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I think rather than describing it as a big issue it might help if we distinguished between something being an important issue (to us personally, or to a bunch of people here) and a politically significant issue.

The immediately politically significant education issue ATM is grammar schools, and I haven't seen, for instance, anyone involving themselves in that debate also arguing that (the abolition of) faith schools is something which needs to happen. This is why I was asking if JC (and lets open it up to anyone else within the LP as well) having anything to say about faith schools.

From what I've seen, the abolition of faith schools is not a significant political issue within the context of this thread or current British political discourse, nor (IMO) are they likely to become one, unless you have something specific to demonstrate they are.

Try abolishing faith schools in Scotland, and you will be lynched. The faith schools in Scotland are virtually 100% Roman Catholic, and it is a very sensitive subject.
None of your anecdata answers my question. So once again what is this "'lowest common denominator' socialist ideal" is when it's at home? What makes it socialist and where is the evidence of it being put forward....I haven't seen anyone calling for the banning of BMWs?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

OK, I'll put it another way. Dianne Abbott, a socialist politician, is opposed to selective education. Every child should go to a comprehensive school, well, the children of the plebs that is.

Her children are privately educated. A stunning endorsement of comprehensive education?

Gross hypocrisy of course, and a tacit admission that comprehensive schools are not the ideal.
there are as you say 370 faith schools in scotland, of which iirc 366 are catholic, 3 episcopalian, 1 jewish.

Funnily enough, my late father went to one of the Episcopalian schools, St Mary's in Dunblane. The family wasn't Episcopalian, but became so, in order that the children could attend the best school. That was damn near a century ago, he'd have been 101 this year, shows you how little things have changed.
Never a truer word. It is a potential clusterfuck. :(

This is kinda true. There's no safe course forward, taking everything into account. But the government seem to be busily painting itself into a hard brexit corner. This consolidates TM's position as Tory leader in the short term, but she was never under threat anyway. Apart from that, it seems like a bad negotiating position, politically unnecessary and unlikely to end well for her.
OK, I'll put it another way. Dianne Abbott, a socialist politician, is opposed to selective education. Every child should go to a comprehensive school, well, the children of the plebs that is.

Her children are privately educated. A stunning endorsement of comprehensive education?

Gross hypocrisy of course, and a tacit admission that comprehensive schools are not the ideal.

So Dianne Abbot is being hypocritical and no evidence of a "'lowest common denominator' socialist ideal" ...glad we've got that clear now.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
in actual Corbyn news...

the new Shadow Defence Secretary, Nia Griffith, has confirmed that Labour will support the renewal of the Trident missile submarine fleet.

Labour will continue to back Trident, shadow defence secretary says

the mischievous might wonder how long Corbyns' forth, and newly appointed, Shadow Defence Secretary will remain in post having commited the same the same offence as Corbyns' third, and short-lived Shadow Defence Secretary...
I've never been able to understand the infinitesimal differences between the various 'ist' groups in left wing politics, nor am I particularly interested.

Whether one is an adherent of Trotsky, Marx or Mao, the outcome is pretty much the same. Revolution isn't going to happen, nor is the far left ever going to attain more than a smidgen of political power via the ballot box.

To all, barring themselves, they are an irrelevance.

Please accept my humble apology in not being au fait with the bagful of splinters, and I fear I never will be.

As long as the splintering and infighting remains, there probably won't be a revolution. But I'd like to see one, all the same. If only to curb the vile tory smugness.
They were always a minority within the party, though. May, Hammond, etc, surely represent the tory mainstream. And that's why I would think she's secure. She would have won the leadership election if there had been one.

They are a minority - but there are enough of them to cause her serious problems (given the size of the Tory majority in the Commons) and, as Corbyn has found, the modernizing sort have a prominence in the media out of all proportion to their actual numbers. If unchallenged they will fill the media with sly digs and stories attacking her competence.

As an example, take Osborne's call for Heathrow expansion today - something which he didn't actually do himself for six years but for which there is apparently an overwhelming economic case.
I've never been able to understand the infinitesimal differences between the various 'ist' groups in left wing politics, nor am I particularly interested.

Whether one is an adherent of Trotsky, Marx or Mao, the outcome is pretty much the same. Revolution isn't going to happen, nor is the far left ever going to attain more than a smidgen of political power via the ballot box.

To all, barring themselves, they are an irrelevance.

Please accept my humble apology in not being au fait with the bagful of splinters, and I fear I never will be.


its the way he wears his ignorance like a badge of pride, wading about in threads he has zero to contribute to because, as he admits, he knows virtually nothing about the subject being discussed, but still thinks people want to hear what he has to say - the kind of lame, narcisistic f*ckwit you'd go to great lengths to avoid IRL
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its the way he wears his ignorance like a badge of pride, wading about in threads he has zero to contribute to because, as he admits, he knows virtually nothing about the subject being discussed, but still thinks people want to hear what he has to say - the kind of lame, narcisistic f*ckwit you'd go to great lengths to avoid IRL ( or possibly discreetly put on his mopey arse if really pushed / circumstances permitted )

That's quite an appraisal of Corbyn.
Whether one is an adherent of Trotsky, Marx or Mao, the outcome is pretty much the same. Revolution isn't going to happen, nor is the far left ever going to attain more than a smidgen of political power via the ballot box.

To all, barring themselves, they are an irrelevance.

This is actually pretty spot on unfortunately.
What's Paul Masons game ?

didnt think anything he said was particularly controversial tbh, shame it all happened, but Corbo seems a sensible, unegotistical type who hopefully doesn't believe the daft hype swirling around him, and will broadly agree with Mason on his own shortcomings / Lewis obvious potential etc

all these muppets rubbing their hands together with glee are buying into the ludicrous Cobo cult bollocks, ignoring the fact it's about so much more than him ( and will possibly outgrow/ouflank him / Mason or any of the rest of them over time).
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Not summat you want one of your most prominent, and generally competent, media performers (and prospective MP for Leigh) to be caught saying tho.

Still, the movement's the thing, civil society is more important than the state.
Not summat you want one of your most prominent, and generally competent, media performers (and prospective MP for Leigh) to be caught saying tho.

Still, the movement's the thing, civil society is more important than the state.
Has Mason won selection ?
its the way he wears his ignorance like a badge of pride, wading about in threads he has zero to contribute to because, as he admits, he knows virtually nothing about the subject being discussed, but still thinks people want to hear what he has to say - the kind of lame, narcisistic f*ckwit you'd go to great lengths to avoid IRL

My, how wounding.
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