Smash showy bell-bottom pants and sporty haircuts
But as Kevbad the Bad has said; if I can simply identify into womanhood, who are you or anyone to tell me that I'm a "man telling women how to do feminism"? Or maybe - like Eddie Izzard - I have a girl mode and a boy mode and I flip between them and some of my posts are by a woman, some by a man?
You can't 'simply' identify into womanhood though. The process takes two years and because of people like you the changes to the Gender Recognition Act have been dropped so you will also need to provide medical evidence of gender dysphoria and be signed off by a doctor. Which is what all this is actually about remember - that despite a government consultation that showed 80% of people support removing the requirement for medical evidence to transition, we continue to demand trans people provide medical evidence.
Eddie Izzard is hardly a representative example, is she? And in any case she's quite clear that she wants to be treated as a woman from now on - not to switch between boy and girl mode as you claim. Eddie Izzard: Comedian and actor opts to use pronouns 'she' and 'her'
There are trans people and there are non-binary people but there are not people demanding to be allowed to switch gender on a whim as you claim.
I am just baffled and depressed more than I can say about this. I know serious left wing people who are seriously talking about voting tory over this. WTAF?
Again, this is a complete fabrication. There are no serious left wing people considering voting Tory; that's completely oxymoronic.