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Is there a reason for the riots?

and the reason it isn't being reported is because journalists and their editors don't get turned on by that sort of thing. and participants aren't reporting it because you don't report everything you do in your life unless you're stanley edwards.
I'll give that a 'like' badge!
Good luck handing out flyers to people who mostly read Facebook and anti-arrest tactics in an area with a high petty crime rate.

Where would we be without ego? Who would we be?


I'm sure it is mind numbing for people to read. It's been pretty mind-numbing for the people involved.

But what's the alternative? Allow yourself to get shouted down by weight of numbers and eventually give up?
Where would we be without ego? Who would we be?


I'm sure it is mind numbing for people to read. It's been pretty mind-numbing for the people involved.

But what's the alternative? Allow yourself to get shouted down by weight of numbers and eventually give up?

There's little possibility of that happening to you, if only because your engagement with criticism is passing at best.
On a side note.... you realise that you live pretty close to me IRL?

Never in my life have I been more grateful for living in Sheffield.

I'm sure that if we all just listened to Kizmet more, just gave him more attention, looked at him, everything would be ok.

A few points for our self-obsessed friend:

1) It's incredibly fucking arrogant to tell people you've never met, about whom you know nothing, that they need to change the way they relate to people, that they are the problem.

2) What do you think would change if everyone on here, everyone who has read your tedious self-absorbed posts, started being nicer to people, or at least nicer to Kizmet, which is what you really want (if you can say what we do we can say what you want)? I'll tell you what - nothing. Apart from everyone who changed their behaviour will be shat on even more, because...

3) We live under capitalism, neoliberal capitalism, a particularly virulent form. Capitalist incentives are present in all areas of life. It's not about the motivations of individuals, it's about a system that incentivises selfishness and not giving a shit about others. For most people, acting 100% altruistically would mean going under in no time. So they are forced, by the system, to behave selfishly. A few of us changing what we do will achieve nothing, nothing whatsoever.

4) You want me to agree that people like me, my mum, my mates, my family, are to blame. Well we're not. There are massive power differentials in this society - those with more power are better coordinated and, obviously, more powerful - and they've used the economy to shape this society in their own image. You want me to say ordinary people, people whose main concern is just getting by, putting food on the table and trying to give their kids a decent start in life, should share the blame? Fuck right off you wittering numpty.

Yes, we should be attempting to create social spaces (god I hate that term used in this context but I can't think of a better one) that operate outside capitalism, but then again I'd wager most of the people you're insulting with your thought-free posts are already doing this. But "revolutions of consciousness", which is what you appear to be on about, are never self-causing. They are produced by changes in the material world that create new incentives and new ways of doing things. You may not think you're individualising things by making your non-arguments, but you are. To change the ways people act we must change the system itself - people simply aren't going to act how you want them to when everything in the real world is forcing them to do the opposite. That's just the way it is.

And since, as far as Kizmet's concerned, it's clearly OK to make wild assumptions about people you don't know, might I suggest that Kizmet stops masturbating in swimming pools so often and instead reads a history book?
1) Hypocrisy.
2) Stupidity.
3) Defeatism.
4) Shirking responsibility.

Nice speech, but no one's fooled.

You made wild assumptions with virtually every line. And said absolutely nothing except whinged how it's not your mums fault.

Well it is... she brought her son up to have a potty mouth. You're good at insults... but then you'd have to be if you are shit at everything else, I suppose.

Defense mechanism.

Yes, we should be attempting to create social spaces (god I hate that term used in this context but I can't think of a better one) that operate outside capitalism, but then again I'd wager most of the people you're insulting with your thought-free posts are already doing this. But "revolutions of consciousness", which is what you appear to be on about, are never self-causing. They are produced by changes in the material world that create new incentives and new ways of doing things. You may not think you're individualising things by making your non-arguments, but you are. To change the ways people act we must change the system itself - people simply aren't going to act how you want them to when everything in the real world is forcing them to do the opposite. That's just the way it is.

Everything else you wrote was just the recycled horseshit of impotence.

There is meat in this paragraph, though. Wanna discuss it? Or wanna keep trying to impress your mates?
Frankly, Kizmet, you're coming across as the kind of know-all self-righteous cock who people cross the street to avoid. The sort of person who used to form the backbone of the middle-membership of the Swappies, dreaming they were Alex Callinicos when actually they were more Gordon Brittas.
I don't particularly agree with Norman that Kizmet is some kind of evil incarnate, but I 100% agree with his sentiments about capitalism, systemic selfishness and the illusion of personal control.
Good luck handing out flyers to people who mostly read Facebook and anti-arrest tactics in an area with a high petty crime rate.


You know that we have been talking about how grassroots stuff doesn't get reported? Another reason is that some stuff has to JUST happen and not be advertised because it is sensitive. I say this now because in the way you are attacking a certain poster, I don't think you want to be doing. In fact, I think you personally would be doing the same thing and not boasting about it because, boasting is not the done thing for some activities....Please...back off a bit. SOme people, regardless of how you know/interact with them here are doing stuff that is meaningful.
Or perhaps, as certainly used to be the case with grassroots activism, you didn't really talk about it because it was perfectly normative behaviour?

Just seen this (reading backwards through the thread), yes of course, normal and sensitive, not stuff to make a song and dance about...some of it anyway.
Where would we be without ego? Who would we be?


I'm sure it is mind numbing for people to read. It's been pretty mind-numbing for the people involved.

But what's the alternative? Allow yourself to get shouted down by weight of numbers and eventually give up?

But your ego appears to be a shallow and reactionary wisp of an identity, with hints of a massive swaggering cock looming underneath
You know that we have been talking about how grassroots stuff doesn't get reported? Another reason is that some stuff has to JUST happen and not be advertised because it is sensitive. I say this now because in the way you are attacking a certain poster, I don't think you want to be doing. In fact, I think you personally would be doing the same thing and not boasting about it because, boasting is not the done thing for some activities....Please...back off a bit. SOme people, regardless of how you know/interact with them here are doing stuff that is meaningful.

What exactly are you asking me to back off from?

I responded directly to a comment from streathamite that was just as bad. But of course quoting me makes it seem like I'm the aggressor.
What exactly are you asking me to back off from?

I responded directly to a comment from streathamite that was just as bad. But of course quoting me makes it seem like I'm the aggressor.
I am asking you to back off from certain assumptions and statements you have made regarding x, y or z activities currently being done.

I am not taking sides in the on-going spat you are having with whomever. It has though, I feel spilled into areas that I think both yourself and others are broadly in agreement/support with/of and if a step back was taken in terms of the no you-no you-no but you-no but you are shit conversation this has descended into, the commonalities may well be seen in your positions/values/motivations/interests.

Hell, I am not going to post again on this thread until it returns to anything near the OP subject, which I think is an important one. Not a flounce, just an okay, can we move on type of thing.
Frankly, Kizmet, you're coming across as the kind of know-all self-righteous cock who people cross the street to avoid. The sort of person who used to form the backbone of the middle-membership of the Swappies, dreaming they were Alex Callinicos when actually they were more Gordon Brittas.

Heh. You basically gang up from the get-go and then complain when the target doesn't like it? :D

I feel safe in the knowledge that you've barely taken on board a word I've said in your rush to back up your mates... and so I can't be too bothered about your opinion of it.
Is there a reason for the riots?

is there a reason for this thread?

is there a reason for newsnight?

I guess newsnight came about because of a demand for a 'highbrow' more in depth look at the days news with additional commentary and debate provided by people with first hand experience of those events.

This thread came about for people to discuss newsnight

I don't think anyone here knows why the riots happened
I am not taking sides in the on-going spat you are having with whomever. It has though, I feel spilled into areas that I think both yourself and others are broadly in agreement/support with/of and if a step back was taken in terms of the no you-no you-not but you-no but you are shit conversation this has descended into, the commonalities may well be seen in your positions/values/motivations/interests.

Wasn't that my point - that most of us want broadly the same thing and need to be more accepting of each other and different methods?

If it wasn't for the grudge holders and the circle jerks of approval.... we'd all get somewhere.

And along came the grudge holders and circle jerkers to tell me I'm wrong and prove I'm right.
Heh. You basically gang up from the get-go and then complain when the target doesn't like it? :D

I feel safe in the knowledge that you've barely taken on board a word I've said in your rush to back up your mates... and so I can't be too bothered about your opinion of it.

You do like to make assumptions, don't you?

This isn't about backing up mates, and your willingness to play the "victim" card whenever people gainsay you illustrates that you know this isn't about backing up mates, either. It's about your dislike of being argued with or contradicted. You've done this before, cast aside peoples' opinions in favour of your own ill-defined ones, and then attacked them when they've asked "well, what do you actually mean, Kizmet?".

Feel safe in whatever "knowledge" you've garnered for yourself. It's all you'' listen to, after all.
You do like to make assumptions, don't you?

This isn't about backing up mates, and your willingness to play the "victim" card whenever people gainsay you illustrates that you know this isn't about backing up mates, either. It's about your dislike of being argued with or contradicted. You've done this before, cast aside peoples' opinions in favour of your own ill-defined ones, and then attacked them when they've asked "well, what do you actually mean, Kizmet?".

Feel safe in whatever "knowledge" you've garnered for yourself. It's all you'' listen to, after all.

Please... show me where this has happened. It should be easy.
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