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Is there a reason for the riots?

no, it isn't. the world is made up out of the haves and have-nots, the exploiters and the exploited, the rulers and the ruled.:

No.. I meant it literally, obviously... the world is made up of firemen, arsonists and fire prevention officers. And N-dubz.

It's called CAPITALISM, and we are now seeing the payback and blowback off a 30 year process of a naked, unconstrained variant on that which has destroyed all the things which gave british society shape, cohesion and binding values.

What you gonna do about it?
That's so blatantly untrue I'm actually a bit hurt.

Only a completely selfish arsehole could interpret my posts as blaming no-one. In fact I'm saying that we all have a responsibility to accept our share of how this society has ended up.

That nobody is blameless and that no matter what you think you do to fight the problems in society the real fight takes place everyday in your everyday interactions with people.


It's of absolutely no use to anyone to have an understanding of what brought us here if that doesn't lead to a change in behaviour, is it? And it won't while it always someone else's fault. So let's face it... it's not.

And up steps the most intolerant of them all....

No idea where to put this, but I guess it shows up the ongoing problems between police and the community

fascist cunts. and they wonder why people take a pop when they can....this bloke was doing nothing wrong and got assaulted, just like anyone with the temerity to observe or film the cunts does

perhaps that's why a good chunk of the population shout and cheer when they hear of coppers getting killed?
if i thought i could get away with it, i'd shank one of the motherfuckers, then go out celebrating. if i saw a pig lying on the ground i would piss on it.
note this is not a call for violence against the filth, just what i would like to do if the tables were turned
Yep, shows some of the shit the police have to put up with just for doing their job...
thanks for that. it's tricky when fascists don't have swastikas carved into their foreheads, however comments like this make it easy to identify you nonetheless
Why were they searching him?

Well, it was more of a 'funny comment' but I do note the video was uploaded yesterday following a few nights of 1000s of people attacking police so I wonder how you would react after all that? Are you gonna be scared? On edge?
i just know how i'd react AFTER that. with a shank, or a petrol bomb, or all of my mates on rampage
fascist cunts. and they wonder why people take a pop when they can....this bloke was doing nothing wrong and got assaulted, just like anyone with the temerity to observe or film the cunts does

perhaps that's why a good chunk of the population shout and cheer when they hear of coppers getting killed?
if i thought i could get away with it, i'd shank one of the motherfuckers, then go out celebrating. if i saw a pig lying on the ground i would piss on it.
note this is not a call for violence against the filth, just what i would like to do if the tables were turned

Given the second paragraph of your ACAB-fantasies this is probably a wasted effort, but did you actually watch the whole of that video?
Given the second paragraph of your ACAB-fantasies this is probably a wasted effort, but did you actually watch the whole of that video?
i watched all that was posted. i saw a police sas and a bystander filming. i saw that bystander assaulted by fascists
What is it he says to the police there again? "Get out of my way man", is it?
What the fuck are you defending the police in that clip for?

Seems like a classic case of police purposely escalating the situation. The reaction to 'get out of my way', which was followed incidentally by a reasoned and calm explanation of what the filmer was doing, was the obligatory 'calm down'. That's the prelude to violence from the police - the suspect was agitated, your honour. I thought he might be armed...
agricola, are you really going to try to defend this? Really?

Another person on here who I might have disagreed with in the past but who I thought had decent instincts. :(
Given the second paragraph of your ACAB-fantasies

how would you feel towards members of the kkk after they tried to lynch you?
or soldiers of the wehrmacht after your home has been invaded, and you've been beaten and throttled?

ftr a pig cunt tried to strangle me during a neighbourly parking dispute, attached solid bar handcuffs so tightly that the pain was unbelievable, picked me up by them and used them to inflict torture that left me with limited use of my hands for over a month. at no time was i even remotely threatening, and i had tried to leave the scene of the confrontation (a civil dispute) and was prevented from doing so.
upon arrival in custody i was released immediately, and the officer was merely asked to 'reflect on his actions' after i made an official complaint about the unprovoked assault

this coincides with a lifetime of harrassment, assault and aggravated burglary for the heinous crime of growing my own smoke. not selling it, not supplying anyone else, but that makes me fair game for every cunt in uniform
when i had my car stolen...didn't even merit a visit from plod
but growing my own smoke..aggravated burgalry and assault. strip searched and imprisoned.

so perhaps to you acab is the rallying cry of bedroom anarchists. to me it's the result of murderous rage towards the people trying to kill me, invade my home, traumatise my family and destroy my life, just for smoking ganja

acab, indeed.
anyone who is happy to deprive me of my freedom because of the daily fucking mail proscribed social policy, no fate is too bad for
And does anything happen before he says it that suggests why he might have done so? You want to play that game?

He has an unobstructed view of what is going on before he - the filmer - walks over to the PC and tells him to get out of the way.

gavman said:
how would you feel towards members of the kkk after they tried to lynch you?
or soldiers of the wehrmacht after your home has been invaded, and you've been beaten and throttled?

You are seriously claiming that this incident is akin to those two things?
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