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Is Sadiq Khan's banning of unrealistic body images a front for Islamic modesty?

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I have never seen this type of advertising here (apart from in imported magazines). Not because its some kind of caliphate or it has been banned but simply because it just would not be seen as acceptable and would not do the advertiser any favors. This does not mean it is a perfect land devoid of any isms but mainstream opinion is far more likely to fall the side of equality of all forms. You can see this evidenced in lots of little ways - as many men in the park with children as women, women reading the 'serious' news and contributing on issues like economics or engineering, men working in childcare and primary teaching and advertising which does not engage in the 'beach body' mentality. There is a current car advertisment which features a woman draped over a car but she is a middle aged comedian wearing a tracksuit attempting irony. Its more about evolution than religion isn't it?
I should also add the common response to tourist questions about gay bars or gay areas is to point to Reykjavik and say its all for all.
Well its not scientific I will give you that but it certainly what I hear from people - but of course you have to factor in the people you know and who says what. Of course there is Kikis which is a bit specific but do you mean you dont find things more equitable than in the UK? I know directly and indirectly several people who have remained here due to the more relaxed atmosphere around issues like sexuality.
Well its not scientific I will give you that but it certainly what I hear from people - but of course you have to factor in the people you know and who says what. Of course there is Kikis which is a bit specific but do you mean you dont find things more equitable than in the UK? I know directly and indirectly several people who have remained here due to the more relaxed atmosphere around issues like sexuality.

I'm saying that if you ask someone in London where the gay bars are, they are not going to point to Reykjavik. ;)
This thread is racist shit. I hate seeing it in the recent posts lists, and I wish people would stop bumping it for any reason except to point out Greebozz's racism. If you want to have a discussion about body image in advertising could I suggest you start a thread that isn't racist to do it on?

no this thread is not racist shit. there may be posts in it to which you object, there may be posts in it which contain racist views. but to describe the thread as racist shit means that it is pervaded by racism, that there has been no effort within it to combat the racism purveyed in the op. that's obviously not the case, and your demand people stop posting (bumping) on it does you no credit.
This thread is racist shit. I hate seeing it in the recent posts lists, and I wish people would stop bumping it for any reason except to point out Greebozz's racism. If you want to have a discussion about body image in advertising could I suggest you start a thread that isn't racist to do it on?


There is an 'ignore thread' button.
I have never seen this type of advertising here (apart from in imported magazines). Not because its some kind of caliphate or it has been banned but simply because it just would not be seen as acceptable and would not do the advertiser any favors. This does not mean it is a perfect land devoid of any isms but mainstream opinion is far more likely to fall the side of equality of all forms. You can see this evidenced in lots of little ways - as many men in the park with children as women, women reading the 'serious' news and contributing on issues like economics or engineering, men working in childcare and primary teaching and advertising which does not engage in the 'beach body' mentality. There is a current car advertisment which features a woman draped over a car but she is a middle aged comedian wearing a tracksuit attempting irony. Its more about evolution than religion isn't it?

yeah, but you live in a place where 90% or so of women went on strike to demand recognition of all the unpaid shit they did. which makes my feminist leg hairs do a happy dance.
Absolutely vile "point of view" on this in today's times from Giles Coren

Basically sexy adverts motivate fat wasters to lose weight.
Absolutely vile "point of view" on this in today's times from Giles Coren

Basically sexy adverts motivate fat wasters to lose weight.

whreras back in reality, the rest of us know that for most people, fat shaming is completely counterproductive to weight loss and that weight is just the most easily measurable and visible indicator of health. it is a hell of a long way from the only one.
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