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Is Sadiq Khan's banning of unrealistic body images a front for Islamic modesty?

If true, could this policy be described as burqas by the back door. :)

Here's a burqa by the back door...

London mayor plans negative body image advert ban on Tube, buses and trains - BBC News

"As part of his mayoral election manifesto Sadiq Khan pledged to ban adverts promoting "unhealthy or unrealistic" body images."

Seems a bit odd to me, I wonder if it is to pander to conservative Islamic communities. It's not a huge big deal but if this policy is a front for something else, then it is.

It seems "a bit odd" to you, because you're an Islam-obsessed, Islamophobe racist cunt, you Islam-obsessed, Islamophobe racist cunt.
Why does it seem odd to you? Have you not been aware of criticism of adverts that engage in body shaming? The "beach ready" thing?

I was aware of that particular instance even though I hadn't seen the adverts (independently of the story), which I understand were primarily on the London underground. So if I was aware (someone who can count his visits to London on one hand), it was obviously a sizeable story.

As for the wider issue of the advertising industry promoting a certain body image, surely you were aware of these criticisms?

Also, given that Khan is effectively the numero uno honcho over TfL, dictating that advertising they accept not be of a certain type, is within his remit. Ken did similar with fag ads on buses and tubes back in the GLC days.
London mayor plans negative body image advert ban on Tube, buses and trains - BBC News

"As part of his mayoral election manifesto Sadiq Khan pledged to ban adverts promoting "unhealthy or unrealistic" body images."

Seems a bit odd to me, I wonder if it is to pander to conservative Islamic communities. It's not a huge big deal but if this policy is a front for something else, then it is.

it's clearly pandering to all those evil feminazis. but calling it that will just make you look like more of a twat, so it's got to be labelled as something else to be attacked.
I dunno, is Greebozz 's concern about this issue a front for islamophobic bigotry? or a front for anger at not having naked women on display at all times? or a front for a worryingly poor sense of humour?

In the past Greebozz (who from the name I always assume is Greebo's evil and stupid alter ego, which might help to explain why the real Greebo is always so pleasant, wise and reasonable) has always been a purveyor of unironic, unreconstructed, does-what-it-says-on-the-tin complete bullshit. I fear this thead is no exception.
In the past Greebozz (who from the name I always assume is Greebo's evil and stupid alter ego, which might help to explain why the real Greebo is always so pleasant, wise and reasonable) has always been a purveyor of unironic, unreconstructed, does-what-it-says-on-the-tin complete bullshit. I fear this thead is no exception.

Greebo's husband was last seen rolling around on the floor, helpless with laughter... ;)
If true, could this policy be described as burqas by the back door. :)

I'm pretty sure we already had a whole other thread devoted to a certain poster's belated discovery of that issue.

Also, why are you still posting here, you trolling racist cunt?
There's a huge difference between enforcing modesty and banning unrealistic body images

What the OP is effectively saying is that its not possible to be immodest if you have a realistic body image. Which is a lot more offensive than they're realising.
London mayor plans negative body image advert ban on Tube, buses and trains - BBC News

"As part of his mayoral election manifesto Sadiq Khan pledged to ban adverts promoting "unhealthy or unrealistic" body images."

Seems a bit odd to me, I wonder if it is to pander to conservative Islamic communities. It's not a huge big deal but if this policy is a front for something else, then it is.
on the plus side we won't see your slobbering unnatural face gurning out at us from posters on the tube
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