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Is Sadiq Khan's banning of unrealistic body images a front for Islamic modesty?

London mayor plans negative body image advert ban on Tube, buses and trains - BBC News

"As part of his mayoral election manifesto Sadiq Khan pledged to ban adverts promoting "unhealthy or unrealistic" body images."

Seems a bit odd to me, I wonder if it is to pander to conservative Islamic communities. It's not a huge big deal but if this policy is a front for something else, then it is.
So I take it you also approve of body-shaming? How about eating disorders?

You haven't got a clue, trollboy.
<<<confession : it immediately crossed my mind when i saw the headline - think I'm just so inherently distrustful of him,his " pro business" shctick ( which is nailed on to mean he never does a single thing about housing / social housing quotas in new devpts etc ) I instinctively head for most reactionary / hidden agenda scenario - no excuses tho :( >>>>
London mayor plans negative body image advert ban on Tube, buses and trains - BBC News

"As part of his mayoral election manifesto Sadiq Khan pledged to ban adverts promoting "unhealthy or unrealistic" body images."

Seems a bit odd to me, I wonder if it is to pander to conservative Islamic communities. It's not a huge big deal but if this policy is a front for something else, then it is.
Of course it's fucking not. This campaign has been going on for ages and is widely supported.
Seems a bit odd to me
Why does it seem odd to you? Have you not been aware of criticism of adverts that engage in body shaming? The "beach ready" thing?

I was aware of that particular instance even though I hadn't seen the adverts (independently of the story), which I understand were primarily on the London underground. So if I was aware (someone who can count his visits to London on one hand), it was obviously a sizeable story.

As for the wider issue of the advertising industry promoting a certain body image, surely you were aware of these criticisms?
<<<confession : it immediately crossed my mind when i saw the headline - think I'm just so inherently distrustful of him,his " pro business" shctick ( which is nailed on to mean he never does a single thing about housing / social housing quotas in new devpts etc ) I instinctively head for most reactionary / hidden agenda scenario - no excuses tho :( >>>>
It's certainly worth asking why any pro-business politician would take such a stance. What's in it for him? Why him, why now? Is he really just the first pro-feminist mayor any city has ever had?

Nothing wrong with being cynical.
If he were pandering to a certain group of people would he also not ban advertisments for alcohol and insist that the people in the adverts be modestly attired as opposed to nearly naked?
While I have sympathies with the sentiment behind it, I'm not sure how this is going to be implemented and who gets to decide what constitutes a body shaming image. In the end this is going to run into the same trouble as all censorship.

I don't think this is some "Islamic conspiracy". It doesn't focus on amount of skin being shown, but on body shape and text.
While I have sympathies with the sentiment behind it, I'm not sure how this is going to be implemented and who gets to decide what constitutes a body shaming image. In the end this is going to run into the same trouble as all censorship.

They have been deciding whether adverts meet existing policies for a long time. For example, they already have people deciding whether adverts "depict children in a sexual manner". Isn't it outrageous?
They have been deciding whether adverts meet existing policies for a long time. For example, they already have people deciding whether adverts "depict children in a sexual manner". Isn't it outrageous?
Not outrageous, just difficult and laden with pitfalls.
This is banned from buses too:


It's all to do with them muslamic-ray-guns down in that London, that is.

Greebozz seen giving an interview recently:

Greebozz seen giving an interview recently:

As patently ignorant as the OP is I don't really think it's appropriate to post up this 'hahaha lol at the poor thicko!!' video, especially since he mentions the systemic rape of children which was covered up for so long in no small part on the back of dehumanising attitudes like that. How little has been learnt.

Not suggesting that that is what you are getting at with the vid I am sure it isn't but it has been used that way

edit: don't read the comments section on that video :(
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It's certainly worth asking why any pro-business politician would take such a stance. What's in it for him? Why him, why now? Is he really just the first pro-feminist mayor any city has ever had?

Nothing wrong with being cynical.
It's something that costs no money/effort to do and makes it look like he's doing something/listening to his leftwing/feminist supporters. Much easier to do this than to address way more important issues that actually cost money/political effort.

And who's going to be policing this and how? (When I heard about this I literally went :rolleyes:.)
If true, could this policy be described as burqas by the back door. :)
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