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Is Reading Marx Necessary?

Mutual Aid is just as abstract/concrete as Capital. :D

I mean, that’s my position having actually read and enjoyed them both. :thumbs:

Ahhhh but Marx`s Capital is dialectic where as Korpotkin`s Mutual Aid provides a scientific basis.

The Utopian
The basis of pragmatism has sometimes been formulated, “The truth (or the good) is what works.”
To pragmatists, this does not mean that “the truth” is what makes us feel good in the short term, or that
“the good” is what is immediately expedient. By “works,” it means works overall, over time, and for a
community of inquirers. Nor does the formula mean that there is no objective reality. Exactly the contrary. A
hypothesis can only be said to work if it somehow matches with independent reality. A key can only work
to open a lock if it fits the lock, which does not
mean that it looks like (or “represents”) the lock
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In his own words....

Marx said:
“The chief defect of all previous materialism (...) is that things, reality, sensuousness, are conceived only in the form of the object, or contemplation, but not as sensuous human activity, practice, not subjectively....The active side was set forth abstractly by idealism....The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question. Man must prove the truth, i.e. the reality and power, the this-worldliness of his thinking in practice. The dispute over the reality or non-reality of thinking which is isolated from practice is a purely scholastic question....The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the
point is to change it.”
and in yours?

Your better off working with contemporary analysis than outdated dogma .


Ok maybe outdated and dogma is going a little too far when talking about Capital.. but my point is Pragmatism trumps Idealism.
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Das Capital is abstract and so by definition ideological.

Your better off working with contemporary analysis than outdated dogma .


Ok maybe outdated and dogma is going a little too far when talking about Capital.. but my point is Pragmatism trumps Idealism.

You're all over the place.

What on earth are you on about with this pragmatism vs. idealism thing you keep going on about? And then you say Marx is outdated, but then go on about Bakunin and Kropotkin? You mention Assange as being more contemporary, and so useful, but can't point to one thing that illustrates your point?
Assange is a journalist/activist. This in it`s own right is a very real and substantial continual criticism of the existing system that is obviously more immediately useful when understanding capitalism now.

Assange has absolutely fuck all useful to say about capital and/or radical left wing politics and struggle. If you think he has please feel free to post a link or quote here.

I'm an anarchist btw, although anarchists like you are the main reason I hesitate to call myself one so much nowadays without a fuck tonne of clarification afterwards.
Showing your ignorance people. Maybe you should pay more attention to current affairs than to outdated idealism.

das kapital or just capital. Calling it das capital makes you sound like someone who knows nothing of the book.

I have only read Das Capital.
So rather than addressing my arguments you have adopted the resort to idiotic slurring route. This to me indicates you can not address my points.:p
Is reading Marx necessary?

In my case, no. I've become very successful in business without reading a word of it.
Of course, if you want to wallow in poorness, perhaps it is necessary.
Corrected for you

Your grasp of English is as strong as your grasp of Marxism, flaccid

You smell :p

Well I can't remember the specifics but it's good to think of elephants as social caring animals rather than the more militaristic depiction of them in Disney's The Jungle Book?

And you smell as well.

Kropotkin said:
Association and mutual aid are the rule with mammals.

This was attained through scientific observation.
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