danny la rouge
I have a cheese grater in the dishwasher.
Jesus. What are you even on about? I'm an anarchist. I value Marx's critique of capital. His insight, his incision, his rigour. You seem to have some half-cocked confusion about what Marx actually focussed on in his writing. It suggests to me you actually haven't read much Marx, as opposed to reading about him. You almost certainly haven't read the Critique of the Gotha Programme. (It's included in Euegene Kamenka's anthology, but it's hardly his best-known piece of writing. Were it not for Marxism-Leninism's interpretation, you wouldn't know about it). But that's the only place he talked in any detail about the transition; the dictatorship of the proletariat. Yet that's your main concern.No. You and the rest of your arrogant tosser, ineffective fucking communists are embarrassing.
Anarchists : Shall we have a revolution
Commie: No we need a transitional period.
over and over again.
You seem also to be forgetting that Chomsky read Marx and valued his insight. But for you to compare the two is bonkers. They have completely different foci. I value many of Chomsky's insights. I've even corresponded with him. He has deeply disappointed me on Syria, but for you to set up this bizarre binary that one either likes Marx or Chomsky just can't be based on having read either very closely!
I have you on ignore because you come out with this vacuous bollocks. When this thread kept being bumped I took you off ignore to see what was going on. I'm sorry I did, because you're an empty vessel.