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Is India's idea of "fit for human habitation" different from everybody else's?

Athletes are pulling out.

HEALTH AND safety fears have prompted some Commonwealth Games athletes to withdraw from the two-week event that opens in the Indian capital on October 3rd.

Unfinished and leaking stadiums, uninhabitable living quarters for more than 7,000 participants, collapsing pedestrian bridges, questionable security and cases of dengue fever and malaria have plagued the final preparations.

Australia’s world discus champion Dani Samuels and English world triple jump champion Phillips Idowu have both pulled out of the games, citing health and safety concerns, and Australia’s sports minister Mark Arbib said more athletes from his country might follow.

“I can’t afford to risk my safety in the slightest. Sorry people, but I have children to think about. My safety is more important to them than a medal,” Idowu said in a Twitter message.

is there some authority that has to audit the CG sites like they do before the Olympics or the Football World Cup? there must be some body that is responsible for the facilities oversight? the Queen or Prince Charles?
and just how long have they had to plan for the Commonwealth Games?
oh ffs! believe it or not, 'whether they make a good show of running the poor man's olympics' is NOT the acid test of whether a nation is a 'mickey mouse' country or not.
The indian economy is - after China's the woerld's fastest growing, and INDia will be an industrial superpower within 30 years - tops.
Their IT industry is already 4 years ahead of us, they are walloping europe in shipbuilding, steelmaking, heavy engineering - you name it. A new millionaire is being created practically every day in India. Ever heard of Tata? Wipro? Infosys? HCL? Cognisant?
No? Then more fool you - they're the future planetary overlords, and all Indian.
I'd drop the 'mickey mouse' stuff, were I you. There's every chance that your kids will be working for a 'mickey mouse' employer.
oh ffs! believe it or not, 'whether they make a good show of running the poor man's olympics' is NOT the acid test of whether a nation is a 'mickey mouse' country or not.
The indian economy is - after China's the woerld's fastest growing, and INDia will be an industrial superpower within 30 years - tops.
Their IT industry is already 4 years ahead of us, they are walloping europe in shipbuilding, steelmaking, heavy engineering - you name it. A new millionaire is being created practically every day in India. Ever heard of Tata? Wipro? Infosys? HCL? Cognisant?
No? Then more fool you - they're the future planetary overlords, and all Indian.
I'd drop the 'mickey mouse' stuff, were I you. There's every chance that your kids will be working for a 'mickey mouse' employer.

It would never happen here, would it?

Terminal 5, Millennium Dome aside :p

Both of those were brought in roughly on time. Its just that the dome was a massive overspend and Terminal 5 didnt work, they've fixed that now. We always get it done on time (Wembley was an aussie company), its just normally expensive and a bit shit.
Apparently the roof that was supposed to have collapsed was just a few ceiling tiles.

Not so significant perhaps.
oh ffs! believe it or not, 'whether they make a good show of running the poor man's olympics' is NOT the acid test of whether a nation is a 'mickey mouse' country or not.
The indian economy is - after China's the woerld's fastest growing, and INDia will be an industrial superpower within 30 years - tops.
Their IT industry is already 4 years ahead of us, they are walloping europe in shipbuilding, steelmaking, heavy engineering - you name it. A new millionaire is being created practically every day in India. Ever heard of Tata? Wipro? Infosys? HCL? Cognisant?
No? Then more fool you - they're the future planetary overlords, and all Indian.
I'd drop the 'mickey mouse' stuff, were I you. There's every chance that your kids will be working for a 'mickey mouse' employer.

obviously your hygiene standards are a little below mine
Maylasia hosted the games in 98 and India has previously hosted world cup cricket tournaments and the IPL, India has the ability to host a proper games and to 'plumb toilets', its the orginisers who are to blame here.

A plague on your reasoned and rational reply! How dare you reveal gunneradt's claims to be born of prejudice rather than reason! :mad: :mad:
Well it seems they are pulling their fingers out - at the last minute - and after the Prime Minister got involved - and now lots of people are saying the atheletes village is fine and dandy.

So now there is just terrorism to worry about and apparently they are going to cope with that thread by among other things saturating the area with police and making it nigh on impossible for anyone to get around at all.
Their IT industry is already 4 years ahead of us.

:rolleyes: Not a fucking hope, they are cheap to outsource to thats it. Myself and many others played the game using Indian outsourcing across a broad scope of applications. I've never seen one piece of IT work returned that was suitable to give to a customer. Its pretty much a third world country, there are also some cultural concerns regarding work. My experience has been that in Indian culture its a big taboo to say you are not capable of doing something. Its seen to be better in India to take on a job/commitment you dont have a hope of completing and fuck it up rather than have to admit you are not capable. That pretty much looks like exactly what has happened to the games.
Quite a lot gets built and done in India. The Indian "yes" is certainly an enormous pain in the arse, but presumably Indian project managers are used to working around it.
You know with India being such a shite country (according to some on this thread) at everything and they still manage to post up 7% plus growth in the economy year on year, and that's through the biggest recession since the 1930....

Imagine what it'll be like when it's well run. The mind boggles.

As for all you smug people, lets not forget, The British Library (ten years late, vastly over budget) The Dome (say no more), the NHS IT upgrade (cost billions and got scrapped?) Wembly Stadium (late and over budget and STILL not right) ect ect ect
:rolleyes: Not a fucking hope, they are cheap to outsource to thats it. Myself and many others played the game using Indian outsourcing across a broad scope of applications. I've never seen one piece of IT work returned that was suitable to give to a customer. Its pretty much a third world country, there are also some cultural concerns regarding work. My experience has been that in Indian culture its a big taboo to say you are not capable of doing something. Its seen to be better in India to take on a job/commitment you dont have a hope of completing and fuck it up rather than have to admit you are not capable. That pretty much looks like exactly what has happened to the games.

This sounds depressingly familiar. While there are some very smart people and well-run companies in India, they tend to get lost in the sea of blah-blah men, opportunists and data thieves.

The impressive growth we're seeing in India is only to be expected from a country that has only recently swept Gandhian principles aside, unleashing the beast of smash 'n' grab capitalism on an unsuspecting population and their environment. The rich are merely the crust on this septic tank of seething corruption, squalor and misery.
This sounds depressingly familiar. While there are some very smart people and well-run companies in India, they tend to get lost in the sea of blah-blah men, opportunists and data thieves.

The impressive growth we're seeing in India is only to be expected from a country that has only recently swept Gandhian principles aside, unleashing the beast of smash 'n' grab capitalism on an unsuspecting population and their environment. The rich are merely the crust on this septic tank of seething corruption, squalor and misery.

It really has got better over the past 40 years. Ordinary people are living much better lives. This economic boom is here to stay and more people will benifit, not enough I grant you, but that's the case throughout the world not just India.

EDIT to add...Feel free to quote me in ten years time if Indias boom is as crap as you say it is..
:rolleyes: Not a fucking hope, they are cheap to outsource to thats it. Myself and many others played the game using Indian outsourcing across a broad scope of applications. I've never seen one piece of IT work returned that was suitable to give to a customer. Its pretty much a third world country, there are also some cultural concerns regarding work. My experience has been that in Indian culture its a big taboo to say you are not capable of doing something. Its seen to be better in India to take on a job/commitment you dont have a hope of completing and fuck it up rather than have to admit you are not capable. That pretty much looks like exactly what has happened to the games.
I have to say - speaking as an IT recruiter - that runs very much contrary to my experience. The indian candidates on HSMP which pass my desk are streets ahead of their British counterparts - and that aplies to developers, analysts, project managers, networking people, you name it.
Also - so how come the huge growth of Wipro, cognizant, reliant infotech, HCL, Tata etc? why is there not one UK hi-tech firm to rank with these? (excepting possibly BT, I grant you)
Just to think from the birthplace of the wheel to couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery. The poor people of Delhi being evicted and their shanty town homes being bulldozed is more of an issue than the accomadation of the partisipants of a sports event.
Just to think from the birthplace of the wheel to couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery. The poor people of Delhi being evicted and their shanty town homes being bulldozed is more of an issue than the accomadation of the partisipants of a sports event.

Fuck me, this thread is so anti India.
Somehow it seems fit for human competition. Still, the media got a narrative out of that bogus representation for a few days.
Where have I been anti India? I'm stating facts not fiction or anti anything.

So you think just because of a few problems pre-opening of the games (which opened ON TIME with a spectacular sucessful show) a whole nation "couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery" is not anti ALL of India.

Shall I judge this country on Wembley or The British Library, or the Railway network....ect ect? It would be stupid to do so.

And the wheel was invented by the Sumarians not Indians (btw)
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